Hello my lovelies, I hope everyone is well and having a good day. So for today's post I thought we would just get ready together and have a chat. I see a lot of these floating about on YouTube but I don't see many people people do them on their blogs, so here we go! I hope you guys enjoy.
As the title suggests we are doing an everyday glamorous look today with my ultimate favourite colour at the minute which is pink. I love pink anyway, but I am wearing pink makeup non-stop at the minute. I've barely reached for another colour in the last month. So I'm using a mix of Urban Decay's Naked 3 and Freedom Makeup's Pro 12 Secret Rose. I think the Naked 3 is my favourite out of all of the Naked palettes.
So the first shade I am taking is this one marked with the pink heart above, unfortunately in the Freedom palette they do not have names. But it's just this mauve pink/brown kind of shade. It looks a lot more brown in the image above but in real life it's much more on the mauve side.
So I just ran that all through my crease to warm it up a little and to have a bit of a transition shade and I used my Real Techniques deluxe crease brush to buff this all over.
I've been using this colour for my crease quite a lot recently, I've really been enjoying it. Would also just like to take this time to mention, excuse my brows! I have not plucked them in a little while and they're looking a little wild around the arch area, so let's just glaze over that.
Next I dipped into my Naked 3 (I adore this palette) and I am taking the shade Nooner which is a mid-deep brown shade and I am running this through the crease as well using the actual brush that comes with this palette - the fluffier end.
I hadn't used my Naked 3 in a little while until I decided to pick it up to do my makeup today and I had forgotten how much I adore this palette. The colours just blend so easily it feels like you barely have to do anything, they virtually just blend for you. But as you can see, Nooner has just deepened up my crease that little bit further ready for the next shade.
Carrying on in the Naked 3 I am now taking the shade Liar which is a gorgeous deep bronzed gold/rose gold (in certain lights) and I'm just using another Real Techniques brush, this time the base shadow brush and applying all over the lid.
Liar blends seamlessly with Nooner, you could easily just wear those two together and it'd be stunning. Seriously though, look at that gorgeous sheen on my lids. I can't believe I forgot how beautiful all these shadows were! Why has it taken me so long to start using this palette again?!
You know what, if you guys don't own a high end palette I'd highly suggest an Urban Decay palette. Whether that's one in the Naked range or not. I swear I've never seen Urban Decay make a bad palette or a palette that people didn't love. All I've ever heard is good reviews and good comments from every eyeshadow product they've brought out. You can correct me if I am wrong, but that's just what I've heard in and around the beauty world. When you think about it, it's actually crazy how many dupes of the Naked palettes there actually are. Let's list some off, so with the Naked 3 for example, you've got brands such as Freedom funnily enough, the palette I'm using in this GRWM is actually a dupe for the Naked 3 ironically. Also there's MUA, Makeup Revolution, W7 Makeup, and there's probably so many more but they're the ones I know of. So if you've always wanted a high end palette but can't really afford it then check out those kind of brands as they do some great dupes of high end palettes. Especially, my ultimate fave, Makeup Revolution. Or, just do what I did and add them to your birthday or Christmas wishlists. But if you love shades like pink, peach, bronze, rose gold, gold, browns, and deep browns then I'd highly suggest for you to check out the Naked 3.
Now I'm dipping back into the Freedom palette and taking this gorgeous light pink rosy shimmer shade on the Naked 3 brush that I used earlier, but the flatter end. This shade is the equivalent to Dust in the Naked 3 palette but is a lot less glittery and just glimmers in the light which makes it look like a deeper pink. I'm just applying this on the inner third of my eye lid.
Oh my god look how beautiful it is. After a while the brush wasn't doing it for me so I switched it up and applied it with my ring fingers and I was sat at my dressing table and said, and I quote, 'Yaaaaaas queen, eyelids you shine and you glow to the gods, oh my god yaaaaaaaas.'
I wish I could say I'm lying, but I'm not. But anyway, this definitelty added that pop of glam to my eyelids that I needed in order to actually call this a glam look, you see, #connections. But seriously, I love this colour and it definitely tied it together.
