Hello my lovelies I hope you're all well and welcome to blogust day sixteen! So for today's post I wanted to do some random facts that you guys don't know about me. So these are just random little things that I've not spoken about here on my blog and also just random little things about me that I know and I know that I do and feel etc that you guys don't. So I thought this would be a fun way to share these with you. Also, funnily enough we all know the classic tag on Instagram called 'the 20 facts about me tag' and earlier today I was tagged in that by one of my good IG friends, @hannahsimpxo. Coincidence? I dunno but I thought it was pretty strange how the day I'm going to do a facts about me post I get tagged in a post to do one *twilight zone music plays*
Over on my IG I've done a more basic facts about me so if you want to go and check that out feel free to click my link in my header or type in @katiej0hnson into your IG search bar. Anyway, if you guys want to know some random facts about me then please keep on reading.
1. After eating a fast food meal or a big meal at a restaurant I get the urge to sneeze
2. My favourite nail varnish colours are deep reds
3. When I was younger I cut off my full fringe because I didn't like it
4. Vanilla is my favourite scent and flavour
5. However, my favourite ice cream flavour is Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie
6. I've had weird experiences that I can't explain... (coming soon in a future post)
7. My favourite step in my makeup is when it's finished and it all comes together
8. If I wasn't studying drama I'd probably choose to study psychology
9. I have double jointed fingers which means I can bend my thumb and pinky finger to be flat to make a bridge shape
10. My feet are one of my best features
11. Having said that, I love wearing boots
12. If I could wear jumpers everyday I would
13. I'm obsessed with true crime/ missing person case videos - Kendall Rae's and Buzzfeed Blue's are my favourites
14. I 100% believe in aliens and the paranormal
15. Dark colours look best on me - blacks, burgundy's, greys, navy blues etc
16. Deep smokey autumnal makeup looks best on my eyes - browns, deep reds, golds, coppers etc
17. I've never taken drugs or smoked
18. My body physically never lets me swallow pills no matter how small they may be
19. I have a strong disliking for Cara Delevingne
20. The Devil Wears Prada is my favourite film
21. Before my iPhone I only had Samsung phones
22. I love all the songs covered by Glee even though I've never watched Glee
23. I'd rather go on a winter holiday to Finland or Iceland than a summer holiday to Spain or Turkey
24. I'd rather wear skirts over shorts
25. I've never drove a car
26. After not being in a car for a while (a few months) the next time I go in one I seem to get a bit travel sick
27. The James Woods murder mystery is my favourite episode of Family Guy
28. My favourite pizza is the pepperoni one with pepperoni sauce in the crust from Chicago Town
29. Not Going Out is one of my favourite shows
30. I've been wearing glasses since I was 5/6
31. And the reason I had to wear them was because I ran into a wooden pole in our house and I couldn't see it
32. Crisp cold air is my favourite weather
33. I sleep in the recovery position
34. When I walk my feet are dead straight
35. Paranormal Witness is one of my favourite shows
36. Falling Slowly from Once The Musical is one of my favourite songs
37. I constantly twirl my hair around my fingers
38. Choices, Episode, and Hooked are my three favourite apps
39. I'm so tall that my ankles are always fully exposed whenever I wear leggings
40. Bourneville chocolate is one of my favourites
41. I always have colds but I never get physically sick
42. Our attic door freaks me out at night
43. I love staying up all night to see the sunrise - that feeling when no one else is awake but you
44. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time is my favourite theatre show
45. I want to spend a night with friends in a haunted house
46. When I know I need to get back up to clean my teeth and go to loo before I fall asleep properly; when I'm half asleep my mind makes me have a nightmare in order to physically wake back up
47. I was meant to be born the 6th of May but I was actually born on the 7th - a day late - which must be the reason I'm late to everything else in my life
48. I've never been bothered or felt the need to watch the show Friends
49. I've never watched Pretty Little Liars but I really want to
50. The only two high end makeup products I own are Urban Decay's Naked 3 and Naked Smokey palette
51. My best subject in school was actually English
52. I prefer to wear jeggings than jeans
53. Mango sorbet is one of my favourite desserts
54. I'm a creature of habit when it comes to restaurants - every restaurant I go to I have a certain thing I always order and I order that same thing every time I go
55. When I was younger it was my dream to go on XFactor and win the show
56. My favourite song right now is Life in Colour by One Republic
57. One of my favourite books is Pictures of Lily by Paige Toon
58. I never got the hype about John Green's books The Fault in Our Stars & Looking For Alaska
59. My ears and feet are the parts of my body that are usually always cold
60. Mirrors creep me out at night
61. I believe in your gut you can predict something or feel certain things before your mind has come to a conclusion
62. I hate the sound of the freezer draw against the ice inside the freezer - makes my skin crawl
63. One of my favourite shows is How to Get Away with Murder
Well my lovelies I think that is all I can think of for random facts that you most likely don't know about me. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me even more than you already do.
Don't forget to check out my IG post over on @katiej0hnson if you wanna see 20 extra facts about me! And don't forget to go and check out Hannah's Instagram over on @hannahsimpxo. She's so lovely and her IG is so close to 1,000 so go over there and give her some love!
And don't forget to give my social media accounts some love, all of my links are in my header if you wanna give me a follow. I'd appreciate it so much you guys.
Thank you for reading and I shall see you all again tomorrow for another one.

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