Hello my lovelies I hope you are all well and are having a lovely weekend and of course, welcome to blogust day nineteen and twenty! Apologies for being a bit AWOL for the past few of days I just needed a little break. I am absolutely loving doing blogust for you guys and I'm glad that you're loving it too! But because I've had 31 posts planned out for this entire month, obviously that's a lot to do in just one month, it means that I have days where I'm not motivated to do that certain post on the day it was planned for which is what has happened over the last couple of days. So I'm gonna go back and review the schedule and figure out what it is I really wanna post this week to make the most out of the last 11/12 days for you guys to enjoy.
Anyway back to today (Saturday). So what have you guys been doing this weekend? We had a bit of a spontaneous weekend. Had a lovely fried breakfast with bacon, sausage, eggs, beans, tinned tomatoes, fried bread, and a coffee to start off our day. Then I got ready for the day and we took a little shopping trip to Stratford this afternoon. I purchased so many lovely clothes which will be shared with you all very soon. I think I will post the haul on Tuesday so that way I can try it all on for you guys to see. As you all seemed to really like my previous try on haul and I really loved doing it too. Once we were finished shopping we drove home and had a Burger King for dinner, delicious!
So what else been happening in my life recently? Aside from doing blogust I really haven't been up to much else. As my friends are working and some of them are on holiday at the minute but I'm sure we'll catch up next week or the week after. But I finally decided what I wanted to do with my hair *confetti canon goes off with a massive applause.* So for those of you who have been keeping up with all of the posts on here as well as my Instagram then you'll know I've been at a massive stop point of what to do with my hair. So I've had my ombre now for nearly 2 and a half years I wanna say and I've decided I am going to keep the ombre for at least another year. So the last time I lightened my hair until recently was December and like I said previously, I played with a few wash out coloured hair dyes which made my ombre be a little bit inconsistent. So some days it would be there and other days it wouldn't but for the most part it was all faded apart from the very ends of my hair. So I left it just plain brown as at that point it was all my natural hair colour which is quite a dark ashy kind of brown I would say. I was mainly at a loss about what to do with it for a while because I couldn't find my lightening hair jelly, I don't know if it's been discontinued or what but luckily I found one bottle in a shop on holiday. So I had that for when I decided what I wanted to do. I asked a few of my girls and the majority of them said ombre it again but I didn't want to do what I did before. So I decided instead of having just two colours in my hair, my natural brown and then the fade into the blonde ombre. I wanted three colours in my hair, my natural hair, a warm sunkissed brown, and then the blonde ombre at the ends of my hair. And with the jelly product I use it's really easy to create different looks as it literally lightens your hair in just 5 uses.
And with that decision made, the end of last week as well as throughout this week I have been lightening my hair again. So what I've been doing is applying it closer to the roots of my hair but not directly on the roots and then just blending it in all over my hair, the top layer and the underneath layer. And you know like when you ruffle up your hair with your hands and fingers to give it more volume? Well to get a really nice and natural looking fade and transition that is what I do between each section so the ombre isn't harsh as I'm personally not about that look. I much prefer a nice blended ombre. I've applied quite a bit on in each application. So the first couple of squeezes of product are mainly focused on the top half of my hair and then I'll run that through to the bottom. But then to make sure the blonde is coming through I've been taking a little bit extra product and concentrating it on the ends so it's not just all a warm brown colour. Now after 5 uses just like the box says my hair is much lighter. I'm running out of that bottle already but that's probably because I'm near enough using it over my whole head now instead of just the ends of my hair. So I think I may have to see if I can find another bottle some where. Now it's really hard to see an actual change in a photo of my hair but in real life as a whole it is much lighter and because I've noticed it so much more today than any other day this week, I need to transition the change from my ashy brown shade to this warm brown chestnut kind of colour. My roots are obviously still my natural colour because of my eyebrows and what not as they're pretty dark. I don't know whether to get my eyebrow product in the medium brown shade just to see if it looks any better with my hair now. But I'll see, I don't think it looks horrendous with dark eyebrows as my roots are still dark anyway but I think it's because now the majority of my hair is super warm toned. So I'll have a play around and see what I prefer but I'm super happy with it and I think it's going to look stunning in the autumn months to come. I'm going to see how much I have left in my bottle and apply some more to the ends just to give that blonde a little something extra.
This image from Pinterest is the best I could find to slightly represent my hair at the moment. Those highlights of really warm brown is what I have on the majority of my head at the minute with the blonde ombre at the bottom. But that is the hair update for you guys as I know I've been really um-ing and ah-ing with what I've been wanting to do with it. But I'm happy I've decided to stay with my ombre for at least one more year; I think the colour is going to look gorgeous in autumn amongst all of the changing colours to browns and reds etc. Obviously by this time next year who knows what I'll wanna do with it. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Let me know in the comments if you guys have changed up your hair recently or are going to change up your hair soon.
Honestly that is all I really have to update you guys on. I have a few other interesting areas I want to talk about but I think they'd be better for a Coffee Chats post because I know I'll be discussing one area and then it'll stem off onto another area and so on and so on and so on...
