Hello my lovelies and welcome to blogust day eight. I hope everyone is well and has had a good start to the week. I'm back today with one of my most beloved post series on my blog and that is of course a Coffee Chats. I felt like it has been ages since I've done one of these so of course it's time for an update in my life and to just talk about a manner of different things. But before we start, I've got a cold coffee today which is my classic Maxwell House cappuccino mixed with milk. As well as a Belvita breakfast chocolate chip cookie - these are my life and I eat them all the time. Let me know in the comments what coffee you're drinking.
So firstly, where the hell did July even go? Honestly it felt like July just flew by in a flash and poof now were in August. Like what even? I honestly can't believe when I go back to uni I am going to be going into my third year. What?! Seriously, I still feel like a first year. But if any of you guys reading are going into first year then I just want to wish you all the best with moving in and the year in general. You'll have such a blast as I did in my first year. Try not to worry too much about your grades, it's first year. All you have to do is get enough marks to go into second year. My first year was pretty much just trail and error but the friendships I made meant much more than any grade could.
If you follow me on Instagram then you'll already know that overall for second year I actually achieved 63% which is a 2:1 and I am over the moon. I think I've gone up about 9 marks from last year which is amazing and judging by the way my grades have been looking, logically *touch wood* I should be able to get a high 2:1 or a low 1:1 overall for third year which would be absolutely amazing. I am really excited to see what third year brings my way even though I know it's going to go by so fast and I am going to have to treasure every second of it with my second family. I can't wait to be reunited with them in over a month.
In other news not much else has been happening, the job front is still looking non-existent for me. I've applied for so many but had no luck whatsoever which is frustrating and it's annoying but I'm not gonna let it bother me. You guys know me and like I always say whatever will be will be. Soon though I am going to get looking for when I am back up in Chester, especially because Christmas is just around the corner (which I am so excited about by the way). But it does mean I can put all of my focus into Blogust for you guys which is actually going really well so far. I'm so happy that you guys are really liking it with all of the reads, comments, and love. Which just makes me want to keep on doing more and more which is awesome. You guys will never know how much it all means to me.
Life update wise that is pretty much it but I have got a lot more that I want to talk about that I've got a little agenda on my phone. So let's just get straight into it.
Whether you're into makeup or not I'm sure the majority of you will have heard of this palette. Before it got released I know a lot of people were really excited as it's the "sister" to the Modern Renaissance palette. I also know that the Modern Renaissance palette is widely popular and is loved by many people, some even saying it's their "favourite palette of all time", and it probably is the product that everyone knows Anastasia Beverly Hills for. So needless to say everyone was excited when they found out that Subculture was coming out because so many people raved about the MR palette and expected it to be as amazing as it's "sister" is. Now I never got the MR palette because I already had some palettes with similar colours in, so I can't really say too much. But I know that a lot of people love it. And then this palette came out and it's had an extreme amount of mixed reviews.
I personally really like the look of this palette, I think this is a great palette for creating a range of different looks because of all the different shades. Which would make it perfect for travelling. Now obviously I can't say too much as I don't have the palette myself but from what I've seen the reviews have been all ends of the spectrum. I feel like now it's been equally balanced between positive and negative. But for the most part from what I've seen it's kind of been in the middle. So some people have said the palette hasn't been the best but it's got some good shades in and then other people have said it's been not worth the month whatsoever and a small amount of people have said it's worked really well for them. I would really like to try the palette myself to see my own opinions but I can't justify spending over £30.00 on a palette that might not even work for me. I don't know, if you guys have tried it or want me to try it let me know your opinions in the comments down below.
So the next two things I'm going to talk about are quite ranty as these two things that people have said have just really annoyed me. So the first thing is actually by a girl called Sophie Milner who goes by the name Fashion Slave on Instagram and YouTube. Now I do quite like her, I like her pictures and her style, and I really enjoy watching her Instagram stories. Recently on her stories she has been mentioning how she was having laser eye surgery which took place like last week I think. But apparently the week leading up to having the surgery you have to wear your glasses instead of contact lenses. Anyway on her story she was going on about how she was going out one night last week and she obviously couldn't wear her contact lenses so she had to wear her glasses but she said something along the lines of "you know when you just want to look your best and then you can't because you've gotta wear your glasses" or something like that. And I know it's obviously all personal, she's allowed to say whatever she wants to and if they don't make herself feel confident that's fine. But the way she put it across felt like just because she's got to wear her glasses means she's not gonna look nice whatsoever. And what annoyed me the most was how she said she can't wear a certain type of makeup because she's got to wear her glasses. Excuse me? Since when do glasses depend on what type of makeup you can wear? Comments like this just really fuck me off because as child I always got called four eyes and a teenager (under 15) I felt like I wasn't pretty enough because I had to wear glasses. Obviously I don't think that now but it's just comments like that that make it seem like wearing glasses makes you less beautiful or fashionable and that really fucking pisses me off. I know it seems a bit out of the box but you don't know who might watch that and then feel like they're not good enough because they wear glasses. If you do wear glasses like me, I want you to know that we are good enough and fashionable and beautiful. I know she probably didn't mean anything bad by it as it probably was just on a personal level about herself but that really irritated me as you never know how people can take comments like that.
