Hello my lovelies and welcome to Blogmas day 1! I can't believe this time has officially rolled around again; if you guys know me well you'll know that Christmas is my favourite time of the year. I love winter and that crisp cold air, the lights, the food, the Christmas markets, the Christmas shopping, the wrapping of the gifts, just the entire build up to Christmas makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
If you guys didn't know I did do Blogmas last year and even though it was difficult to manage with uni and drama soc I still enjoyed it nonetheless. So this time around I'm hoping to manage my time better and try not to miss any upload days. I've got some exciting posts planned this year, some similar to last years posts and some completely new ones, but I've still got a few slots open in my planning. So if any of you guys have any ideas for my Blogmas, let me know them in the comments down below.
As you guys can see by the title for the first day of Blogmas we're going to start planning for Christmas. Being a student I thought it was best to base this plan on being a student and student living etc. However even if you're not a student these tips and tricks will still be helpful for you!
Being a student in a nut shell is essentially doing everything possible on limited amount of funds. Even my friends and I; a few of them have jobs and even they're still limited on the money front. So the first thing to do before you buy anything or look at your budget is to decide who you're buying for. That way you can visualise how many people you're going to buy for and roughly how many presents you're going to buy for each person. For example, this year I've bought presents for 12 people in total and I always buy everyone between 3-7 presents each. Which sounds like a lot I know but that's just how I like to do Christmas and how I've been influenced by my mum and dad and the way they do Christmas.
Personally, once I've decided who I'm buying Christmas gifts for I like to start having a browse online as well as having a mooch around the shops to get a feel for what you potentially want to buy people this year. I know a lot of people stress at Christmas as they don't know what to buy people and that can get a bit overwhelming. But this current stage of planning for Christmas should be carefree.
Now it's time to figure out your budget. Now being a student as I mentioned earlier means doing and buying everything possible on limited funds. So the best thing to do is see how much money you have or if you work see how much money you're earning and sort of divide it in half: money for yourself and money for Christmas presents. Then obviously try and divide that budget up between however many people you're buying Christmas gifts for etc.
This next step is something I started this year and I really enjoyed so I'd encourage you guys to do this too. I created a visual plan of what I wanted to potentially buy people. So essentially like a mood board but I took loads of different pictures of potential presents from shops websites such as Primark, Boots, Superdrug, etc. Once again, this was a really helpful way to get a visual feel for what I wanted to buy people this year.
And finally the fun part after all the planning and ideas is to get shopping! I absolutely love Christmas shopping, I always have and I think it's because I just love giving gifts to other people. I always get so excited to see their face light up when they open their gifts. And as all of the planning has been done, for the most part your shopping experience should be pretty smooth sailing.
Sounds simple enough right?
Well here are some small tips to keep you guys on track.
• Keep on top of what you've bought people - the price and physical presents.
• Once you've bought a lot of gifts; I like to put them in separate gift bags so I can physically see what I've bought people and how much I've bought people.
• Keep on top of how much money you've spent as well as how much money you have left.
• Think about gifts people will really like rather than just for the sake of it - be thoughtful to what you know people like when you're buying Christmas gifts and any gifts for that matter.
• Don't forget to figure out what wrapping paper you want too. The presentation is just as important as the present underneath.
Well my lovelies, I hope those were some helpful tips and tricks for you to begin getting the ball rolling if you haven't started your Christmas shopping yet. Oh, but just a heads up, if you haven't started you really should start now! Why you ask, because there's only
As always guys don't forget to follow me on all of my social media so you can keep up to date with everything I am doing over this festive period! You can follow me on Twitter @katielouj0hnson, Instagram @katiej0hnson, Pinterest @katielouj0hnson, and Bloglovin' @ Katie Johnson.
Thank you guys so much for reading and I will be back here tomorrow for another!

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