Hello my
lovelies, I hope you are all well and have had a good day as well as a good
week. So with 'Blogust' starting in just 4 days! This
will be my last post on my 3 day week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) schedule
as now I'm obviously going to be posting every day in August. There will be no
post on Monday (the 31st) but from Tuesday (the 1st) and on wards you guys
will have a new post from me every single day for the whole of August! Are you
excited? I'm excited.
Anyway back
to the here and now that is today's post. So I wanted to do something a little
different today; on YouTube A LOT recently many of the YouTuber's I am
subscribed to and watch religiously have been doing the '10 Baby Names I Love
But Wont Be Using' tag and I've just found it really interesting and there has
been some really pretty names, some I've never heard of, and some I didn't even
think you could use as a baby name. Now I'm just going to clarify I AM NOT
PREGNANT and I am not planning on having kids for a good few more years. But, I
absolutely love names which is one of the reasons I think I love having loads
of children on the Sims 4 because there's just so many nice names out
I just want to say that this post doesn't mean I will never ever use these names for my children in the future because once I have a partner we obviously have to make the decision together. And who knows, maybe it will be one of these names. I guess we'll just have to wait and see in the future. I also want to say if you have one of these names on my list then I absolutely love it and you should love your name too. One more thing, I know the tag on YouTube is only 10 baby names but let me tell you, I've got more than 10 by a mile. Anyway, if you guys are interested and want to know the baby names I love but (potentially) wont use then please keep on reading.
So I'm going to go girl boy girl boy. I've got more female names than male names which is really no surprise.
(note: I'm using babycentre.co.uk for all of the meanings, origins, popularity, and numerology meanings)
[Hi everyone, a message from future Katie here. Just wanted to let you know this is a very very very very very very very very very very, very long post. It took so long to type up (over 24 hours guys!) so I would highly advise to not only get a snack but a three course meal for this one. Other than that, I hope you enjoy.]
So the
first girl name on my list is 'Amelia' and the origin of this name is German
and comes from the Latin 'Amemilla' meaning "strive", and is a German
amal, meaning "work". The numerology for 'Amelia' is number 5
which means they are explorers who love to connect with others. They're
curious and impulsive, free-spirited , enjoy travelling, and adapt easy to
new situations. Which could signify that 'Amelia's' always go out there and get
what they want, work hard, and don't stop until they achieve their goals. And
they also aren't afraid to take risks and explore everything the world has to
offer. Which are all great qualities to have which makes it a strong female
This name
is most popular in the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, and Latin America. It has
been one of the top 25 most popular girls' names for over a decade and has
continued to increase. In 2012 it was the most popular girls name of the
absolutely adore this name, I think it's just such a beautiful name to say out
loud and when it is written down. I have loved it for a long time and for a
long time I did really want to name my daughter this it if I am lucky enough to have
one in the future. And although I absolutely love it because of it's growing
popularity that is the reason why I wouldn't use it. There are so many Amelia's
now that for me personally the name isn't as unique anymore. Even though it is
still absolutely beautiful and I do still love it.
My first
boy name is 'Bailey' and the origin of 'Bailey' is French and Scottish. This
name was originally an English surname from the Middle English word 'baili
meaning 'bailiff'. It could also be from 'Bailey' in Lancashire, which gets its
name from the Old English 'beg' meaning 'berry' and 'leah' meaning 'wood'. The
name of 'Bailey' in numerology is associated around the number 9. Which means
'Bailey's' and other names in relation to the number 9 have a competitive
streak which may propel them to greatness. They're often very active,
sporty, and really into physical activity. Could potentially point in the
direction of a professional sports player or an athlete or dancer or an actor.
Which would definitely lead into the qualities of strong and focused and
physically and mentally in tune with themselves which would make them very
balanced people. I don't think 'Bailey' is a very popular name as I've only
ever met one 'Bailey' and there isn't a note about popularity on the website
for this name. But it isn't super popular from what I know of but also isn't so
out the box that it would be a strange name to call a child. Which I like as
one of my biggest pet peeves is when parents name their children something so
ridiculous which for the most part is every celebrity child born.
