Anyway, for today's post I told you guys on my Instagram (@katiej0hnson) that on Tuesday you would be seeing the places I want to travel and here we are! So you guys know I absolutely love to be really chatty in my blog posts but for this one I actually don't have much to say. Like I can't fully explain the reasons why I want to go to all of these places in words. There's just something about all of these places in my heart that pull me to want to go to them. So instead I've decided I'm just going to show you guys photos. As the cliche goes, "a picture speaks a thousand words" so I hope you enjoy.

Well my lovelies, that is it for this post. I'm sorry I didn't do much chatting in this post as I know I normally do. But I honestly don't know the real reasons I want to go to all these places. Obviously they're all beautiful and Instagrammable to the high heavens and have so many incredible land marks, shops, cafes, locations to visit etc. But I really don't know what it is about these places in particular that pull me to travel to them. Which is why for this post in particular it was just a lot easier for me to show you I guess the reasons I one day want to visit all these gorgeous places.
Don't forget to follow me on all my social medias linked in my header above and I am currently running a poll over on my twitter (@katielouj0hnson) to ask you guys what makeup look you want to see this week.
Your options are: rainbow, sunset, unicorn, or night sky.
So do not forget to go over to my twitter and vote so you guys can have your say on what look you want me to create.
As I said above I hope you enjoyed and I shall see you tomorrow lovelies!

Amsterdam is amazing! I love your travel list, so many gorgeous places ��
I've always wanted to go to Amsterdam! I'm in love with it just from the photography! Thank you my lovely, I'm glad you enjoyed it.