Hey my lovelies and welcome to BLOGMAS day 7!
In today's Blogmas post we're going to talk about my favourite films and programmes to watch over the Christmas period. Personally, I prefer to watch TV shows compared to films, just because that's how I've always been. I swear to god every single film is played at Christmas, even if it is not a Christmas film. I swear Christmas is just that time of year when everything that was once popular, especially movies, is played on the TV again. Then when Christmas is over, those films are never on again for at least another year.
We established on day 1 of Blogmas that I only have one favourite Christmas film that I watch every year without fail and that is of course,
I don't really know why Love Actually is my favourite Christmas film, I think it's because it's set around Christmas time but isn't fully 100% all about Christmas. I think it's also because it's different stories rolled into one film and I like films like that. I find it weird how I absolutely love Christmas but I don't really like Christmas dedicated films, for example The Grinch #unpopularopinion
But like I said before, I am more of a TV programme kind of person, so these are my favourite Christmas episodes from certain series that I watch every year or the classic Christmas specials on TV.
Of course it's the Miranda Christmas Special! I bloody love Miranda anyway, she is literally my spirit animal. I think she is hilarious and so relatable. I desperately want her to do another series because I just love the show. I'm gonna have to go and watch Miranda now guys!
You cannot beat The Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special. I swear it is the ultimate classic of our generation of what is watched at Christmas time. I remember when BBC3 was still around and they used to play this every single night the week before Christmas. I miss those days. But, again, I adore Gavin and Stacey its such a classic British TV series and I would just die of happiness if a series 4 was made because there's so many unanswered questions from the previous series. And if you haven't watched Gavin and Stacey, let alone the Christmas special, what are you doing with your life?
I would say, those are the three things I watch each year without fail. Other programmes I enjoy to watch at Christmas time are all of the specials that are on during the week of Christmas and Christmas Day:
Celebrity Juice, Strictly Come Dancing, Eastenders, Mrs. Brown's Boys, The Big Bang Theory, The Great British Bake Off etc.
Of course, you can't forget about Vlogmas! This is probably the thing I watch the most over Christmas time just because I really enjoy watching what other people get up to over the Christmas period as well as me. The main peoples are watch is obviously, Zoella's, i.e Zoe Sugg. I love watching Zoe's vlogs in general, so when she does Vlogmas I watch each video without fail. Along with Zoella's, I also watch, Tanya Burr's and velvetgh0st, I'd say in regards to Vlogs these three ladies are who I enjoy watching the most.
I know so many people that just constantly watch Christmas films over the whole holiday, but I'm not really a film in the background kind of person. If I'm gonna watch a film I have to be in the mood to watch a film. Whereas a TV show I can casually just have that on in the background and just dip in and out of it as that's just what I prefer.
This one Blogmas post was pretty short you guys, but I hope you enjoyed anyway! And I shall see you tomorrow for another Blogmas post!

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