This name
could be used for a girl or a boy but I personally prefer it for a boy. I can
just imagine a little Bailey running around the park at like age 5, which would
be so adorable. However, I just don't know how I feel about it as an adult name
for a guy. Like it's definitely not the strangest boy name ever and because of
the way it is pronounced "Bai" and "Lee" as said baby boy
gets older it could easily be shortened to Lee if that was more age
appropriate. However, as a girl, I think the name would work throughout all of
her stages of life.
But the
main reason I don't think I would use it is simply because I can't imagine
calling my child 'Bailey'. And it's also a name I can imagine calling a dog, if
I ever had a dog. No offence to any Bailey's out there. I love the name however
I don't think it will be my child's name in the future.
This is
another one of my all time favourite names for a girl which is 'Aurora'. The
origin is Latin and comes from the Latin word 'aurora' which means
"dawn" after the Roman Goddess of The Dawn. The numerology for
'Aurora' is number 11 and is one of the two "masters numbers" and
those who possess this are are highly intuitive and have a strong sense of
spirituality. Which means one of the most important priorities to them is to be
loved by themselves and give love to others around them. As well as caring for
the animals and the planet. Someone who is spiritual knows that we are all as
"one" and will always honour this "oneness". Someone who is
spiritual is a kind person and they are open and accepting of everyone. They
let kindness be their guiding light. Kindness towards themselves, kindness
towards others, towards animals, and to the planet we call our home. All
beautiful qualities and literally does not need any other explanation.
Most of you
will probably associate the name 'Aurora' with Sleeping Beauty as her name is
Princess Aurora. Which is where I fell in love the name because Sleeping Beauty
is my favourite princess. And once again, there is no real reason I wouldn't
call my child this name it's just I really can't imagine myself having a baby
girl named 'Aurora'. But I absolutely love it, it's beautiful to say and to
write out, it's unique as I've never met anyone called Aurora, and it's an all
rounder name because of the meaning behind it.
The origin
of 'Dylan' is from the Welsh dy and means "great", llanwm meaning
"sea", or dylif meaning "flood". This name is most popular
in the UK, the US, and Canada. 'Dylan' has been a consistent favourite with
parents and hasn't dropped out of the top 50 names since 2000. However with
that being said I've never personally met a Dylan, so if you pick this name for
your child you can be certain there wont be 50 Dylan's in one class at school.
I think it might be more popular in American than over here in the UK.
numerology for 'Dylan' is all about the number 2 which means they have a great
gift for diplomacy which stands for managing things or people in a tactful and
sensitive way and are skilled at avoiding conflict. Their flexible nature makes
them a great team player. Which could be interpreted as "the peace
makers" in groups during conflict or during a project at school,
university, or work. Being great at avoiding conflict can mean they are great
listeners and great at listening to both sides of arguments and how to
make the best decision to move forward. This doesn't only make them great in
different working areas but makes them great in working and personal
relationships. Extremely socially clever and knows how to work with
When I was
a bit younger and thought about the future one of the boy names I loved was
'Dylan' but as I've got a bit older I've kind of just gone off it. Like I still
like it but not enough to name my child it. I like it but I don't love it. But
if your name is Dylan, embrace it my lovely.
I can
already guarantee that 'Charlotte' will be one of the most popular names on
this list. It's origin is English and French. 'Charlotte' is a feminine version
of the name 'Charles', meaning "free man", so obviously in relation
to a woman, "free woman". The name was made popular by England's
Queen Charlotte in the 18th century. The name is most popular in the UK, the
US, Ireland, and Australia. It has slightly declined in the last decade,
but the name still appears in the top 50 names today. The name can be shortened to 'Charl', 'Charlie', and 'Lottie'.
numerology of Charlotte is number 3; number 3's are enthusiastic and happy
spirits which make them great fun to be around. Cheerful and open-minded and
also have a great sense of humour. Which can clearly be interpreted as an
"overall happy soul" and loves to live their life to the fullest with
the people who matter most to them. Perhaps they are also the life of the party
with them being fun to be around as well as being really open and accepting to
others in whatever shape or form and they have the ability to make people feel
better about life due to their "cheerful" nature. All wonderful
qualities for people who you could class as a true friend.
