Saturday 27 January 2018

COFFEE CHATS | Planning for 2018

Hello my lovelies, I hope you're well and have had a fab start to 2018 and welcome to the very first post of 2018. If you're a returning reader from 2017 then thank you, I'm glad you're back and if you're a new reader then hello, welcome to my blog. So for the first post of the year I figured we'd relax, sit down, chat, and talk about our plans for the year ahead.

 For those of you who have read my end of year countdown you might be wondering why I'm going to talk about planning for this year when I've already shared my goals in my end of year countdown. If you haven't read that post, then click here. But those goals we're kind of small things and general overall goals/ hopes for the year a head. So I thought in this post we could just chat and go a little deeper into about what I really want from the year ahead.

So grab your coffee and a snack and let's have a chat. 

First things first, Happy New Year my lovelies! I hope you all had a fab New Years Eve and have had a wonderful start to January (nearly the whole of January). I know the majority of people don't like January because "there's nothing to look forward to." In terms of annual events that is correct as in February there's Pancake Day and Valentines Day, then in March there's Easter, etc. The big ordeal of Christmas ends, everyone is spent out and slowly gets to grips with what life is again after living in limbo, not knowing what day it is between the 26th to the 31st of December. Which brings us to now when everyone is either back at school, college, uni, work, and whatever else. 

The first thing I want to chat with you guys about is that phrase, "there's nothing to look forward to." I really hate that phrase because to me it comes off as the only thing people look forward to are events that are guaranteed to happen each year. When in reality the best events aren't the ones that are planned or guaranteed to happen. It really frustrates me when people say that about January because you've got thirty one days to make count. As typical as that saying is but you really have, and that saying still applies throughout all the months of the year.

Anyway, what have you guys actually been up to through January? This post was intended to go up in the first week or two of January and now we're at the end of January and it's nearly February. And this actually brings me to another plan for 2018 which is to find the perfect balance between university, being with family/friends, and blogging. This is something I majorly struggle with because blogging always seems to fall to the back of the line on my priorities list whenever I come back up to uni which I hate because I love blogging and sharing my content with you guys. So I'm determined to blog more throughout each month and find an easy balance that I can cope with as I'm going through third year. 

Which brings me onto my next point. As I am now in third year (how did that happen?) it means that uni is coming to an end (five months) which means I need to figure out what the hell I am going to do after. At the minute in my year people have either figured it out completely or have no clue. And surprise surprise I am the second option. I have no idea where to go after I've finished uni, the only thing I know is I would like to stay in Chester or near it. But job wise or opportunity wise I have no idea. It's something I really need to get thinking about super soon as I don't want to just go home and be stuck in a dead end job etc. If any of you guys have got any advice, let me know in the comments down below. 

Something else that is super exciting is Chloe, my best friend, got engaged a few weeks ago and I am so excited and ecstatic for her! Her and her boyfriend, now fiance, have been together for five years already which is longer than some marriages these days. It's crazy how fast that time has gone as I still remember when they first started dating. She said it was so unexpected but she's so happy and I am so happy as well because I've never seen her happier than when she has been with him. It's also been her birthday recently which sadly I couldn't be there with her to celebrate. But she might be coming up here soon so we can celebrate as well as do some wedding planning as she's asked me to be her head bridesmaid and of course I said yes! I'm so excited!

As well as being in third year and uni coming to an end it means something else that has been a key part of my uni experience is coming to a close and that is Drama Society. So much has happened in the society over these nearly three years I've had loads of smiles, fun times, hard times, cries, made friends for life, and made memories for life. Sister Act rehearsals are fully underway and I am playing Michelle which is one of Deloris' friends as well as a fantasy dancer, and I sing in two songs as Michelle and then I'm a nun for the rest of the musical. I'm having so much fun doing Sister Act as my very last musical with Drama Society and I'm looking forward to performing it in March. But that can wait as I wanna to cherish every second of it. 

This year is mainly consisting of focusing on university, figuring out what to do after university, making memories with my uni friends, celebrating 21st birthdays, being with family and my friends from home, wedding planning, performing, and overall enjoying life as it is right now. This time next year everything will be different and I don't know where I'll be in my life or who will still be in my life. But I hope whatever happens and wherever I am that I am happy and healthy and loved and I wish the same for all of my friends and family. 

Well my lovelies that is it for this post, I know it was pretty short but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless. Let me know down below what plans you have for 2018 or what your planning/ working towards in 2018. 

Thank you guys so much for reading and I'll talk to you soon. 



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