Hello my lovelies I hope you're well and welcome to blogust day ten! As if this has already been going on for ten days already. But I hope you guys have been enjoying it so far, I know that I have. I've still got some awesome posts planned for you over the next three weeks from today which I'm so excited for so stay tuned for it all. But first, back to today's post. So this post idea actually came from my cousin Lucy so thank you so much for the idea my lovely. As you can see from the title I am going to be telling you the 25 things I want to do before I turn 25. Pretty self-explanatory so let's just get straight into it.
(note: these are in no particular order)
1. Be in a professional theatre show
5. Create a home ware range
Well we've done two out of three already so we may as well do all three!
If you guys couldn't already gather I love home ware. I just love it! I don't know what it is but I think it was definitely to do with moving to uni as I got to buy all of these cute things for my room and redecorate a new space. I think I'm gonna have a change up in my current uni room when I go back and maybe even get some new home ware bits and bobs as there's some great new ranges out right now or coming out. I'm really excited for Zoe's new home ware range. If you guys haven't checked it out you definitely should!
But yeah, I love copper/ rose gold, marble, pink, and white all paired together. Instagrammable or what? But yeah I'd love to create a home ware range including all of those five elements as they look stunning together. If I ever had the opportunity I'd leap at the chance.
6. Release music
I have dreamt about becoming a singer since I was a little girl and it's definitely still a dream I have to this day. Like performing, singing is something that has always been with me and I genuinely don't know what I would do if I couldn't sing. Like I've been doing it for so long that I can't imagine not being able to sing. I don't show it off to you guys very often but singing was actually what I was going to do on my YouTube way back in the day when I first got it but I never uploaded a video. If/ when I do start doing YouTube is singing something that you guys would like me to incorporate on my channel?
But yeah, I'd really love to release an album or sing live or obviously be in musicals etc.
7. Start my own theatre company

1. Be in a professional theatre show
Obviously as I study drama and want to perform it is pretty self explanatory that I want to be in a professional theatre show. Whether it's on a tiny stage or the west end if I perform in shows on stage that will be absolutely everything to me because honestly doing drama is the biggest passion of my life. Without acting, singing, and dancing I honestly would be absolutely lost.
2. Start a YouTube channel
Now technically I already have a YouTube channel as it's linked in my header and I've had it for years but I don't really use it. But over the past couple of years and this year especially I have had people ask me if I do YouTube and then when I say no a lot of people have said that I should and some of my friends and family have said I should. But the main reason I've never done it is because for me it's never felt like "the right time" and I know some of you are thinking how can anything be "the right time". But to me I know in my heart that right this second isn't the time for me to be doing YouTube. I've just got other elements in my life right now that I'm choosing to prioritise at the minute. But, I've never ruled it out. As of right this second for me it's not "the right time" but I can feel it inside my heart that, that time is soon going to come. I feel like in the next year and half maybe I will start but it honestly depends where I am at after graduation. Who knows, never say never guys.
3. Make a makeup range
Now this one I've mentioned before in a previous post quite a long time ago now. But as we know, I adore makeup and would love to make a makeup range. I'd love to do the full works from foundation to eyeshadow to lipstick. I wanna do it all. Now I already know that this goal is going to take a lot of time and it's going to take a while to get there. But I have always been a dreamer since I was younger and you know, never give up on your dreams my lovelies.
4. Design a clothing range
This one I've actually never mentioned before because this is something I've been thinking about very recently. So if you guys have been seeing on my Instagram story or even on my blog, I've been doing a lot of clothing shopping lately. I think fashion at the minute has so many interesting pieces and patterns; I honestly don't know what type of fashion is going to be in throughout autumn this year but I'm excited to see what it is. But anyway, I love clothes!