I've always
loved this name, it's always been a name I've found really pretty and a literal
English classic name in this day and age. It's never been a name I actually
want to call my daughter if I ever get to have one. I've just always really
liked it and thought it was a really pretty and classic name as well as being completely timeless as it's been around for ages and people still love it to this day which is why it's
a top one on this list.
The next
one is another classic and still really popular to this day and that is
'Matthew'. 'Matthew's' origin is Hebrew and is an English for of 'Matthaeus',
from the Hebrew 'Mattiyahu' which means "gift of God". The name
reached number 32 in 2013 as most popular boys name and is most popular in the
UK, the US, Canada, and Australia. The numerology of 'Matthew' is also number
9, the same as 'Bailey'. So I won't fully explain it all again as you guys have
literally just read it above. But it does also mean that 'Matthew's' are also
really into physical activity, a possible push at a sporting career or a
performance career. Like 'Bailey's', making 'Matthew's' qualities strong,
focused, and physically and mentally balanced in oneself. All fabulous qualities for a person to exude. Which could potentially 'Bailey's' and 'Matthew's' would either be friends or foes in relation to work as they both have that competitive streak.
Similar to Charlotte, I've never really wanted to call one of my children Matthew but I've always really liked the name. I like the full length and I love the abbreviation of 'Matt'. For me, Matthew is a classic and confident name which is one of the reasons why it is definitely so popular.
This next name is another girl's name which is 'Bertie' this name is an abbreviation of the name 'Roberta' but I prefer the abbreviation compared to the full length name. Not trying to be rude to any Roberta's out there. So for this one I will do the meaning of 'Roberta' and 'Bertie'.
'Roberta' originates from Germany and is a form of 'Robert', a Norman name originally from the Germanic hrod, meaning "fame", and berhtl meaning "famous" or "bright". Numerology of a 'Roberta' is a 7. 'Roberta's' tend to be analytical and intellectual as well as deep thinkers who dream of a better world. They shun tradition and come across as unique and individual.
The name 'Bertie' also originates from Germany from the old German beraht meaning "bright" and ram meaning "raven". Which is taken to mean "wise" as ravens are symbols of wisdom. And the numerology for 'Bertie' is also number 5 just like 'Amelia'. Meaning they love to explore, connect with others, curious and impulsive, free-spirited, enjoy travelling, and adapt easily to new situations. Which again signifies that 'Bertie's' are not afraid to go out there and get what they want, hard workers, don't stop until they've achieved their goal, not afraid of taking risks, and want to explore everything the world has to offer. So with a mixture of the two, it could identify that 'Roberta's/Bertie's' want to apply their analytical and intellectual side in relation to exploring the world and thinking about how they can connect with people to encourage others to make a better world. Perhaps a potential career is an inspirational speaker.
I really, really, really love this name. There is a 'Bertie' on my course at university and her name is an abbreviation of 'Roberta' and I just think that name is so gorgeous and unique and really different. I also like it because the popularity for both names is not high. I've only ever know two 'Roberta's' in my whole life and only one of them has gone by the name 'Bertie' so you can be pretty certain there most likely will not be anyone at your child's school with this name. But anyway, I love this name a lot because of how unique it is and how well it fits within our modern baby name times at the minute but isn't too over the top.
Once again, there's not a real reason I wouldn't use this other than the fact I can't imagine myself with a 'Bertie'. I don't know, it's just one of those names that I really like and think is really cool but it's not enough to want to name a child it, you know what I mean? But if you are a 'Bertie' or even a 'Roberta' your name/names are super unique and lovely.
So this next name is actually a more recent favourite which is 'Elliot'. It's origin is English and French and from Elias, the Greek form of the Hebrew name 'Elijah' which comes from the Hebrew 'Eliyahu', meaning "my God is Yahweh" - Yahweh is the ancient Hebrew name for God. The name is most popular in the UK and the US however doesn't specificity where it's popularity ranks. But in my experience I've only ever met one Elliot which shows it is highly unlikely there will be more than one Elliot in classes at school.