And the second thing actually came from someone close to me. I'm not going to say who it is as they are close to me and I love them but what they said I just do not agree with whatsoever. So a couple of weeks ago when Love Island was getting close to the final; we were watching an episode and if any of you fellow readers watched it you all know Chris and Kem. They were absolutely wonderful, so funny, just genuine lovely guys, and had such a close and personal friendship. And Chris and Kem did a lot of things together like they showered together a lot, they painted each others nails, told each other that they loved each other, they were essentially couple goals without even being a couple. And this person said "That's not normal" and I was immediately pissed right off. I hate that word "normal" as what is really classed as "normal" in this day and age. We're all wonderfully weird in our own ways. That phrase "not normal" in relation to people and relationships immediately shuts down everything we as a world are working towards right now. You know to me it makes it seem like that you have to have the box of what is normal for females and then what is normal for males. For example that remark was made when Chris and Kem were painting one another's nails. As I know that painting your nails used to be associated with women and it was a "feminine thing" but now a lot of males like having their nails painted and like going to get their nails done. Which I think is 100% absolutely fine and why shouldn't it be? I am all for gender equality and that we are all equals and can do whatever we want to do to express ourselves. I honestly don't get what is so wrong about expressing yourself and being your true self through personal preferences like when Chris and Kem painted their nails when there's bigger issues going on in the world. It baffles me that it's 2017 and people still aren't allowed to be who they are. And I don't want to live in a world where we are not allowed to be who we are, thank you very much.
And the second thing actually came from someone close to me. I'm not going to say who it is as they are close to me and I love them but what they said I just do not agree with whatsoever. So a couple of weeks ago when Love Island was getting close to the final; we were watching an episode and if any of you fellow readers watched it you all know Chris and Kem. They were absolutely wonderful, so funny, just genuine lovely guys, and had such a close and personal friendship. And Chris and Kem did a lot of things together like they showered together a lot, they painted each others nails, told each other that they loved each other, they were essentially couple goals without even being a couple. And this person said "That's not normal" and I was immediately pissed right off. I hate that word "normal" as what is really classed as "normal" in this day and age. We're all wonderfully weird in our own ways. That phrase "not normal" in relation to people and relationships immediately shuts down everything we as a world are working towards right now. You know to me it makes it seem like that you have to have the box of what is normal for females and then what is normal for males. For example that remark was made when Chris and Kem were painting one another's nails. As I know that painting your nails used to be associated with women and it was a "feminine thing" but now a lot of males like having their nails painted and like going to get their nails done. Which I think is 100% absolutely fine and why shouldn't it be? I am all for gender equality and that we are all equals and can do whatever we want to do to express ourselves. I honestly don't get what is so wrong about expressing yourself and being your true self through personal preferences like when Chris and Kem painted their nails when there's bigger issues going on in the world. It baffles me that it's 2017 and people still aren't allowed to be who they are. And I don't want to live in a world where we are not allowed to be who we are, thank you very much.
I just want you all to know that you are amazing and beautiful just the way you are and you should express yourself through whatever way makes you feel alive and most like yourself. I also just want to say in regards to the two areas discussed above that you guys can of course have your own opinion, you don't have to agree with my opinion if you don't want to. But that is just how I feel personally and I know that my Coffee Chats posts are a place of sharing true thoughts, opinions, and feelings which is why I wanted to share these opinions with you today.
Thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed even though this was quite ranty for the most part. If you want to, feel free to express your feelings in the comments section below. Don't forget to follow me on all my socials media guys linked above in my header as it'd mean so much. And I shall see you all again tomorrow for another post.
Thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed even though this was quite ranty for the most part. If you want to, feel free to express your feelings in the comments section below. Don't forget to follow me on all my socials media guys linked above in my header as it'd mean so much. And I shall see you all again tomorrow for another post.

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