Hello my lovelies and welcome to the third day of Blogust! I hope you are all doing really well and are having a great day. So for today's post I actually ran a poll over on my Twitter to ask what you guys wanted to see for today's post. It was literally neck and neck for this post I am sharing with you today and my summer playlist with them both ending up with 30% by the end. If you were hoping for the summer playlist, do not worry. That will be coming your way tomorrow at 6:00pm.
So, if you want to know my go to easy summer hairstyles then please keep on reading.
Also just a note I'm wearing no makeup in this post just because I didn't want to wear any today. Express your natural beauty gals and guys. Oh and also I am in a jumper because that's just typical Katie J isn't it, to be in a jumper during the summer.
So the first style is literally to just leave it natural. If you're not doing anything special or at least nipping out for the day is there much point in doing anything with it? So on the days that this is the case I literally just brush through it with a hairbrush and then just let whatever it wants to do just shine through.

A super easy style that I use all the time in spring and summer to get my hair out of my face is to just scrape it back with a hair band.
So I just put it over my head and start with it around my neck and then I push it up to my hair line. Just making sure I've got no hairs hanging out of the hairband line. Then I just push it back to behind my ears and then done and dusted.
By the way this is a great hack to make your hair look slightly longer as the hairband gives the front of your hair a little lift.

Another super easy hairstyle that takes just five minutes is plaits. Now I did try to explain my own tutorial for this but I found it too difficult as for me it's one of those things that I just know how to do and I think most people do. But if you don't know how to do a standard plait, for a quick tutorial click here.

Super easy and simple and once you've got the foundation of the plaits you can choose to make the plait larger by pulling each strand apart from each other or you can pull out small bits of the plait and the hair around your face to make it look more messy if that's the vibe you're going for. I personally don't just because I have quite thin hair and in the image to the right you can see the plait has literally fallen apart after being pulled. I think the pulled apart big plait look works best on slightly thicker hair. Also I prefer the tight defined looking plaits.
I don't wear the plait style that often as I prefer to plait my hair at night and then take it out in the morning so my hair is all wavy like this above. Which again is super easy for summer and takes five minutes. I find it works best on semi dry hair; so I literally just plait it and then sleep in it and take it out in the morning and then you're done. A great way to intensify this look would be with some sea salt spray as salt water actually makes your hair wave much more easily and I know that there are some great options in Boots and Superdrug for this.
Also, if you guys are interested in this makeup (I absolutely love how these eyeshadows compliment my eyes and make them pop) this is actually from a post I did a little while ago about KIKO makeup, so if you're interested click on this link here to go and check it out.
The next style is again super easy and a classic and that is just putting your hair up in a pony tail. So firstly I just brush all my hair back with a hairbrush so it's all falling the same way.

Then with one hand, this one being my left, I bring all of the hair to the lowest point on my head to hold it together.

Then using a mix of my right hand and my hairbrush I lift that pony tail up higher by brushing my hair through with my fingers and my hairbrush to make sure that it's all smooth and not bumpy (as I hate that) and then once I am happy I just tie it together with a hair tie. I find that the best hair ties for pony tails are thicker band ones as they hold it together for longer. But here I used two thin bands as I couldn't find any thicker ones. But both work just fine.
And as you can see in the image to the right my hair is super smooth and sitting nicely and even. I don't know though what is going on with those hair shades. There's my root colour, a medium brown, a light brown, and still hints of blonde chilling in there. I'm still debating what I want to do with my hair at the moment. Still unsure whether to ombre again, leave it brown for a little longer, or to ombre it auburn ish. If you guys have any suggestions, leave me a comment down below.
Now I could just leave it like that but most of the time to feel a little more feminine I will add a little scrunchie hair bow into my hair. So I literally just tie it round my pony tail just like the hair tie and have the little bow that you can see in the mirror sit facing frontwards. I just think it looks really cute and gives a little something more to a classic pony tail. This scrunchie hair bow is from Primark, they're one of my favourite places for hair clips, hair bands, bandanas, hair bows etc.
As I have layers in my hair I also just like to add hairspray to the sides as it makes my hair stay up and last longer as well as adding grips/ clips if I need to.

Another super easy hairstyle is a messy bun. The best thing about these is they really do not have to perfect whatsoever. So all I did was take the pony tail and basically flattened it to my head and then just tied a hair tie around it to make it stay in place and that is literally it. Couldn't be any easier. I love using the actual hair donoughts to create that really defined shape but sometimes this is just some much quicker and easier.

Once again you could just leave it here but I like to just to give it a little something extra. I like to add a scrunchie or a ribbon just to make it look more put together and little more feminine. And again, this scrunchie is from Primark.

This next one is again super easy and takes five minutes and that's just making your natural look more defined. So as my natural hair is straight I just straightened it to give me a bit more face shape and again to just look slightly more together. I've been straightening my hair a lot lately, it's my go to hair style of choice at the minute.
But you could easily do the same thing if you have wavy or curly hair. If you have naturally wavy hair you could just add some sea salt spray for more texture and to look more put together. Or if you have natural curly hair just curling a few strands actually makes a huge difference. Especially if you curl the bits of hair around your face to frame it. It also means it's easier as you don't have to curl your whole head to look amazing, just a few all around your head to make it look like you made an effort. Extremely easy, takes five minutes, and then you're ready to go.
And that is it for this post my lovelies. I hope these hairstyles will help you when you just wanna get up and go as they're super easy and take no time at all in the morning. I'm no where near a hairstylist but if you guys want me to do more of these let me know by commenting and sharing this post as it helps me out a lot.
Don't forget to follow me on all my social medias linked above in my header as that also helps me out a lot.
Thank you guys so much for reading and stay tuned for tomorrow when I'll see you back here at 6:00pm for my summer playlist and trust me it's a good one.
Bye for now and I'll see you all tomorrow.

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