I am a more curvy/bigger girl as I am a size 18-20 and I'm tall but I honestly feel like there's not many great fashion pieces for girls my size. Don't get me wrong I have really nice clothes that I really love but a lot of the time when there is a piece I really love it doesn't fit because it's either too clingy, too fitted at the bottom, or the item itself isn't made to fit girls my size and that bloody sucks. I'd love to create a range of clothes that cater to girls my size but also clothes that are really nice and high fashion. But not only for girls my size, I'd love to create it for every size as every size is beautiful. So from like size 4 - size 30 (or however big I would be allowed to make it). As I think sometimes people think that fashion is only for people who are slim and when I was a bit younger I used to be one of those people and that is 100% not true. Fashion is for every one regardless what size you are. And being able to wear gorgeous fashion items and clothes shouldn't depend on the size you are.
5. Create a home ware range
Well we've done two out of three already so we may as well do all three!
If you guys couldn't already gather I love home ware. I just love it! I don't know what it is but I think it was definitely to do with moving to uni as I got to buy all of these cute things for my room and redecorate a new space. I think I'm gonna have a change up in my current uni room when I go back and maybe even get some new home ware bits and bobs as there's some great new ranges out right now or coming out. I'm really excited for Zoe's new home ware range. If you guys haven't checked it out you definitely should!
But yeah, I love copper/ rose gold, marble, pink, and white all paired together. Instagrammable or what? But yeah I'd love to create a home ware range including all of those five elements as they look stunning together. If I ever had the opportunity I'd leap at the chance.
6. Release music
I have dreamt about becoming a singer since I was a little girl and it's definitely still a dream I have to this day. Like performing, singing is something that has always been with me and I genuinely don't know what I would do if I couldn't sing. Like I've been doing it for so long that I can't imagine not being able to sing. I don't show it off to you guys very often but singing was actually what I was going to do on my YouTube way back in the day when I first got it but I never uploaded a video. If/ when I do start doing YouTube is singing something that you guys would like me to incorporate on my channel?
But yeah, I'd really love to release an album or sing live or obviously be in musicals etc.
7. Start my own theatre company

I'd love to do this as I love theatre. I've got so many musicals/ theatre shows I'd love to direct and put on my own version at some point. This has been a goal ever since doing directing in college. My friend Heather and I have been planning a musical since like first/ second year of college. We haven't written it but we have all of the plot, characters, set, songs, costumes, relationships etc all planned out. I'm not gonna say what it is as I don't want anyone to steal the idea, sorry guys. But I really hope we get to put it on one day in the future.
And in this company in particular I'd love for it to have a youth theatre group as well as a professional side. I think it'd be good for young people to have more opportunities to get into more professional work earlier on if they're interested. I'd probably want the youth side to go from 12/13 - 25. The majority of youth groups I've been in stop at 19 as you're technically an adult at 20 but let me tell you I don't feel like one. I don't know what would happen with payment and all things like that but I guess that's something I'll learn more about as I get older.
I'd also love to have a "teaching" element to it. So like acting classes, singing classes, dancing classes, behind the scenes classes and workshops etc. The one thing going to Chester uni to do their drama course has taught me it's best to create well rounded performers who know how to perform and do all of the behind the scene work so that if we ever do performances we can set up our own stuff - we don't need a whole team. So I guess really what I'm trying to create is a type of theatre school for young people to get involved with.
Now honestly and realistically, I know I wont be able to do all this before I'm 25. But I feel like this is a project I'd love to really get into and build up as I grow up after graduation and learn even more about the industry I want to work in. But I don't think this will become a thing until I'm settled some where and living somewhere permanent with a team that can help me in all of these areas. As you know, I'm good at some elements but not everything. I'm only one human and I know that I need to do a lot more performing and behind the scenes working before I will ever be able to achieve this goal. But I really believe I can do it.
8. Write a book
Like many other bloggers and YouTuber's I really want to write a book. I really love to read and I feel like I don't actually do it enough. Although I love fiction books and stories and characters etc I don't think I'd ever be able to write a fiction book but then again I have to write scripts and characters etc so who really knows. But I've always imagined writing a non-fiction book to talk about my life essentially. Just about like how I've grown up and the things I've learned and all that jazz. But do it through the different stages of life, e.g. volume 1 - the teens, volume 2 - the twenties, volume 3 - the thirties etc. Maybe something along those lines, that would be absolutely amazing if I ever had the opportunity to do that. But I mean only time will tell.
