Hello my lovelies, I hope you're all well and are having a good day. So if you follow me on Instagram then you'll know that this weekend just gone I went away to Great Yarmouth and I had a really nice time. It was nice to have a change of scenery for a couple of days as I am at home a lot at the minute.
So we left on Friday afternoon around 3:30pm/4:00pm and came back on Sunday at about 6:00pm. The journey there took about four hours as we ended up travelling through a lot of rush hour traffic and we also made a stop off for dinner at McDonalds - bloody love a McDonalds. I had a McChicken Sandwich, Medium Fries, Diet Coke, and some BBQ sauce for my chips. Delicious!
Eventually we arrived in the beautiful Great Yarmouth. Mum, dad, and I have been visiting Great Yarmouth for years, ever since I was a kid and I always love to go back because it feels a bit like a childhood comfort as I've been so many times and every time I go back it does feel like another home to me.
The first thing we did when we arrived was park the car and took a stroll by the sea and it was really airy and breezy but not cold (oops, spelt breezy wrong in the snap!). I love it in the summer when it's the evening time but the sun is still out and you can feel that drop in temperature however it isn't cold and there's a nice breeze in the air. That is my favourite summer weather as I love summer evenings so much more than an actual hot summer day.
On our stroll we firstly stopped off for a Mr.Whippy ice cream, are you really on holiday if you don't have tons of ice cream? So as you can see I had a classic vanilla, vanilla is my favourite ice cream flavour in case you didn't know, with a chocolate flake. My absolute fave.
We then took a stroll all the way down to the Wellington Pier which is a place with loads of fun amusements, and a cafe, and bowling etc. We came across this horse racing game where you put 10p into the machine and put a bet on which ever horse you think is going to win and all of the horses were worth different amounts of money. A couple were worth 20p, one for 40p, two for 60p, and then the highest amount was worth £2.50! I was convinced it was rigged because the horses that won 99.9% of the time were the 20p horses. However on one of my turns I decided to put a bet on the white horse which was worth £2.50 and it actually won! I was well pleased with myself even if it only was £2.50, haha. But that £2.50 didn't last for long as we carried on playing this game and a few others so that money soon disappeared back into the machines but we did come out with 60p left!
I took a few shots of the sky because look how beautiful it is. If you didn't know I'm very into beautiful skies which is why I love sunsets, I love sitting outside under the starry night sky, I love the shapes that the clouds make and the patterns similar to these photos above. And I love watching fireworks and things like that, just anything associated with the sky which does include space as obviously that is also up there in the sky. I just find the world absolutely mesmerising about what it can do in terms of the sky and the ocean etc. But anyway, I was mesmerised by this beautiful sky and it was a lovely way the end the first evening in Great Yarmouth.
We popped to Asda to get a couple of things and then I bought a new top. We then went back to our Premier Inn that we were staying at and just had a couple of drinks and of course watched Love Island because I'm obsessed with that show.
So the next day I woke up at about 8:45am/9:00am and my mum and dad wanted to go out at 10:00am but like in true Katie J fashion I was not gonna be ready in time for that and why, because I was sleeping.
So mum and dad went out for breakfast and left me to get ready and I just did my makeup how I've been doing my makeup a lot lately. Nice glowy and bronzey skin with warm toned eyeshadow, on this particular day I used a medium brown which is what I always use for my transition shade when I do really warm toned looks to help with blending, and a really pretty everyday gold shimmery shade on my lids, and my highlighter from Tanya Burr's Rosy Flush cheek palette which you guys all know I'm obsessed with for my inner corner highlight and I also used this kit all over for my contour, blush, and highlight too. It is honestly my holy grail product right now, I love to use it every time I put makeup on. Then for my lips I used my all time favourite lip product right now, my NYX soft matte lip cream in Cannes and placed the champagne highlight shade from the cheek palette I used for my face in the middle of my lips. You guys know how obsessed I am with this trend and I literally do this every time I put my makeup on.
So once my makeup was completed, it felt like it took me forever, I got changed and I went with my new pink jumper from M&S which is in one of my recent haul posts, if you guys are interested it is linked here for you to check that out if you missed it. So I wore that with a pair of standard denim jeans from Peacocks.
So on this particular morning I tried one of these coffees which I've never had before and as you can see it's a caffe latte cappuccino by the brand Emmi and this was so delicious. I actually really liked this and I also tried a latte one and that was also delicious. Really great for on the go and a perfect size - not too big or too small. Plus they're only £1.00! If you guys are a fan iced coffee I'd recommend giving this a go.
