Hello my lovelies, I hope you're all well, and welcome to blogust day twenty nine! So as you can see by the title today we are talking about the brand new series of The Great British Bake Off that started tonight on Channel 4!
So when it was announced that Bake Off was moving to Channel 4 the whole of Great Britain went into meltdown because of how long the show has been running on BBC One and if that doesn't summarise the UK I don't know what will. Not only was it announced that it was moving channels, but soon after it was announced that Mary, Mel, and Sue would not be returning to the beloved show because it was leaving the BBC. Paul Hollywood was the first person to be confirmed to be staying on the show regardless of the move to Channel 4, but question was with who?
For a long time the internet was um-ing and ah-ing about who on earth was going to present Bake Off? And, not to mention who was going to replace the one and only, Mary Berry? Well I'm not sure whether it was earlier this month but either way, some time before the show started tonight, it was announced that joining Paul would be cooking legend Prue Leith along with the new presenters Sandi Toksvig and comedian Noel Fielding.
I'll be honest, when I first heard that this was the new line up I was just kind of a bit like, meh. I'd never heard of Prue so I couldn't really judge her at all. I'd heard of Sandi but never actually watched her on anything previously, and I've watched Noel Fielding in a few things and he is quite funny. So I didn't have much judgement on the new line up at all but I didn't shut it down because you never know until you watch it.
Then the adverts came out and I'll be honest the first one that was released with all of the singing cakes or whatever they were. Honestly, the most annoying fucking advert I had ever seen. I'm happy to see the back of that one. But then the actual advert came out featuring the contestants as well as Paul, Prue, Sandi, and Noel and it was really lovely. I really liked the promo advert for it - it gave off those proper Bake Off vibes as before, the glimpses of some of the bakes, and the laughs between the judges, presenters, and contestants were so full of life. Just from this 30 second glimpse the show already looked very welcoming as it had already been in previous series. So with all of this looking promising, let's dive into what I thought of the first episode!
First though, before we start, I can't not have a coffee and some kind of cake when I watch Bake Off. So here I had a cold cappuccino, this time from Kenco. As well as a chocolate French Fancy. Okay, we're ready for the show to start.
So as the show was going on I just kept notes on my phone so I could remember what I liked and the points I wanted to talk about. Don't worry I'm not going to spoil anything that happened for you guys who haven't watched it, i.e. who won star baker and who was eliminated. But seriously hurry up and watch it because it was an intense episode, but anyway.
The minute it started the vibe of the whole show already felt the same and I love that. As a concept and the premise of the show there was nothing different. It still felt like the Bake Off we all know and that we all love and of course we were back in the tent. Which was a massive thumbs up from the beginning. All of the animations of the bakes, the way it's filmed, the music, just the whole vibe was the same and I love that. I will admit though, it was very strange not hearing Mel and Sue's voices just in general because obviously they were one of the best parts of the show when it was on BBC One. However that being said I really love Noel and Sandi together. It must be a lot of pressure to "live up to" the likes of Mel and Sue. I'm saying that term loosely because obviously they're not going to be like Mel and Sue because Noel and Sandi are not Mel and Sue.
The energy of everyone in the tent is really nice. I did feel like there wasn't as much of a connection in the first episode between the contestants as there has been in the past. But then again this is episode one and it could of been the way it has been filmed. But the contestants with Paul, Prue, Noel, and Sandi was really nice to watch; everyone gets on well by the looks of things.
It's so strange having adverts in the show. For me I think that is the weirdest part. Obviously that is just something I'll get used to and it's not a big flaw in the show or anything because it means I can pop to the loo or go and get more cake whilst I'm waiting for the next part to come on.