Then I went a head and added an inner corner highlight, you can't not add an inner corner highlight my lovelies. So I took a mix of the lightest shades in both of the palettes and just pressed it onto my inner corners using my ring fingers. For me, inner corner highlights are so important because I don't know if you guys have ever noticed, but my inner corners join up to my lid and kind of glaze over my inner corner. Like some people have open inner corners where you can clearly see the red area of their inner corner but I clearly do not. Jesus, how many times can I use the word 'inner corner' in one sentence. But does that make sense? ... probably not... Anyway, adding a highlight to that area makes my eyes look bigger and much more awake.
Then I went a head and did my everyday makeup, you guys know the drill by now but I'll tell you again anyway...
(if it's in 'bold' writing it means there's a new edition to my everday routine)
- Maybelline Better Skin in 05 Light Beige
- Then taking my new concealer Rimmel London's Match Perfection under my eyes drawn in a triangle and taken down my cheeks, along my nose, on my forehead, around the sides of my nose, on my cupids bow, around my lips, and on my chin. Then of course on any blemish areas that I want to cover. Using my beauty blender from Real Techniques for both my base and my concealer.
- Then using another holy grail of mine, the Rimmel London Stay Matte powder in Translucent. Powdering all over my face with my Makeup Revolution F104 powder brush.
- Then I am taking my Ben Nye Banana Powder and baking under my eyes, down my nose, in the middle of my forehead, on my cupids bow, and on my chin using a makeup puff. Baking every where I am going to put highlighter just to really lighten up those areas and then I buff that bake out with my Real Techniques duo fibre face brush.
- Then moving onto my eyebrows, I'm taking my classic Maybelline Satin Brow and just filling in my eyebrows in their natural shape with the arch over drawn slightly. Then applying Brow Drama brow gel also in Dark Brown to just set them in place.
- Then shaping my face with Makeup Revolution's Ultra Sculpt and Contour Kit in the shade Fair C01. Just taking the contour to sculpt out my cheek bones on my Real Techniques stippling brush and because the brush itself is so dense it meant I got this rounded shape when I used it on my cheeks which gave me a proper sharp line which I was living for, I'm gonna be doing this every day! And then buffing it out in circular motions with my classic angled brush I normally use to contour. I then contour my nose using my Urban Decay fluffy brush from their Smoky pallet.
- Baked both my face contour and my nose contour with Ben Nye's Banana Powder.
- Taking Makeup Revolution's F103 stippling brush to apply my blush from the same contour kit, a pretty flushed rosy pink with a bit of shimmer on the apples of my cheeks.
- Finally taking Real Techniques cheek brush to apply my highlighter, MUA's Pink Shimmer. Placing it on the high points of my cheeks, my forehead, down the bridge and on the tip of my nose, on my cupids bow, and on my chin. But I didn't feel like I was glowing enough, so I then took the icy coloured highlighter from the same contour kit. Using my Makeup Revolution F105 angled brush and I just applied it to the tops of my cheeks to get that stunning glow.
Look at that sharp edge and that gleaming glow. I loooove it! Highlighter is definitely my favourite step, I don't know about everyone else but the glow is my favourite part of the whole process. One thing I will say though is for the past month I've really been loving being able to do my makeup like this every day if I want to because I've actually got the time to and it's been such a luxury. If you go to university or have been to university you guys will all know that sleeping and eating becomes your two top priorities to get through the day.
Most of the time last term I didn't even have time to do my makeup in the morning because I was so busy all the time and just too tired and couldn't be bothered to be honest. So to be able to wear it every day if I want to and wear as much or as a little as I want to and to actually have the time to just enjoy putting it on my face has been so nice. I really do love makeup so much. I don't know if anyone else feels this way but does anyone else just love the way they look with makeup on? I am not being big headed here or encouraging people to do things out of their comfort zone, you do you boo. But, I really do feel like a better version of myself when I've got makeup on. I know I am beautiful with and without makeup on but I just love how it is able to enhance areas of my face and it's crazy how much that can change your mood and make you happy. I just feel a lot more like me when I have the time to put it on and have the time to decide if I want to play around with makeup today or if I want to just go for simple everyday look or go for a full blown smoky eye. I just love being able to do things for myself, even if it is just something small like choosing what I want to put on my face, does anyone else get me?