9. Star in a movie/ TV show
Obviously with being a drama student it's pretty clear one day I would love to star in a film or TV show. One show I would've loved to have been on through this time period of my life was definitely The Vampire Diaries. I just love it and I'm gutted it's over now. I still haven't watched the season 8 finale though so no spoilers people!
But if I could star in anything like Stranger Things, How To Get Away With Murder, The Crown, Once Upon A Time, or anything to do with comedy would be incredible. I just love performing, gah so much.
10. Get a tattoo
I think this is on the majority of young peoples bucket lists. Everyone has at least one tattoo now a days or people want one. Some of my uni friends have already started getting tattoos as we're at that age now where it's our choice and obviously we have our own money (sort of). And I am definitely in the majority of young people who want a tattoo. I have wanted one since I was like 14 or something but obviously my tastes have changed a lot since then. I think the reason I haven't got one yet is because one, I couldn't afford it. Tattoos are expensive people even if you get a small one. Two I change my mind all the time. For example recently I saw this adorable cactus tattoo on Pinterest and now I wanna get that. But there is one tattoo I've been wanting to get for a good two years now and that is probably the one that has actually stuck in my head unlike the others. So that will be the one I'll most likely get done first but I just don't know when. I'm thinking maybe for my 21st birthday so this goal will probably be ticked off super soon. But I would love to get more tattoos in the future, ha I'm saying this and I haven't even got one yet. Oh god, right moving on.
11. Dye my hair a different colour
Now if you didn't know I've never actually dyed my hair. Yes I've lightened it which obviously requires a certain amount of bleach but the product I use isn't as harsh on your hair as it's a jelly consistency. But apart from having blonde ombre I've never properly dyed it.
If you read a few posts a go you'll know I really didn't know what to do with my hair as in the past few months I've played around with a lot of the colourista wash out hair dyes from L'Oreal and I think they're fab and so fun. But I think I've finally decided that I'm going to ombre my hair again. But what I'm going to do is do the ombre higher so I can have three colours in my hair - so obviously my roots which are brown then go into a lighter brown and then have that fade into blonde. The product I use is really easy to use so this shouldn't be too much of a challenge to do, especially because my hair is basically just brown now the only bit of blonde it has is the very ends. So I'm going to start that process again tonight and I'll probably document that on my Instagram.
But although I love my ombre I have had it for a good two years now and now we'll be going on three when I redo it again. But I know in my mind I do want to change it soon but I'm just not ready for that commitment because once I dye it I can't use my hair lightener again as it only works on non-dyed hair. But my friend Katie was recently thinking about cutting her hair shorter and I was like you should as it'd look really nice. And she said she might do after uni has finished as like a sign of a new start. And I think I'm going to do the same. So for a while I've been debating of getting auburn ombre put into my hair for like the autumn/ winter time. Which I really do want to do but I'm going to do it after graduation to symbolise a "new chapter" in my life.
11. Witness the northern lights

One of my biggest dreams is to go and stay in Finland in one of these glass igloos and see the northern lights. This is one of those things you only probably get to experience once in a life time as I know to go and do this isn't going to be cheap. But I love the world and all it's beauty in things like this and I love winter so this would be perfect place for me to go. I really hope I get the chance to do it in the future before 25 or even after. It's one of those dreams that you just find and then you never really let it go.
13. Travel to Amsterdam
I can't remember when I didn't want to travel to Amsterdam to be honest. I feel like it's a place that every young twenty something wants to visit at least once. The photography alone of this gorgeous city is enough to make me want to go there. But to me this is a really unique city because of the way its all along a canal and all the pretty cafes etc. But reasons I'd love to go is not just for the Instagrammable photos (surprisingly) but the majority of people there speak English so wouldn't have any trouble communicating with people as I have no idea how to speak Dutch, it's the perfect opportunity to visit as many gorgeous cafes, to go to the Anne Frank house, it doesn't get too hot as I'm not a summer lover and I can't stand heat, the markets there are incredible. Honestly I could say more but we'll be here forever and we've got 12 more things to get through. But yeah, I really wanna go, desperately.