The numerology for 'Elliot' is number 1 which means determination and independent. They are born leaders who are headed for success and their charismatic personalities mean it is much easier for them to make new friends. This shows that they are determined to go out and achieve their goals for their own benefit for their own satisfaction, and more than likely enjoy their own company as they are independent. These guys could have any career with them being born leaders, potentially a popular actor or singer or even a business man rising to the top of the career ladder. Also with their high level of charisma it means they will be able to make connections faster and grow relationships more easily which will benefit their work as well as their personal life.
The main reason I wouldn't call my child Elliot is because to me the name seems really posh and I am not posh. And also, with it being a recent favourite I like it but I don't love it.
This next name is probably one of the most popular names in this day and age and that is 'Emily'. The origin of 'Emily' is Latin and English and comes from the Roman surname Aemillius which originally came from the Latin word aemulus meaning "rival". This name is most popular in Ireland, the UK, the US, Australia, and Latin America. And this has been in the top 5 most popular girls' names in the UK for the past decade. The numerology of Emily is also number 1, exactly the same as 'Elliot' - 'E' buddies. I'm not going to explain it again, as you guys once again, have literally just read it above about the meanings and the potentials of numerology in the category of number 1.
But for me I love this name. This is definitely one of the classic baby girl names in this day an age. I feel like waaaaay back in the day (over 100 years ago or something) the name 'Victoria' was definitely the name of the time and I feel like in this day and age 'Emily' is the name of the time. I have known 5+ 'Emily's' in my life so far. Incredibly popular name which is exactly the reason why I wouldn't call my child 'Emily'. It is way too popular now in my opinion but I think it is absolutely beautiful and has become an elegant name in the English language for baby girls. So if you're called Emily, you're a classic little gem.
'Johnny' originates from Hebrew and is originally from Hebrew Yochanan which means "God is gracious". 'Johnny' is another form of the name 'John' and doesn't specify where the name 'Johnny's is most popular. The numerology is also number 5 along with 'Amelia' and 'Bertie'. Once again, meaning they love to explore, connect with others, curious and impulsive, free-spirited, enjoy travelling, and adapt easily to new situations. Which again signifies that 'Johnny's' are not afraid to go out there and get what they want, hard workers, don't stop until they've achieved their goal, not afraid of taking risks, and want to explore everything the world has to offer. 'Johnny's' want to go out and live their life as much as they can similar to 'Amelia's' and 'Bertie's'.
Once again this is another recent favourite. I like this because I'm not the biggest fan of the name 'John' because it's a bit too old fashioned for me. However 'Johnny' feels like a modern twist on an old classic popular name. I like the addiction of the 'ny' because it feels more modern which makes it seem more fresh. And there is still the option there for the abbreviation to go to 'John' if it was preferred. The main reason I wouldn't call my potential son this in the future is simply just because I like it but I don't love it, I'm not attached to it. I think it's modern and nice which is what I personally prefer but I have other boy names that I am more drawn towards than this one.
Next on my list is one of the most understated names and that is 'Sasha' and this name originates from Greece. It is the Russian short form of 'Alexandra' or 'Alexander' which is from the Greek alexo, meaning to "defend" and andros meaning "man". It is also said that this name is associated with both genders but for me personally this is definitely a girls name. The relation to this name being more of a girl name for me personally is because of the Bratz Dolls due to one of the main ones being called 'Sasha'. The popularity of this name has not been revealed but I personally have never ever met a Sasha which shows it's definitely not popular in the UK but I couldn't tell you about the rest of the world. Judging from where it originates from, Greece, it is most likely popular there as well as Russia due to 'Sasha' being the short form of the two names mentioned above.
'Sasha's' numerology is the number 3 just like 'Charlotte', 'Sasha's' have an enthusiastic and happy spirit, they are cheerful and open-minded, and have a great sense of humour. The name itself does not give much away which could potentially show that 'Sasha's' are quite mysterious or like to keep their private life their private life. They choose what they want to share with certain people and only reveal certain elements of their life with the people they trust. But with that being said they have a happy outlook on their life and the way they interact with people in relation to them being happy and cheerful. They are open-minded to new situations as well as people and are accepting of everyone and open to talk about different topics that are potentially not deemed "normal". But they can still light up a room with their sense of humour and would definitely be someone you'd want to spend time with due to their happy and cheerful personality.