So I'm gonna save all of that for next week as I might do the Coffee Chats on Wednesday. As I know obviously on Monday we've got another instalment of Mindful Mondays and I'm so glad you guys are liking that new series as I just love it. I'm not sure what will happen in the next chapter but I know I want it to be more discussion based and like teaching/ learning and openness kind of vibe as we all know this weeks was quite intense. So yeah, I'm thinking in the upcoming week: Mindful Monday, Try on Haul, Coffee Chats, Rainbow or
Sunset Makeup Tutorial, and that's all I've thought of for the plan a head. I will most likely make a final decision tomorrow (Sunday) before Monday rolls around. But legit though, how is it almost the end of August? It feels like it was only yesterday that August began. It's just crazy to me how fast the summer has gone as obviously all you guys at school go back at the start of September and how is that only 2 weeks away?! And if that has gone fast for me I can't even imagine how quickly it has gone for you guys who are still at school, especially considering I don't go back to uni until end of September.
However though, I am actually so excited for September because I want autumn to hurry up. I've got so many lush autumn clothes and at the minute I feel like I can't always wear them because although it's not super super hot, it's been quite sunny whenever I've been out recently. Which isn't the life I'm about considering I've got all these gorgeous jumpers I want to wear! And plus today when I've been shopping, there's so many beautiful autumn pieces out right now, especially in New Look might I add. They're killing the game already and autumns not even started. They had this gorgeous warm orange brown soft velvet kind of jacket and the temptation to buy it was strong but it was not super cheap. Oh my god, also, one of the items I noticed today was that denim skirts are making a come back which I think is so exciting. I really want to get a new denim skater skirt as I used to have one but I grew out of it and then after 2014 I could never find any nice and well fitted skater skirts again which I'm so gutted about as they're my favourite skirts to wear! I'm not a big fan of A line denim skirts just because they're always really tight and because of that it means the chub rub with my curvy figure is a big fat no. I think denim skirts with boots in autumn look lush and I really wanna be that kind of woman this autumn. But I really need to find a shop that does nice denim skater skirts as well as some really nice chunky boots. If any of you guys know where I could invest in their of these things please leave me a comment down below!
Also, if you guys want to have a browse at New Look's new autumn range (which you should!) then just click here.
I also really need to get a couple of new pairs of boots. I've always wanted a pair of Chelsea type boots because I love the chunkiness of them - they're always much comfier. And I desperately need a new pair of snow boots. I have a white pair of boots that are fluffy inside and they are my all time favourite winter shoes. They're comfy, chunky, and go with any autumn/ winter outfit. I'm so sadden though as my current ones are slightly starting to wear away and aren't very water proof anymore because I've had them for so long and worn them so often throughout autumn and winter over the years. I preferably want to get a new pair and I want them to be white. I'm going to start having a browse around and see if I can find a pair similar to my pair that I currently have as I love them so much. They're honestly my holy grail autumn and winter shoes. So if you guys know anywhere where I could find a white pair of winter snow boots, please let me know in the comments!
And that's everything right now my lovelies. I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend and are excited for the blogust week ahead. I still can't believe it's the last 11 days of blogust, oh my god!
But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this little update and chit chat.
Don't forget to follow me on all my social medias linked above in my header to keep up to date with everything I'm doing and it would mean so much to me!
Thank you all for reading and I'll see you tomorrow for a Mindful Mondays lovelies.
I also really need to get a couple of new pairs of boots. I've always wanted a pair of Chelsea type boots because I love the chunkiness of them - they're always much comfier. And I desperately need a new pair of snow boots. I have a white pair of boots that are fluffy inside and they are my all time favourite winter shoes. They're comfy, chunky, and go with any autumn/ winter outfit. I'm so sadden though as my current ones are slightly starting to wear away and aren't very water proof anymore because I've had them for so long and worn them so often throughout autumn and winter over the years. I preferably want to get a new pair and I want them to be white. I'm going to start having a browse around and see if I can find a pair similar to my pair that I currently have as I love them so much. They're honestly my holy grail autumn and winter shoes. So if you guys know anywhere where I could find a white pair of winter snow boots, please let me know in the comments!
And that's everything right now my lovelies. I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend and are excited for the blogust week ahead. I still can't believe it's the last 11 days of blogust, oh my god!
But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this little update and chit chat.
Don't forget to follow me on all my social medias linked above in my header to keep up to date with everything I'm doing and it would mean so much to me!
Thank you all for reading and I'll see you tomorrow for a Mindful Mondays lovelies.

You're doing so well with blogging everyday, it's such a challenge! I've just had a look at New Look's Autumn stuff and it's really great, I can't wait for Autumn!xx
ReplyDeleteHannah | luxuryblush
Thank you so much my lovely! That means so much to hear. It's been a fun challenge though, can't believe it's going to be over in just under 2 weeks! Where has the time gone?!
DeleteThat's how I felt. I feel like New Look are really upping their game with everything right now. Neither can I, I'm so excited to wear all my jumpers with jeans and boots and scarfs! Haha xxx