Going back to me liking Noel and Sandi together. As the show went on I felt like as a pair they were slowly coming into there own. There was only a couple of moments when it felt a bit forced and like they were trying to do comedic lines similar to Mel and Sue. But you have to remember, Mel and Sue have been working together for a really long time and get on really well on and off screen. So obviously when you're good friends and you've worked with someone for as long as they have, that banter and comedic charm together is going to come much more naturally because they know how each other work. With that being said I think Noel and Sandi bounce off one another really well and considering they haven't know one another for very long or worked with one another before (I'm assuming) I think they did a fantastic job at presenting the show. Some of the things they said I found extremely funny and Noel basically made me laugh for the whole episode. To be honest I'm glad they did get two new presenters for the show because I think if one of Mel or Sue stayed but not the other and they got a new presenter in to join with one of them, I don't think it would've been as effective. I personally think it works really well with Noel and Sandi and I think as the series progresses we're going to see them really come into their own and really enjoy watching them together. I'm already loving them as a new double act, well done on the casting for that one Channel 4!
In regards to Paul and Prue; I've loved Paul since I started watching it and that still hasn't changed. He's still exactly the same, wonderful, honest, and charming Paul Hollywood we saw when the show was on BBC. As for Prue, she actually reminds me a little bit of Mary in the things she says and the tone of her voice. For me she is no Mary Berry but she gives me a similar vibe to Mary so I really don't mind her at all. I think once again as the series goes on we're really going to see her blossom as being the new judge instead of just "Mary's replacement."
I really like all of the contestants. I don't know what it is about Bake Off but they always seem to find the most hardworking, creative, kind, lovely, and talented individuals to take part in the show and the move to Channel 4 is no different. Honestly, it's only been one episode and they're all so incredibly talented and push themselves to the limits already. I can't wait to see them progress as the weeks go on. At the moment my favourites are Steven, Flo, Kate, and Tom. And let me tell you, the innuendos and banter from all of the contestants as well as the presenters and the judges is still very much there. It was by far one of the most enjoyable parts on BBC and it's nice to see that still carrying on even with new people.
And finally, let's talk about the standard of baking. If you haven't watched it yet then you wont get this at all. But, OH MY GOD I AM SHOOK! Seriously I was shook for the whole episode. Baring in mind week one is always cake week and most of the time cake week is pretty easy you know, but oh my goodness not this time around. There was some hella tough challenges for week one, week bloody one! Honestly, I couldn't believe some of the things they had to do. The show stopper challenge, all I'm gonna say is that's how you do a show stopper challenge people! We've seen some amazing show stopper challenges over the years of the show but tonight was a whole other level. The standard of baking has been upped 110% higher than any of the previous series which is why I am so excited to see what else these bakers can do. The standards were insanely high for the first week and if today was just week one I am so excited to see what is gonna happen for the upcoming weeks. My favourite show stoppers from this week were: Steven's and Flo's. Let me know in the comments who's your favourite show stopper was.
My final verdict is five massive golden stars. Even though it was sad to see Mary, Mel, and Sue depart from the show I actually love it with the new line up. I have loved Bake Off ever since I first started watching it and just because it has moved to a new channel with a new judge and new presenters is no different for me. As I said above the vibe is completely the same and as entertaining as it was before. I adore Noel and Sandi and I think they're really going to make the show their own and I just know we're all going to love them even more as the series progresses. It is still completely a classic British show and I think overall from first glance, the standard of baking and creativity in this series is higher than any previous series in the last 3 years. I know it's only episode one but this is the first time in a while I have been overly excited for the next episode because anyone could go because the standard is so high. That really excites me. I also think Channel 4 are right up there with the standards of the last series on BBC and you know what I think it could go higher because of how impressive that first episode was. I'm really happy and impressed.
I love it but let me know what you guys think of the first episode in the comments down below.
And that is it for this post my lovelies. I hope you enjoyed and are as excited for The Great British Bake Off as I am. If you missed the first episode go and catch up on 4OD so you're ready for the next episode, Tuesday @ 8:00pm next week on Channel 4!
Don't forget to follow me on all of my social medias my lovelies to keep up to date with what I am doing and it means the world.
Thank you so much for reading and I shall see you all tomorrow for a makeup tutorial at long last!

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