I personally love this name. I think because I've never met anyone with this name that's what makes it so unique and so different, similar to 'Bertie'. It isn't very out of the box as it's been around for a long time. However it hasn't been used that much as a name on it's own compared to an abbreviation. I'd really love see the name gain more popularity as I think it's absolutely gorgeous and gives an element of sass because of the way it's pronounced. Although I really do love this name the only reason I wouldn't call my child it is just because I have other female names I love a little bit more. But if your name is 'Sasha' own it because there are not many of your name around.
Here is another super popular name for you which is 'Charlie'. This name originated in England and is another form from 'Charles' which comes from an old English word, ceorl which stands for "free man". This name is most popular in the UK, the US, and Ireland. For the last few years it has been a firm favourite and has been consistently in the top 5 most popular name for boys. However, the name 'Charlie' has always been a popular choice in the more modern day and age. The numerology for 'Charlie' is number 11 just like 'Aurora'. Which as we discussed earlier, is a very special category to be associated with. They are one of the two "masters numbers" and those who possess this are are highly intuitive and have a strong sense of spirituality. Which means one of the most important priorities to them is to be loved by themselves and give love to others around them. As well as caring for the animals and the planet. Someone who is spiritual knows that we are all as "one" and will always honour this "oneness". They are kind to themselves, to others, to animals, and to the planet we call home. These qualities are clearly rare to already have within oneself which is what makes anyone associated with the number 11 special.
For me, I love the name 'Charlie' as it's simply just a really nice name. Even though it can be used for both a girl and boy, I am much more drawn to it as a boy's name. The only reason I wouldn't use it is just because of how popular it is. I've know a load of Charlie's through school and also, one of my best friends is a Charlie.
Another absolute stunning girl name, 'Claudia's' origin is Latin and is the feminine version of 'Claude'. The name comes from an old Roman family 'Clausius' meaning "lame". The name is most popular in Spain. I've only ever met one 'Claudia' in my whole life which is my best friends sister, it's really not a very popular name here in the UK and I don't know why not as it's beautiful.
The numerology associated with 'Claudia' is number 6. They are mature and sensible and enjoy creature comforts. They also may have an artistic flair and often dedicate themselves to the common good. Which means they show interest in others and want to benefit others in some way or another. With them being mature and sensible it means they are already mentally and physically grown and know and value their own worth. Being sensible means they choose the best out of every difficult situations due to their wisdom and usually this will always result in a something beneficial for either them or someone else. Although they may not be the life of the party they are always there when you need guidance or advice on career situations or when you have a hard time going on in your life. All qualities of a wonderful friend inside and out. A potential career for a 'Claudia' could be an artist due to their artistic flair. Or something along the lines of creating or using colours, for example a makeup artist, a nail technicians, an art teacher, an illustrator, or even an interior designer. Something with a keen eye for colours and patterns. Their creature comforts point towards enjoying material things such as good food and good accommodation. Due to their good nature number 6's would make great parents and definitely have the patient and caring nature for being a parent.
I think the name 'Claudia' is absolutely stunning. Even though it has been around for a really long time it is still not a popular name choice here in the UK. Meaning it's highly unlikely there will be another 'Claudia' in the same class as your child if you named them this. Once again there is no specific reason I wouldn't use this name I just know I wouldn't because it's not a name I'd think to name my child even though, in my opinion, it's one of the most beautiful names in the world.
This is actually my final boy name on this list and it is 'Oscar'. This name originates from Scandinavia and Ireland and means "spear of the Gods". The name was brought into Irish Gaelic in the form of 'Oscur' which later added the meaning of "deer friend". This name is most popular in the UK, the US, Ireland, Scandinavia, and Spain. Over the last few years 'Oscar' has been one of the most popular boy names and it's popularity continues to grow as it is currently in the top 20.