And after that passionate tangent I just need to say, no that little mark poking out on my collar bone in the picture is not a real tattoo it is a temporary one because we all love a temporary tattoo don't we? We all know we've worn them more times than we're proud of. Also, I'm aware that my foundation looks a bit dark in this image, I don't know why, I think it must've been whatever the natural lighting was doing today. I can assure you in real life it was perfectly fine. Also, a bit of my contour looks a bit muddy, once again I dunno what this lighting was doing but it looked fine in real life.
One thing I would like to mention though about my foundation, if you guys have been here for a long time you'll know I've been using Maybelline's Better Skin foundation in the shade Light Beige for a long time. I'm not sure how long exactly but it's been a while. But some days it looks really good and really flawless on my skin and matches perfectly etc and then some days it just looks a bit shit. It might've been my skin or the products I was using on my skin as recently every time I've put it on it's been looking good. As now I've been using the same products every day as I've found some that have reacted really well to my skin and they just work for my skin which is fab. But I still feel like sometimes this foundation is too orange toned for me, do you guys know any good foundations in the drug store that are light - probably porcelain - ivory shades are best with pink undertones in? I was debating on giving Rimmel London's Wake Me Up foundation a go this spring/summer as everyone has always raved about it being really good and a nice dewy finish for the warmer months of the year when you want to look more naturally glowing but I've just never gotten around to actually buying it. Would you guys recommend that one? Or is there any other's you'd recommend to try? If there is please let me know in the comments.
After that digression, it's time for mascara...
Ugh, I cannot get over how stunning these eyeshadows looks together, my god! But anyway, if you guys know me by now you'll know I adore Maybelline's mascaras, I've probably owned every single one at one point or another. But I always go back to The Falsies in Black Drama. The Falsies mascara range just gives me everything I want my lashes to have: proper dark black colour, length, volume, and separation. If you've got all that, you're in my good books.
Once again sorry for how off this lighting is because it's making my makeup look so orange when I am clearly pale as fuck. But like I mentioned earlier, I can assure you in real life it all look seamless and my actual skin tone. But anyway, final makeup is the lips and I am once again applying my current favourite lipstick, Rimmel London's Vintage Pink. I've literally been wearing this every single day that I've had makeup on throughout this month. It's just a gorgeous mauve pink and it is perfect for spring because it goes with every single eye look I've been wearing. I've been loving applying it without a lip liner as it keeps it's natural mauve pink tones which is why I love the lipstick, so lately I've been applying without a lip liner.
I then removed my plaits from my hair and had an attempt at curling my hair with my Babyliss Curling Wand. Now I am not very good a curling my hair, I don't think I've properly curled it since year 11 when it was my prom and even then it wasn't me that curled it, it was my hairdresser. But anyway back story...
If you've been keeping up with my Instagram lately you'll know that I've had my hair cut short and if you didn't know well surprise! And it's clearly pretty obvious to see I have as it's about three inches shorter since you saw a photo of me on here last. But anyway as you can see it's much shorter than it was, I was so bored of my long hair and just wanted a change so I've had about three inches cut off which also means the majority of my blonde ombre is gone. There are still traces of it left at the very ends of my hair, but it's more like small blonde highlighted areas now. But I am happy it's gone as I was a bit bored of it and I think I just need to be a true brunette again for a while.
Anyway, at the end I normally just ask my hairdresser to straighten it but I decided to go for a different vibe and I asked her to make it wavy and I fell in love with it. I got so many lovely compliments on my Instagram post and Snapchat post after I'd had it cut, so a big thank you to anyone who complimented me on my hair. And it looked so nice with it being short and wavy as it just gave my hair a lot of bounce and I felt really pretty. So I attempted to replicate that today which as you can see didn't fully go to plan. I realised that plaiting your hair and then curling it just makes it explode in volume. Which is great if that's what you're going for, but I wanted nice neat waves with a bit of bounce and as you can clearly see from the photos above I did not get that, I got a massive voluminous mess. But I mean it wasn't all bad, at least the front looked good. But I can say I've improved as today when I am typing this up for you guys, I had a go at curling it from my hair starting off straight and it looked a lot better! It's obviously never going to be as perfect as the hairdresser does it but considering I am not the best at doing hair styles, it was good for me.
Anyway guys that is it for this post, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! If you wanna see more posts like this where we get ready together and have a chat about random things let me know in the comments and I'll definitely do more of these.
I'll talk to you all again soon.