Hey guys, now I know I have been extremely bad at my monthly favourites and it is only because I've either had no favourites at all, or, only a couple and it wasn't really worth posting. But maybe now that it is summer time, there will be lots of favourites in the future as I always get loads of newer things more in summer than winter etc.
Second favourite of this month, is this gorgeous birthday present from my bestfriend Heather! And it is Katherine Pierce's necklace from The Vampire Diaries. For Christmas she got me Elena Gilbert's vervain necklace and now for my birthday she got me this one. I love it so, so, so, much! It is simple and beautiful and looks really elegant with a dress. I have pretty much worn it everyday when I have worn a necklace and I wore it to Nigel's 50th birthday party last night, I just adore it; The Vampire Diaries jewellery is just completely stunning and I would have all of it if I could!
This stuff has been the most life saving item of my favourites this month. Okay, so, I've been buying a lot of new shoes this month for summer and things and as eventually they always rub in different areas when I wear them a couple of times and this cream has helped them heal faster and speeded up the recovery process of the blisters I had. The worst ones were from my sandals as I got a massive one on the ball of foot and it was so painful as it was all fresh skin etc (sorry if thats too graphic guys!) and with putting the cream on it, the new skin underneath was healed in 3 days which meant I could walk on it without pain anymore. Therefore, if you ever have a really bad blister I recommend you buy this cream!
This has been a massive favourite for the month of May and it will probably continue to be until I run out of it! I adore this body butter and it is definitely the best one I have ever used. I was given it by my best friend Chloe for my birthday and it is extremely good. 1: It smells like strawberry Calpol (how can you not love that!?), 2: It doesn't leave your skin sticky like some moisturisers can, 3: It makes your body so soft!, and 4: It makes you smell beautiful. I don't even need to say anymore, just go and buy this from Superdrug and you can get it in other scents too!
How much I've used the product |
For my next favourite I am bringing one all the way back from January! My other best friend Jess got this me for Christmas and I became obsessed with it throughout December and January. But then for a few months I kind of just didn't spray it as I had lots of new perfumes etc. But in May I rekindled my love for this beautiful spray! It is light and refreshing and perfect for summer if you don't want to wear a perfume you can just spray this on and you're good to go! Plus, it is in Mango and Papaya which is my favourite scent!
This has been another life saver this month because I have had a cold since just after my birthday and typical for me to get a cold in the summer. As I am trying to flush it out and keep my throat healthy with medicine and sore throat sweets because of the up coming 13 The Musical workshop! Due to me blowing my nose so much, the part just underneath and above my lip became so dry and sore and red and horrible. So I've been putting this on at night and in the day when it was super sore and it's worked wonders. As my cold isn't as bad as it was I am not blowing it as much, therefore, I am not wearing it as much, but it has cleared up the redness and the soreness under my nose wonderfully!
This next favourite has been a favourite since about March I think. I love this mascara a lot! When I first tried it, I didn't like it. I thought it was a little clumpy and was hard to separate the lashes, but it wasn't horrendously bad, so I kept trying it. The more I used it, the more I got better at using it, which made me really love the mascara. It really is a good mascara for the price as it does exactly what it says on the bottle, "Volumising x10" and it really does do that. It makes your lashes so long and thick and pretty. Great if you don't want to wear flash lashes to a party!
This next product is probably my most favourite of the whole month because, *drum roll please* ... I HAVE FINALLY FOUND A FOUNDATION THAT LOOKS GOOD ON MY SKIN! *screams hallelujah* You guys don't understand how happy I am that I tried this foundation as I have tried a few others and they've been okay, but not 100% happy with them but this one is completely different. It has the most amazing coverage I have ever tried for a drug store foundation, it goes on really nicely on your skin, it smells nice, it doesn't look cakey at all, and most of all, it really does last for 25 hours - exactly what it says on the bottle! You only need about 2 pumps to cover your whole face and the pumps don't come out too much, it's small pumps! Which means you don't waste loads. The only bad thing about it is, it is oranged toned which means around your edges of your face you see the line quite a bit. But all you have to do is get a really light powder and blend the edges out and it works wonders! But for the price of this foundation compared to some from brands like Mac and Benefit and the quality you get from this Rimmel foundation is phenomenal!
The pump |
My foundation colour - Ivory |
Tip: It looks lovely with Rimmel's Stay Matte powder (not mentioning colours as everyone has different skin types and colour) and it goes really well with Rimmel London's Wake Me Up concealer!
Inside the dressing gown (it is so snuggly!!!) |
This item represent two favourites in a way; the actual shoes and the mint green colour! I always love getting new converse like shoes because they are comfy and cute and you can just wear them with anything. But the thing is with me I get a pair of shoes, wear them all the time and they wear away underneath, so I buy a new pair and the cycle repeats with those shoes and so on and so on. But I bought some new shoes which were these and I love them! They did rub for the first couple times I wore them, but after that they were perfect! Also mint green is my new favourite colour; I loved them so much that I recently got another pair but in lemon yellow!
The beautiful pattern on the kimono |
Next is these gorgeous heeled sandal shoes! I adore these shoes to the max. They did rub a little when I first wore them on friday and they did last night at the party I went to with my parents and Chloe! But nothing a plaster can't fix! I just love these shoes so much, they remind me of the shoes Rihanna used to wear during her Unapologetic era and they really are stunning. They have a chunky heel which means they are comfortable to walk in and you don't feel like your going to break your ankle even when you walk on an uneven path. I think white shoes are so chique and in right now and you could wear them for an evening out or a daytime event. They make my feet look beautiful and I just adore them!
Personally, this was an obvious favourite for me ever since I was given the ring for my birthday! I love how vintage it is and the colour I just adore. It is so cute and dainty and I just love it.
Another ring from Accesorize now, I bought this recently and I think it is simple and cute. You could wear it with anything and it wouldn't be too overpowering if you didn't want super out there rings. All this has on is little leaves and butterflies which I think is adorable. Once of the cutest rings I've ever had!
These shorts are my favourite shorts I have ever had! I've got a lot of shorts that I love and ones in the past the I've loved. But these ones are by far the most comfy and easiest to do anything in. You can just chill and lay around in them and it feels like you're in leggings because they're that comfy. You can do sport in them if you really wanted to because they're so stretchy around the legs and the waist. I'd recommend you all get some of these!
This item has also been a massive favourite, I got it a couple weeks ago and I've been wearing it for college and in the day time when I go out non stop. I find it's not quite a kimono and not quite a cardigan. It has 3/4 length sleeves and is really nice to wear. It gives that extra bit of cover up again and can make a plain look become a bit more interesting because of the big flower lace print! I have really been loving this a lot!

And that everyone is all of my favourites for May! May has flown by so quickly but it has been my most hectic month of the year so far, but so many incredible things have happened in May and I cannot wait to plan some more incredible things to happen in June and see what it brings us! Also I'd just like to stay thank you all so much who read my blog as I really do appreciate it! Anyway, I love you all loads and I'll talk to you very soon!
Loads of love and hugs
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