Hello my lovelies and welcome to Blogmas day 3! It occurred to me very recently that I have never shared a skincare routine on my blog or really anything to do with skincare as a whole. That is because at my age I find skincare really difficult to figure out because at twenty obviously I'm not old, I'm still extremely young but I feel like now as I'm using more skincare and I'm getting older (slowly) I notice things about my skin that I didn't before. For example, certain lines on my face due to the way I smile, laugh, frown etc which isn't a bad thing but it's one of those things that makes me personally feel like I'm getting older.
Obviously at twenty I'm not going to use 90 million creams that are anti-wrinkle because that would be bad for my skin as I'm not at that stage of ageing yet. However I feel like there's no skincare catered to you when you're in your twenties. So it's kind of like the blind leading the blind when it comes to this subject area for me. Also what doesn't help me is I'm not very good at sticking to routines at the minute and you know that is just life sometimes elements just happen which take priority over other things. But I'm trying my absolute hardest to keep this skincare routine in my daily life and the reason I'm trying my best to keep doing it is because it works for me. Which is so rare because half the time the reason I just stop a routine is if I don't see results or feel like it's not doing anything but this collection of products compliment one another so well and my skin really soaks it up and loves it.
The main products my skin has been loving are these four. Garnier's Skin Active Cleansing Milk with Rose Water and Skin Active Micellar Water, as well as Benefit's It's Potent eye cream, and most recently Primark's Hydrating Mist with Cucumber and Aloe.
I've been loving using Garnier's Micellar Water for quite a while now, I think it's just coming up to a year or just over a year of using this. It's just really soft on my skin and completely clears out my pours and makes my skin soft to the touch. I don't actually use this to remove my makeup just because I feel like it takes longer than a makeup wipe does personally, so I use a makeup wipe to remove my actual makeup and then go in with this after to fully clean out my pours and pick up any slight makeup stains I might've missed with the makeup wipe.
Carrying on the Garnier theme, I love love love their Cleansing Milk with Rose Water. My skin always seem to soak up anything rose scented and this product is no exception. You can remove makeup with this if you want to but I prefer not to as the consistency is too thick for that. I prefer to use it after I've used my Micellar Water to add a rich softness to my skin and also tone down my redness. Also just a note, even though it says this is for sensitive skin (I have combination skin) I still use it and my skin just soaks up all the moisture (as anything for sensitive skin is usually good for all skin types.)
Earlier this year I had a bit of a revelation and that was that I need to start taking better care of my eyes. Your under eye area is so thin and delicate and it's one of the areas that gives away your age quickest. I don't have many lines around my eyes or anything like that but I just wanted a cream to help my under eyes look more bright and soft as I rub my eyes a lot. So I saw I had this little mini pot of Benefit's It's Potent eye cream so I thought I would give it ago and see if my skin enjoyed it. I'm not 100% sure what it's main purpose is supposed to be, however it does really brighten up my eye area and makes them feel super soft which is what I've been after. As this is only a mini pot I have now sadly ran out which means I need to get my hands on another and I might even get a larger size pot as I've been using it so often. But this little pot did last me for the whole of summer and I used it every single day so the mini pots do last quite well if you wanted just to try it out and see if you liked it.
And finally, my most recent addition to my skincare routine is this Hydrating Mist with Cucumber and Aloe from Primark. I love Primark for a lot of different things but I've never really tried out anything they sell to do with skincare. But recently when I haven't been drinking much water (bad I know) that's really affected my skin and made it quite dry and dull so I decided to give this a try and not a shocker, I absolutely love it! I first bought a mini bottle incase I didn't like it but I got through that within the space of 2 weeks that I decided to get a bigger bottle. If I do nothing else of my daily skincare routine or I don't have time to do every single step, I will always make sure I do this because it's so quick and easy. Spritz all over the face and then you're done. It's really cooling and actually physically makes my skin look more hydrated and awake. I love this and would highly recommend for any of you guys with any skin type to give this a go.
And that is everything guys! A pretty simple skincare routine but for someone who finds it difficult to stick to a routine everyday this is a good ease into skincare for me. Let me know down below what your current skincare routine consists of.
As always guys don't forget to follow me on all of my social media so you can keep up to date with everything I am doing over this festive period! You can follow me on Twitter @katielouj0hnson, Instagram @katiej0hnson, Pinterest @katielouj0hnson, and Bloglovin' @ Katie Johnson.
Thank you guys so much for reading and I will see you tomorrow!

I love how they're all coordinating with each other!
ReplyDeleteMe too Natalia!