We left at 11:00am and decided to go to Wroxton which is where the Norfolk Boards are. It's a cute little place and has this big shop called ROYS that is spread all over the town. There's this big multi story that is a load of different things: clothes, accessories, health and beauty, home ware etc. A massive bunch of things which is where I got this adorable mug from. I have an addiction to cute mugs and I fell in love with this one, plus it was only £1.99 - couldn't say no at that price!
As well as the big multi story store there is also a toy shop for kids, a little garden centre shop, a supermarket type store, and a hardware store.
In the garden centre there was these super cool pumpkin ornaments which were ceramic and had a cut out whole in the bottom so all you have to do is put it over the top of a candle or a garden light for it to sit outside your house on Halloween or on your garden table or something. I really liked them and I really wanted one, the only issue was they were £20.00. But a really nice outdoor decoration for Halloween.
I know I said it at the beginning of this post but if you do follow me on Instagram then you'll have seen this post from this actual day. Here I am sporting my pretty baby pink jumper, my stunning new moonstone ring - from the Next sale if any of you are curious. This ring is included my most recent haul and I'll leave a link to this one here, once again, just in case you missed it and want to check it out. And I am also wearing a nail polish by W7 in the shade Pink Passion - felt like Barbie with this gorgeous shade on my nails. Also, just in case any of you guys are interested, the other ring I am wearing is the one I wear every day and it is the Pandora Romance Ring in pink. I was clearly feeling a lot of pink on this day.
Some of you might be wondering why am I wearing what looks to be a knitted jumper in the summer? Well on this day it was slightly dull before I left the hotel and although it wasn't cold it wasn't the warmest day ever.
And then of course it ended up being the sunniest day ever and 20+ degrees didn't it, only I would wear a jumper and then the day be boiling hot. But it was actually okay as although it was a nice sunny day there was still quite a few clouds in the sky which meant the sun wasn't out 24/7 and luckily I actually wasn't too in this jumper surprisingly. And it was worth it because this jumper is so gorgeous.
So with it being the Norfolk Boards, of course we went on a boat. We went on the Belle of The Boards as like a guided tour kind of thing. It was really nice, there was so many different boats along the broads and there was actually para sailing race going on too which is what the picture is of to the left.
There we so many gorgeous little houses along the boards and I wanted to live in all of them. Unfortunately I couldn't get any nice photos of them as the boat went by them quite quickly and there was a window reflection in all of the pictures I tried to take which I just didn't like. I had a video of some of the houses but unfortunately I didn't save it in time, sorry guys. But all of the houses were beautiful.
Not long after the boat trip finished we began to drive back into Great Yarmouth. We couldn't decide what we wanted to have for dinner, we kept uming and ahing and everyone loves pizza right? So we settled on Pizza Hut and we went for a pepperoni pizza on the thick crust, with chips, cheesy garlic bread, and of course BBQ sauce. I absolutely love dipping garlic bread and pepperoni pizza into BBQ sauce. We ate it in the car and It was absolutely delicious. My mouth is watering thinking about it now.
Drove back to the sea front, parked the car, and of course we got more ice cream! Are you really on holiday if you don't have endless amounts of ice cream?
Anyway as you can see I had another Mr.Whippy - my absolute fave. However they had so many different flavours it was difficult but I couldn't be swayed and this ice cream and the image of the previous one are from a franchise called Kelly's which are every where in little shops across the sea front as there's ice cream all over Yarmouth.
So once again we had a nice stroll and it actually wasn't that busy and once again it was a nice cool evening.
We eventually went back to the hotel and I had a shower and then had a late night coffee in my pretty new mug and watched Big Brother and Celebrity Juice and then went to sleep.
So on the morning of our last day in Yarmouth we all got up and got ready. The makeup I had on was pretty similar to the previous day however the eye makeup was just slightly more warm toned and peach toned. I decided to wear a pair of cropped denim jeans, also from Peacocks, and a new pink bardot top from Newlook.
We went to Brewer's Fayre for breakfast, which was next door to where we were staying. I had the full works - I got a full on fry up with bacon, sausage, eggs, beans, mushrooms, and of course brown sauce. After I also had a strawberry yogurt, and then finally I had a coffee which was a cappuccino with a croissant and two pain au chocolat.
