Hello my lovelies and welcome to Blogmas day 5! As if we're already five days in, I feel like the month is already slipping away. So today I thought I would do a Christmas Wishlist because let's be honest we all have one because we all know that question of "What do you want for Christmas?" is soon to be coming from family and friends. Most of the time I never really know what I want for Christmas. I know there are things I would like but half of the time when people ask me the things I've had my eye on for a while never seem to cross my mind until after Christmas already arrives.
I've noticed as I've got older my need for wanting certain things around Christmas and birthday's slowly goes away. Like really there's not much that I 100% want or need anymore. I prefer to see what people, especially my close friends, just gift me because they should know me well enough by now. I'm always told I'm the easiest to buy for when it comes to Christmas. But at the end of the day, we all love opening presents on Christmas Day don't we?
This has technically been on my Christmas list since it came out in the summer. The Naked palettes are really the only proper high end makeup I own; I was so obsessed with this colour palette over the summer and early autumn. The warm tone peaches, reds, pinks, and deep purple shades were all I wore on my eyes during summer. And even through October and November when I have worn makeup I've drifted more towards this colour palette still. So is it a shocker that it's still on my wishlist? I have the Naked 3 and the Naked Smoky and I use them all the time. When this was released in the summer I really wanted it but I didn't have the money to buy it and then during the last few months I just couldn't afford to spend £40 on a palette on a student loan fund. So Christmas is the perfect time to ask for a gorgeous present like this.
You guys know how much I love The Vampire Diaries and every single year I've asked for the latest series on DVD from my auntie which is what I have done again this year. But sadly this will be the last year I'll do this as the eighth season that finished earlier this year was also the last season. But I am still yet to watch season seven as I had some issues, I missed a couple of episodes and had no idea what was going on, so I lost the story line and it's been so long now that I just need to watch the whole series again. So no spoilers if you guys have seen it! But I like having the whole collection of things as it means I can watch it again any time I feel like it. It's the one series that I absolutely love with all my heart so of course I have to have the whole collection.
Speaking of things I love, you guys know how much I adore Katy Perry. She is my favourite female artist of all time and every album she releases I just love and this one is highly loved by me. It's completely different to any of her other albums however I don't feel like the songs she's released from it properly fit with the rest of the vibe on the album. But I really like it because it's super chill and easy to listen to which is how I feel a lot of music has been this year. But I love this album, my favourite songs on it (apart from what's been released) are Tsunami, Save as Draft, Pendulum, Into Me You See, and Miss You More.
This has only recently made it onto my wishlist because I've tried out the mini testing pot and loved it. If you wanna know more about this product check out my Winter Skincare Routine here. So the mini pot lasted me quite a while as I've only recently ran out but as I really like using it, it's probably best to get the bigger pot. In Debenhams at the moment I noticed online that it's on offer, the medium pot is £25 or something and the large pot is £29 so probably better off getting the larger size as it's only £4 extra. So if any of you like this product or know someone who does it'd probably be worth grabbing them whilst they're on offer.
Hopping back over to makeup; a YouTuber I watch called Sophie, sophdoesnails on YouTube recently brought out her own palette with Makeup Revolution which you guys know is one of my favourite drugstore brands and ever since it was released I've really wanted to get it! I love the packaging and I love all the colours in it and I know the quality will be fab as I love all of my other MR palettes. I haven't actually asked for this from anyone but if I get any Christmas money I will definitely go and buy it as it's only £10!
I absolutely love cats and I have been obsessed with Pusheen lately. Primark have brought out so much stuff with this little one on and I just want it all! I love all of the socks and the footlets the most though, if I got any of those this Christmas I'd be so ecstatic.
And honestly guys I think that's it for this year. They're might be some other small bits but I really can't think of them right now. Let me know what is on your Christmas wishlist this year!
Speaking of things I love, you guys know how much I adore Katy Perry. She is my favourite female artist of all time and every album she releases I just love and this one is highly loved by me. It's completely different to any of her other albums however I don't feel like the songs she's released from it properly fit with the rest of the vibe on the album. But I really like it because it's super chill and easy to listen to which is how I feel a lot of music has been this year. But I love this album, my favourite songs on it (apart from what's been released) are Tsunami, Save as Draft, Pendulum, Into Me You See, and Miss You More.
This has only recently made it onto my wishlist because I've tried out the mini testing pot and loved it. If you wanna know more about this product check out my Winter Skincare Routine here. So the mini pot lasted me quite a while as I've only recently ran out but as I really like using it, it's probably best to get the bigger pot. In Debenhams at the moment I noticed online that it's on offer, the medium pot is £25 or something and the large pot is £29 so probably better off getting the larger size as it's only £4 extra. So if any of you like this product or know someone who does it'd probably be worth grabbing them whilst they're on offer.
Hopping back over to makeup; a YouTuber I watch called Sophie, sophdoesnails on YouTube recently brought out her own palette with Makeup Revolution which you guys know is one of my favourite drugstore brands and ever since it was released I've really wanted to get it! I love the packaging and I love all the colours in it and I know the quality will be fab as I love all of my other MR palettes. I haven't actually asked for this from anyone but if I get any Christmas money I will definitely go and buy it as it's only £10!
I absolutely love cats and I have been obsessed with Pusheen lately. Primark have brought out so much stuff with this little one on and I just want it all! I love all of the socks and the footlets the most though, if I got any of those this Christmas I'd be so ecstatic.
And honestly guys I think that's it for this year. They're might be some other small bits but I really can't think of them right now. Let me know what is on your Christmas wishlist this year!
As always guys don't forget to follow me on all of my social media so you can keep up to date with everything I am doing over this festive period! You can follow me on Twitter @katielouj0hnson, Instagram @katiej0hnson, Pinterest @katielouj0hnson, and Bloglovin' @ Katie Johnson.
Thank you guys so much for reading and I will see you tomorrow!

What an amazing wishlist! The UD palette is really beautiful, it's perfect for all year round! Love this post xx
ReplyDeleteHannah | luxuryblush
Thank you lovely! I'm glad you enjoyed the post! Even if I don't get it for Christmas, I hope to get it soon and have a good play around with it!