14. Travel to Paris
Sticking with the theme of travel, I wanna go to Paris. Again another highly popular travel destinations for young twenty somethings as well as couples. I've only ever drove through France and I barely saw anything so I don't think that counts as visiting it. Again, the photography I've seen of Paris is enough for me to want to go. But it's easy to get to, there's obviously the Eiffel tower, they have incredible food, shopping is taken hella seriously over there, there's so much art work and history in all the museums, for the croissants, Disney land is there, and the macaroons! Now I think about it macaroons should've been a separate goal...
But I've always wanted to try them and I can't find them anywhere in the UK! If any knows a good place to get proper macaroons over here please let me know in the comments. But yeah, I really wanna go to Paris.
15. Get an apartment
I think getting an apartment is a bit of an essential as no offence to my parents, I don't want to live with them my whole life. To be honest I don't plan to live in my home town after uni just because I like having my own place. Obviously I will not be able to afford an apartment on my own because I ain't gonna be that rich straight off the bat from uni and I am no way gonna be able to afford a house for a good few years either. But I know that a few of us want to stay in Chester for a little while after graduation and I do to. I really enjoy living there, I don't know if I'll be there for my whole entire life but as of this moment now. I'm happy to stay there as long as I feel in my heart that I want to.
16. Go on a girls holiday
Going on a girls holiday/ a friend holiday. Isn't this just something everyone does with their friends sooner or later. I've never been on holiday with friends anywhere so it'd be really nice, this will more than likely happen after graduation.
17. Buy a telescope
Ever since I was little I've always wanted a telescope so I could look up to the night sky and see the stars but actually really see the stars. I never really knew back then why I wanted this so much but I always knew these were too expensive to put on my Christmas list. But I really would love to have one as we all know how much I love space.
17. Learn to drive and buy a car
For those of you who don't know, I still don't know how to drive. I know a lot of people my age already know how to drive and have a car. But when I turned 17 so many people around me couldn't wait to learn to drive and I just wasn't bothered. I never had that passion to want to drive really. And then when I turned 18 there was no point as in a few months time I was going off to uni and I couldn't afford a car anyway. But learning to drive is eventually just something we all do I suppose and I guess within the next five years at some point I'll get bored of taking the train. But yeah.
19. Become a live art teacher / lecturer
You guys will know by now how much I love live art and I know this one will take a while. I'll probably have to go and do a masters in order to do this one. Or if I do not become a live art teacher/ lecturer then I'd love to be like a "mindfulness coach" I don't even know if those things are a thing but I'll make it one! Haha. If I do this eventually I will probably be passed 25 but it's something I want to bare in mind as for the next year it's still going to be playing a big part in my life and probably past that as we've started Mindful Mondays on my blog now and I hope you guys will like it. If you haven't seen that post yet then you can check it out here: http://katielouisejohnson.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/blogust-mindful-mondays-what-is-live.html
So yeah, who knows. Can't predict the future.
20. Adopt a cat/ cats
If you guys didn't know already I absolutely love cats. Now if you've been here since the beginning, all the way back four years ago then you'll know that I used to have a cat. His name was Jeffrey and he was literally my best friend, I absolutely loved him, and the amount of time he was in my life was when I went through a hard time so he was always there for me. On the 24th of December in 2013 Jeffrey sadly passed away as he got really ill but we didn't want him to suffer anymore than he already was and we decided the best choice was to put him to sleep. Obviously it was really sad and I was gutted but I knew it was what was best for him. He really was my best pal as he had the ability to always cheer me up when I was down and he used to love it when I would come home and he'd come and sit with me etc. He meant the world to me and I still miss him to this day.
He actually came to us randomly one day and he didn't want to leave. He just kept coming back so we kept him and he became ours and he was apart of the family. It was so nice because it was almost as if we adopted him in a way as he was a stray to our knowledge.