Honestly these were some of the best croissants and pain au chocolats I've ever had. I could've taken the whole basket home with me. They we're so delicious.
So we left the car at the Premier Inn for a while and went for a walk into town and from where you walk it goes from the very top of town all the way to the front which is opposite the Britannia Pier. If you've been to Great Yarmouth or know of it or even live there then you'll know what I mean. So we had a browse around and I of course ended up buying new things and those were included in my haul post that went up on Monday and was linked earlier. So many nice bits and bobs in the sales in high street fashion at the minute.
Once we were finished in town we had a proper walk along by the beach this time as you've at least got to go to it once whilst on holiday. One of my favourite things to do on holiday is actually go swimming in the sea but I didn't actually get the chance to do that on this little weekend get away. Which I was a bit sad about as it is one of my all time favourite things to do. For me I just feel an immense sense of happiness when I go swimming in the sea, I don't know what it is but when I am near the waves or swimming in the sea with the waves I really feel at one with the world I guess, and I just feel really at home and happy. I just love the beach.
So once again it turned out to be such a lovely sunny day and so we pretty much had a perfect weather weekend. So on every single holiday myself and my dad always play some form of golf. Whether that's proper golf on a green or crazy golf. This time we played crazy golf as this was one that was right on the sea front. Castaway Island was a really good one and the photos I took looked like a tropical paradise. Loads of fun and a laugh as always.
We took another little stroll up and down as it was a pretty day and of course we had some more ice cream! This time we went to Perry's Ice Cream which is one of our favourite little ice cream side shops/parlours in Great Yarmouth. I still had a Mr Whippy but this time it was half vanilla and half strawberry with a flake.
We then were about to make our way back to Premier Inn to get the car and start travelling home and as we were walking up the street there is a sports hall next to the Marine Swimming Pool and we noticed that there was little arts and crafts fair on and I absolutely love little fairs/fates so we went in for a browse.
There was this one stand with these really amazing and pretty like pop up cards with four open folds with pictures on and then a pop up element in the middle. I was so fascinated by these as I'd never seen anything like these before. I absolutely love them and thought they were so cool and really unique. So nice for presents or invitations etc.
There was a load of different stands, I had to take a picture of this one as there was dream catchers on it. If you guys didn't know I love dream catchers I think they're so pretty; they originated from Native American's and the initial reason they are made is to catch the good and bad dreams as it is said that there are a number of dreams circling around the night air and when morning comes and they catch the sunlight all of those dreams are dispersed. And whether that is really real or not I just think the concept of them is a calming idea and they're also such nice room accessories as you can get them in so many different colours. Unfortunately I didn't get one but I really want to get some more.
I saw these two adorable little tepees and I just had to take a picture of them as they reminded me of performance practice because for ages we were on the hunt for a tepee that would've been used in 1960s Woodstock. And although these are clearly super modernised versions of tepees, it was just a cute reminder.
I actually purchased a space inspired necklace with a filigree crescent moon and a little round accessory on the necklace to impersonate space. They look so pretty together and that's also included in my haul post. So if you wanna know more pop over there and check it out.
Once we were finished at the little fate we started walking back to the hotel and got ready to go home. We popped to Tesco to get some food for the journey home/dinner as we didn't know exactly what time we were going to get home. Luckily it actually wasn't too late and we arrived home at about 6:00pm ish.
Miraculously I didn't eat my dinner in the car, shock horror. But I had a chicken and bacon sub roll, with some cheese and onion crisps, a caffee latte skinny latte, and a Subway cookie.
Then for the rest of the evening I caught up on some YouTube videos, facetimed my friend Charlie, and of course watched Love Island.
I had a really nice weekend away with my mum and dad and hope you guys enjoyed seeing it in little snippets of photo and video footage.
Don't forget to follow me on all of my social medias which are linked above in my header, I'd really appreciate it guys.
Also you may notice that there is now a new link on my profile to Bloglovin' - yes I am now on Bloglovin' and I would absolutely love it if you guys could follow me and my blog on the site. All you have to do is type in the search bar 'Katie Louise Johnson' and both my profile and blog will come up. Go and give it a follow I'd love it if you could and that way you can keep up to date as well as read my posts on it as well. It's a really handy little site to help link all my blogging sites together. Or you can click that link down below to make it even easier for you guys to follow me.
Thank you guys so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you either Friday or Monday for another. Most likely Monday.

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