Hello my lovelies, I hope you're well and finally welcome back to my blog! It has been so long since I posted, I'm not even sure how long exactly. Apologies for that, uni as well as drama society has been keeping the majority of my attention at the moment. I always seem to find it really difficult to blog alongside uni, whether I'm overly busy or not. I don't know why, I just seem to get in a mood of not being bothered to do anything on my blog whenever this happens which is not good. I think I just essentially need to manage my time a little bit better to fit my blog into my current schedule as I got so used to being able to just blog whenever I wanted when I was at home for the summer. Anyway, what's been happening?
So firstly, my actual uni degree is going well. I seem to be on top of work for the most part and I'm doing well. Currently the year is going quite slow which I'm fully appreciating as I know after Christmas it's going to fly by completely. We've had no assessments yet, the majority of them begin in January through until May. So at this moment in time, the year is feeling pretty calm.
Secondly, if you guys have been following my blog for a while you'll know that last year I was President for drama society which was a great opportunity to experience as well as a massive learning curve. But overall, I was happy I got the chance to do an opportunity like that and even though not everything ran as smoothly as I would've liked, I don't regret it whatsoever. But you guys are probably wondering what is happening with drama society now? Well of course I went back, this society has been a big part of uni experience ever since first year so I had to go back but obviously now I am apart of the society, the cast, not the committee. Which is so nice because last year was heavily production based for me. I'm really happy to just be apart of the society again and I'm so excited to be getting to perform again. As you guys know for last years Christmas show we put on, A Night At The Movicals, which is a show I'm still so proud of, I hold it really close to my heart. But this year we are putting on Drama Does Disney, which so far has been going really well. A good few weeks ago now when auditions were on, of course I auditioned. The roles I was kindly given are one out of the five Musers from Hercules, The Wardrobe in Beauty and The Beast, as well as all of the high riffs in our show finale which is a Disney Love Medley. I am so thankful and grateful to have been given just a role, no one will ever know how much it truly means to me. The rehearsals have been lots of fun as well as the dances and all of the singing. So, so far the show is coming along nicely and I think the new committee are doing a wonderful job.
And that is literally all that has been really happening. My friends and I have been out and about on nights out and day trips etc. We're thinking of going to Liverpool again soon as the Christmas markets will soon be on! Speaking of which, I'm so excited for Christmas! All of the markets, especially the Chester ones on Thursday, the lights, the gift buying, the wrapping, the gift giving, the food, spending time with friends and family, it really is the best time of the year! In regards to Christmas presents I'm pretty on top of everything, I've completed quite a few friends gifts already, and only gotta get a couple of other bits for people and then I'm done for gifts this year. I feel like I do it earlier and earlier every single year.
Apart from Christmas, today as I'm writing this (14th November) it is Megs' 21st birthday! And were off out to celebrate this evening with some drinks and food which I'm really looking forward to. And all of this is currently all that's been really happening in my life. Sorry it's taken so long to update you guys. I'm going to move into a new blog planner book as my other one is pretty much full and it feels like it's just a mess which is another reason my brain can't deal with blogging right now because all my ideas are just a mess. So I've got that to sort out and then hopefully for you guys I'll have some fresh, new, and well thought through content out throughout November and December.
Well my lovelies that is it for this post, I hope you enjoyed and I know it was a bit of a miss-mash but that is literally all my life has been focusing on at the moment. Let me know in the comments what you guys have been up to recently.
As always guys don't forget to follow me on all of my social media so you can keep up to date with everything I am doing. You can follow me on Twitter @katielouj0hnson, Instagram @katiej0hnson, Pinterest @katielouj0hnson, and Bloglovin' @ Katie Johnson.
Thank you guys so much for reading and I will be back here as soon as I can for another one.

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