Hello my lovelies and welcome to the official first post of Blogust! *cheering and confetti cannon goes off* I can't believe it's actually August, where is this year going? But anyway, welcome to the first post of Blogust. So if you have no idea what Blogust is or what it entails then let me explain.
Blogust stands for blogging everyday in August. There are many different versions, the most popular being Blogmas (blogging everyday of December). Many bloggers and vloggers do these types of tags for blog posts/ videos.
If you guys have been here for a while then you'll know that I did Blogmas last year and although I really enjoyed it, it wasn't organised the best way possible. But for my first year doing it I thought I did pretty well. And as a little sneak peek, yes, I am going to Blogmas again this year! *cheers* I am so excited for December and of course Christmas BUT, let's rewind back to today. So I've really been wanting to do Blogust for a little while now and I thought, why not let's do it.
So for today's post as you can see from the title is my favourite summer activities which I know we all have those little things we loved to do when summer rolls around and today I'm going to share mine with you. So if you want to know what I love to do in the summer then please keep on reading.
So for today's post as you can see from the title is my favourite summer activities which I know we all have those little things we loved to do when summer rolls around and today I'm going to share mine with you. So if you want to know what I love to do in the summer then please keep on reading.
Going to the beach is something I look forward to every single summer. I don't know what it is, it doesn't matter what one, it doesn't matter where I am, but whenever I go to a beach there's just something about it that almost like feeds my soul. I read on Pinterest that a beach is a place for relaxation, rest, and tranquillity. I would completely agree as there's nothing more relaxing than sitting by the sea with the sound of the waves crashing up to the shore with a breeze through the air. To me there is nothing more relaxing than that and being at the beach makes me feel really mindful and just makes me feel really happy.
Along with the beach theme something else I love to do is swim in the sea. Once again, another reason I look forward to summer every year and going on holiday is just to go to the beach and swim in the sea. Ever since I was a child, whenever I would watch films with beaches and the sea, one of the best examples is the film called Aquamarine - absolutely love that film! But it was all associated around the beach and more specifically the sea. So I think my love for swimming in the sea has been apart of me since I was younger. I can't really explain how it makes me feel, it just makes me feel really happy, calm, and connected with the world and myself if anyone has ever felt that.
Continuing with the water theme, sometimes when the beach feels like a million miles away there's nothing like getting the pool out. I haven't been able to do this over the last couple of summers, sadly because the weather is so temperamental. One day it's like I'm in a tropical country and then the next day it's like I'm in Antarctica. Typical UK weather. But I love getting the pool out and just chilling. Again, it's another childhood comfort this one is as we used to get the pool out all the time when I was little. And, it's still something I love to this day.
One of my favourite things about summer is going for picnics/ having BBQ's. I feel like they're just such nice events to get family and friends together. And what's better than good times with good food.
Eating unlimited amounts of ice cream! I feel like ice cream in the summer is something that everyone doesn't feel guilty eating all the time especially when it's hot and especially when you're on holiday. My favourite is a vanilla Mr.Whippy with a flake and sometimes with rainbow sprinkles. The image above; I've always wanted to have ice cream in the shape of roses because how gorgeous do they look? They're so pretty and Instagramable. If any of you guys know any where in the UK where there's an ice cream shop that sells gorgeous looking ice creams like these, let me know in the comments below.
Another thing I love is watching the sunset. Summer sunsets are literally some of the most beautiful colours and patterns scraped across the sky between 8:00pm-9:30pm ish. Again, there's just something so calming and relaxing about watching the sunset go down for the night and I think it's because I just love the world. Like it always fascinates me what the world can actually do. I'm just really in love with the world to be honest.
Going on road trips/ going out with friends is just something that everyone does. Like every summer when I go out with my friends we always try to do different things. Like try new food places, go on new walks to places, or even go back to places we haven't been to in a while. But honestly, it doesn't matter what we do together just as long as we spend time together.
This might seem like a really strange one to some of you. But one of my favourite things to do in the summer time is wear sandals. I buy so many gorgeous sandal based shoes every year because my feet are one of my favourite features so why shouldn't I show them off? Summer is really the only proper time when I can show off all my nice new sandals, my pretty painted toe nails, and my little feet. What about you guys? What's your favourite feature to show off in the summer?
This is one of my favourite things to do all year round and that is a late night walk. Something I love to do is take a little longer to walk home with the sky slowly changing from deep blue to black and listening to relaxing music, such as Snow Patrol, Oh Wonder, and Sleeping At Last. This is again something that makes me feel really mindful and really at balance with the world and myself. And it's a really nice feeling which is why I do it really often.
Finally, sitting outside on a summer night and being able to see the stars. This is literally one of my favourite things ever. This is again something that makes me feel at peace and makes me feel happy and at one with the world. At the minute outside the back of our house we've got a sitting area with some outdoor fairy lights wrapped around our fencing with some pretty and coloured solar powered lights. And I love just sitting in a room with fairy lights as it makes me feel once again at peace and really cosy in my own comfort. And I just love stars and the night sky etc.
Right my lovelies, that is it for the first post of Blogust. I hope you enjoyed and are excited for what is to come for the rest of August from me. Don't forget to let me know in the comments what your favourite summer activities are.
And don't forget to follow me on all my social medias linked above in my header and my hashtag which is #katielouisejohnson to keep up to date with me and what I am doing and for sneak peeks of what is to come in Blogust.
Once again hope you enjoyed and I will see you all again tomorrow.

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