Hey my lovelies and welcome to BLOGMAS day 11!
Guys, time is running out to get all of your Christmas presents bought with there only being 14 days to go, that is right, there are 14 DAYS TO GO TILL CHRISTMAS! Where is the time going?
So today's post is a classic from me, Katie J as I think for the past 2 Christmas' I've done a Gift Guide post of some sort. Now remember, this doesn't necessarily have to just be a Secret Santa Gift Guide, you can easily use it for anyone you're buying for this Christmas. Just pre-warning you now, this is probably going to be a long post as whenever I do these types of posts, they always end up being longer than I anticipate.
So we shall put a limit on the price range for this particular gift guide as it is Secret Santa based. Our price range is £0-£15 which is pretty reasonable for Secret Santa.
In my opinion, women are really easy to shop for in general. Especially if they have a certain area that they love, e.g. makeup or a certain brand they always buy from, e.g. Soap & Glory. I always find shopping for my girls and my mum extremely easy, A - because I know them so well and B - because I am also a women myself. As my girls and my mum are similar to me in things we like, it makes my life when shopping for Christmas and birthday presents extremely easy.
I would say when shopping for a teen girl, young women, middle aged women, or an older women the best areas to stick to are makeup, bath and shower products, body spray, nail polish, home ware, pyjamas, slippers, jewellery, handbags, chocolate (of course) etc. All of those kind of things are what I love to receive as presents.
Hot Chocolate Cosy Sweater Gift Set
From - B&M
Price - £2.99
I would say when shopping for a teen girl, young women, middle aged women, or an older women the best areas to stick to are makeup, bath and shower products, body spray, nail polish, home ware, pyjamas, slippers, jewellery, handbags, chocolate (of course) etc. All of those kind of things are what I love to receive as presents.
From - B&M
Price - £2.99
Ted Baker White Mini Spray Trio
From - Boots
Price - £8.00 (£3.50 individually)
Soap & Glory Pink Twice
From - Boots
Price - £5.00
Soap & Glory Get Into The Smooth
From - Boots
Price - £7.50
Tanya Burr It's Cold Outside Lipgloss, Blush, and Highlight Set
From - Superdrug
Price - £7.00
Little Snow Fairy
From - Lush
Price - £9.95
Set of 4 Nail Polish Collection (different colour bases)
From - Next
Price - £10.00
From - Boots
Price - £12.50
Personally, I feel all of these gift examples above would be great options when buying for a women. These are quite general gifts and obviously you do not have to buy these ones specifically. Take me for instance, I do really like all of the present ideas above and I'd be happy with any of them, but like most collection gifts you can get different types, such as the nail polishes. Out of all of them I think I would rather have the pink collection over the other two because pink is my favourite colour. It's little details like that that will make a massive difference between buying something for someone you know they will really like and just having to buy them a present.
If you're buying for someone who has a specific request for what they would like or has a certain area they love, then your Christmas shopping for that person is gonna be pretty easy. E.g. when my group of friends and I did Secret Santa this year, I got my friend Katie who I have mentioned many times now on my blog, she's practically on my production team. But I know for a fact she adores Captain America, so in the Disney store they had a tsum tsum (great and easy gift option btw for someone who loves Disney) collection of Captain America. So I got her one of the actual character Captain America, as I know she'd love it (which she did fyi) along with a sweater mug (which is the ones mentioned above) because she mentioned earlier in the month of December that she really wanted one. So Christmas shopping, regardless of who it's for, is super easy if you know the person really well or know an area that they are interested in.
The men section every year is always really difficult for me, mainly because A - I for one, am not a man and B - I don't have a boyfriend, so I don't buy much for men anyway. The only two men I buy for is my dad and my friend Charlie, but Charlie is more into things like skincare and nice home ware items whereas my dad is not. I have began to realise over the years, there's no point buying my dad "different" things as it were. E.g. skincare products he's never used before because most likely he will never use them. I've come to realise the easiest things to buy men are things you know they will actually use, e.g. my dad always uses razors and shaving foam and aftershave. So my mum and I usually buy him something of that nature each year as we know it will not be a waste of money. I have also come to realise that my dad will use interesting gadget type presents. For example, last year I discovered this money box counter in Primark (they still have it this year if you guys are interested in that) and what it does is count all your 1ps and 2ps. In our house we collect them in little pots to then exchange for like 20ps and things to take on holiday etc. So I thought it'd be good to have something to count them up instead of having to do it ourselves and something to put them in other than the pots. My dad really liked it and still uses it today.
Now obviously all those statements made above, depend on the guy you're buying for. It's exactly the same in regards to buying gifts for women. If you have a certain area or brand you know that they really like then you can shop in that sector or if there are certain presents you already know they have mentioned to you, then there you go. But in terms of buying for a man I would say stick to presents you know that will get used. Whether it's a teen boy, a young man, middle aged man, or an older man the best areas to stick to would be razors, shaving gel, aftershave, bath and shower sets, slippers, wallets, belts, socks, underwear, scarfs, golves, novelty gits, gadget type presents, and chocolate (again, obviously). Basically gifts that have the practicality factor.
Gillette Flexball Manual & Gel Gift Set
From - Superdrug
Price - £6.50
52 Things To Learn On The Loo Book
From - Next
Price - £7.00
Ice White Eau De Toilette
From - Next
Price - £8.00
Black Leather Trio Fold Wallet
From - Next
Price - £14.00
Black Mini Grooming Kit
- Next
Price - £15.00
In my point of view, these types of gifts are what I think men would be interested in. Again, it depends on the man you are buying for. But these are the kind of presents that my mum and I usually get my dad, things he will use or things he will find amusing. Men are always hard to buy for to be honest as whenever I ask my dad or Charlie what they want they're always like, "I don't know" or "Don't get me anything, I'm not bothered" and I'm sat there thinking, well of course I'm going to buy you something, it's Chritstmas! But as I've discovered over the past few Christmases, buying for my dad has become a lot easier as I know the kind of things he will definitely use.
Every year I always get a little something for my parents to share, I did it once as a surprise gift and they really didn't expect it. And today, I've carried on the tradition every Christmas since then and for some reason they still never expect it. I think it's nice, especially when you buy a couple a gift to share between them. I always go a bit OTT at Christmas time, especially with Christmas presents for them. I mainly do it to reiterate at Christmas how much I love them and appreciate everything they do for me.
Normally when buying something for them to share I them something for the house such as candles, diffusers, ornaments and something like chocolate, fudge, truffles etc. So here some perfect gifts that I think couples, like parents would really enjoy to share.
Novelty Mug Set 2pk - Yours & Mine
From - B&M
Price - £2.99
Starbucks Dusting Set
From - Boots
Price - £10.00
Boots Home Fragrance Christmas Candles
From - Boots
Price - £8.00 (sold separately)
Lindt Swiss Luxury Selection 195g
From - Boots
Price - £8.00
I'm not gonna lie, couple gifts are my favourite things to buy because I really love home wear items and I think it's just so lovely buying gifts for people to share. As that couple is a unit, one doesn't work without the other.
Well my loves that is everything for this Secret Santa Gift Guide, I feel like we didn't do too badly this year. This post wasn't as long as I anticipated it to be. I hope it inspired you in some way or another for your Christmas gifts this year.
Catch you tomorrow for more Blogmas!

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