I'd love to get another cat in the future or a couple of cats in the future and of course I'd love to adopt them. There are probably hundreds of beautiful cats that all need loving homes in cat shelters and at some point in the future I'd love to be someone who can take them home and give them all of the love and happiness they deserve. I'd urge anyone to adopt a pet instead of getting one from a breeder, not that there is any problem with that, but there's something more rewarding about adopting a pet and giving them that happy life they deserve.
21. Study psychology
I probably wont ever do a full on degree in psychology or anything but I'm so interested in how our brains work and we react to certain things or why we think the things we do. I just find it so fascinating. I notice I'm really good at judging why people do things (not in a bad way obvs) and I'm really good at judging sides of situations from people to people. And honestly psychology is great for people who do drama as it can give you a deeper understanding of how a character you're playing, how their brain would work and why they do certain things they do etc. I just find it all really interesting. More than likely it'll be a little thing I do along side something in the future.
22. Give back to others
I'd love to be able to give back to other people. I don't mean just family or friends, I mean anyone. I'd love to be able to do something for the less fortunate in the future and do something for other people. I like to make other people happy and give people a lift so I want to channel that and do something for other people because I think it's nice.
23. Get fitter
I essentially just want to get fitter. I'm not talking about losing crazy amounts of weight or anything but I do need to get fitter to live a little bit healthier. One thing I've noticed recently I'm not snacking in the day anymore and I'm not eating as much chocolate at the minute. I don't know why I just seem to not be feeling the need to eat it that often. It may be because I'm relaxed and not stressed or busy 24/7 so I don't need that sugar rush to keep me going. But as I get older I know I'm gonna have to get better at eating healthier and doing more exercise etc. It's just at the minute I'm not motivated to and that's okay as I know one day I will be. And everyone needs to remember that losing a load of weight wont necessarily make you 100% better. It might make you feel slightly more confident and improve your mood but it will never you know make you 100% happy if you weren't already happy with yourself in the first place.
24. Bake more often
I love to bake but I don't do it enough. I find it lovely when you have a free day to yourself just to have fun and bake. I love doing it with friends; I find it really therapeutic but I really don't do it enough. I want to bake lots of different things than just cakes and if I wanna do that I gotta bake more often and discover more recipes, haha.
25. Attend a floating lantern event like in Tangled
This is again one of those once in a life time events that you just dream of doing and yeah. I do hope I get the chance to go and do this. I have no idea where I could go and see this kind of event, I need to do more research. But to me can you just imagine being immersed in that environment and having people come together for whatever reason to release a lantern into the sky. It's one of those events where a picture just wouldn't do it justice and it's more beautiful to just live in the moment of it. I really want to do more things like that.
Well my lovelies that is it for this post. I hope you enjoyed and enjoyed finding out the things I'd love to do before 25. When I turn 25 I might do another one of these like '30 things I want to do before 30' and we can review and see if any of these things listed have happened yet or are in the process of happening. I think that would be really cool.
Like always don't forget to follow me on all my social medias linked above in my header. I'd be so grateful.
And as always, I'll see you again tomorrow for another brand new one.
Bye for now my lovelies.

I love that you've stayed true to yourself with these and know exactly what you want to achieve in life! Here's hoping that you'll get there my lovely
ReplyDelete-El x
Awh thank you so much my lovely. I hope I get there too and all of you guys will be taken along for the ride. So I'll keep you updated.
DeleteThank you so much for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed.
Oooh, I'll check out your blog my lovely! Thank you for including your link in the comment. xxx
There are so many amazing goals here, and I hope you reach them all! I still don't know how to drive either, but I really need to learn how to. Great post lovely xx
ReplyDeleteHannah | luxuryblush
Thank you so much lovely and fingers crossed! If/ when I reach them all of you guys will be along for the ride and I'll defo let you all know!
DeleteOh really? Haha, well you're not alone. I'm sure I'll learn at some point after uni is finished. Thanks so much girlie xxx