Hello my lovelies and welcome to Blogmas day 10, 11, and 12!
I've decided to skip out 6-9 as that whole period was focused on the Drama Does Disney show and I don't feel like there's much point catching up on those days now. But the show went really well, the audiences loved it and us as a cast had loads of fun. But the most exciting news of all is for the musical next term we're doing Sister Act! I'm honestly so excited and cannot wait to start!
So for today's combination post I thought we'd talk about my favourite shops for this festive period and that is for Christmas gifts as well as just general Christmas decorations etc.
I feel like Primark always get Christmas right. Like even though sometimes it can be hit and miss as every single one you go in is slightly different or has slightly different products in. Around Christmas time they always seem to release certain products at the right time as it's the run up to Christmas. E.g. all of the Beauty and The Beast range as everyone is obsessed with the live action version (including me) so it's the perfect time to release all those Disney related products because they're in high demand. Do you guys get what I mean?
I always get people Christmas presents from Primark every year, whether that be a bag, a purse, makeup, homewear, pillows, throws, mugs, socks, slippers, or anything in the Christmas related section. As everyone I know shops there and we all love going in Primark. If you guys haven't thought to look in here for much I highly would recommend.
This shop is actually a new one that came to Chester only about a month ago probably and since it opened it has been extremely popular. Whenever I go in there it is always packed; myself and Em absolutely love it. If any of you have ever been into Flying Tiger it's a similar shop to that. This is on my list as I have bought so many lovely little things for friends since going in here; key rings, painting supplies, handmade decorations, washi tape and glitter tape etc. They have so many lovely little bits and bobs in here and if you have one near you I'd recommend going as I've found some fab things I know my friends are going to love for their Christmas gifts this year.
Now, I love Home Bargains for a lot of the cheap bargains they sell but I never thought it would be on my top shops for Christmas gifts. Being truthful I haven't actually bought very many presents out of here because by the time I discovered all of the lovely gifts they were doing I'd already bought most of my presents from else where. But they've had some lovely gift sets in, mini alcohol sets, throws, pillows, slippers, mugs,makeup, as well as gorgeous Christmas decorations in. I've bought a couple decorations from here this year. I'd highly recommend popping in and checking out Home Bargains for Christmas this year.
Even though I feel like I've not bought that much from Superdrug this year, I've really been enjoying all of the presents they've actually got. Especially in the Flutter and Sweet Snuggles brands ranges - they're all really good for Christmas gifts. Plus at the minute there's quite a bit in there that's been marked down, so go and check it out!
Believe it or not but our final shop is Poundland! Again, I love Poundland, I buy a lot of things from there and I usually like their decorations and the same statement stands this year as I've purchased quite a few decorations from there this year to amp up the festive vibes in my room. But their Christmas gifts have actually been really nice this year, maybe it's because they're not just selling things for a pound anymore but either way, the gifts they're selling would be great for Secret Santa presents or stocking fillers etc. So if you haven't been down to Poundland yet, then you better be making a trip soon.
And that's it my lovelies, I hope you enjoyed seeing my favourite shops for Christmas this year! Let me know yours in the comments below.
As always guys don't forget to follow me on all of my social media so you can keep up to date with everything I am doing over this festive period! You can follow me on Twitter @katielouj0hnson, Instagram @katiej0hnson, Pinterest @katielouj0hnson, and Bloglovin' @ Katie Johnson.
Thank you guys so much for reading and I will see you tomorrow!

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