I went to a party in my village, we go every year and have a great time! I love it; once again this year, my best friend Chloe came along for the party. It was one hell of a night! Wont go into too much detail about the night, but now my feet are killing me! (stupid heels)
I don't know about all of you, but I still can't believe it's 2014, last night went so quick and life is going too quick. I wish time would slow down!
<--- Here's an image of my makeup, hair and outfit before I went out! You can't really see it, but the eye's were a shimmering silver and dark black smokey eye (oh so dramatic!) and I had striking red lips to go with it.
My outfit was a black bodycon sort of material underneath and then the top part had silver and pink sequins in a pattern over it (as you can see in the picture)
As for my hair; I was going to curl it but I plaited it into four sections the night before (fishtail for the under layer and a normal English brand for the top layer) which made it extremely volumised (my hair looked like a poodle when I took the plaits out, so I had to brush it down during the day, haha!) also, it was still slightly wavy anyway so I left it how it was and I loved it!
(images of me and Chloe last night)
The whole point of this post wasn't to just explain about New Year's Eve, it was to decide on some new resolutions. I know what you're all thinking, too cliché. Personally, 2013 for my resolutions didn't go down to well because my top resolution was to lose weight for my summer holiday, did it work? NO!
I think the main reason it didn't work for me was because that's what I had set myself to do and I think personally it's harder to try lose weight when you're forcing your body to work to lose some weight. However, not only that, but also because I just did some exercise and got bored of those exercises eventually. Secondly, I didn't really change my diet, I cut out snacks and had fruit instead, but I didn't change my portion size for dinners and desserts. By the time summer came I had gained more weight than rather lost any. Therefore, overall I didn't achieve what I wanted because I couldn't be bothered in the end.
So, what am I going to do this year? This year I have some new resolutions that will hopefully be easier to stick to instead of last years main one.
1. Get fit
What I mean by get fit, is simply to become more healthy. I rarely eat fruit or drink any water at the moment, therefore I feel like my body inside is also unhealthy as well as the outside. Therefore I need to cut out the coke and chocolate and try and swap it for water and fruit. I also need to do more exercise, not just for my well being, but also for college (e.g. physical theatre, you need to become physically fit).
2. Never waste a moment
After I lost Jeffrey (my cat) at the end of last year (aka, 24th of December 2013) and I loved him so much and feel like I didn't make the most of the moments I had with him because the vet said to us he'd have two years left in him, but unfortunately he didn't. Therefore, I need to make every moment count with the people I love and make sure they know you love and care for them because when you need them the most, it could be too late. But not just making moments with people, I mean every moment: making memories, loving life, making the most of every day, go with the flow (as we all know when things are overly planned it never works out).
3. Be Happy and Confident
I think this will be my final solution this year, my problem is, I let things get me down sometimes which ruins my happiness which means I need to let go and forget about everyone else, as long as I am happy that's the main thing! But also, to just be confident in my own skin; with who you are and what you are because no one is you and they will never be like you. Finally, along the being happy front, just be happy with who you are, what you've got in your life and stop wanting what other people have and appreciate what you do have.
Okay everyone thank you for reading my New Year's post if you did, I hope it helped you with some resolutions, although you should be trying to be better everyday, not just when another year comes around.
Anyway, I'm hoping that 2014 is a much better year than 2013 for me personally and we shall soon see where it takes us.
Bye for now everyone and I'll be back blogging very soon (possibly tomorrow, hehe!)
Lots of love on the new year
Katie xoxoxo
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