The numerology for 'Oscar' is number 2, therefore he joins the category with 'Dylan'. As we know they have a great gift for diplomacy and are skilled at avoiding conflict. Their flexible nature makes them great team players and just like 'Dylan' it potentially may mean they are great peace makers within working groups and social groups. Which can be backed up by their gift of diplomacy as we know, that means they're great at managing things or people in a tactful and sensitive manner. Essentially an all round social butterfly who knows how to communicate and work with people.
To be honest, the main reason I wouldn't use this name is actually because it a bit too perfect for me. Like I don't want to say the word posh but that is what I associate the name with. I personally feel it's a name for someone super put together and goes to Wimbledon on the weekends. But that's just my opinion. I do like the name as it is really classic but just not the one for me personally.
Now before we start this one, I know what you're thinking. Why is my own name in this list, isn't that a bit sad and a bit big headed? Just stay with me on this one.
'Katie's' origin is English and is originally a short form of 'Katherine' but these days many people are called the abbreviation (including myself). This is from the Greek from of katharos meaning "pure". Which means that 'Katie's' are not mixed or change with any other substance or material - they are pure to the earth, almost like a gemstone or a pearl. The term "pure" can also mean perfectly in tune with a clear tone. Which could potentially mean 'Katie's' are destined to be actresses, voice actors, radio presenters, singers, voice coaches, a spokesperson, or any type of area that is dependent on vocals or vocals are required. I would deem this to actually be true as obviously I'm a 'Katie' and I'm an aspiring actress and a singer and I've been told that I have quite a calming voice and a nice voice to listen to that is clear and easy to understand. So I would say the definitions are quite spot on.
The name is most popular in the UK, the US, and Ireland. The name is currently not in the top most popular baby girls names but regardless it is still widely used very often still to this day. I have personally known 5-10 'Katie's' in my lifetime and it is by far one of the most popular girl names still to this day even if it is not in the top 50. It's still loved by many.
The numerology for 'Katie' is also number 1, so my name joins the category with 'Emily' and 'Elliot'. Which as we discussed earlier means they are determined and independent, they are natural born leaders who are headed for success, and their charismatic personality means they have no trouble making friends and connections with people. Like I mentioned earlier this means the determination to go out and achieve their goals is a high priority, the need and want to be successful is also a high priority for them, and more than likely they enjoy their own company as they like to be independent. Once again these guys could have any career because they are meant to be born leaders. Potentially a really successful actor or singer or perhaps even someone running a part of a popular industry. And with that high level of charisma it means they grow relationships faster and more easily in both their work and personal lives.
So the main reason I included my name was not to be big headed. But I know that a lot of people don't always like their own name and wish they could change it. But I've always really like my name personally and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. It is the name we have been given for our whole life so why shouldn't we enjoy it?
Anyway, the main reason I wanted to include my name was to also compare if the meanings given are actually comparable to me personally. I obviously can't determine if all of the other meanings for the other names are true because they are not my name. But honestly, all of the meanings given above about my name is actually really comparable to me as a person. Like I mentioned above the word "pure" meaning not mixed with any other substance or material. Now obviously I can't deem how true that statement is but it could be related to the opinions of a 'Katie'. For example, I have strong opinions on a lot of different subject areas like most of us and everyone can believe whatever they want to. But I've noticed just because someones opinion is different to mine; I'm willing to listen to the reasoning and discuss whatever that is but the majority of the time my opinions are never fully change they only develop with the more information I learn about certain subject areas. It's like the true opinion deep down never fully changes. I hope you guys understand what I mean. Also I mentioned "pure" meaning in tune and a clear tone which is obviously true for me personally as I sing and I act and have been told I have an amazing singing voice and nice tone to my voice to listen to when I'm speaking. So that's a massive truth in my direction. Also I'm very determined and independent and want to be successful in whatever I choose to do, I have also noticed over my whole life I've never found it hard to make friends and I like to get to know people and be really close to the people I am friends with. Which hopefully will mean as I hopefully grow in the performance and blogging industry that I can make connections with people easily because of my charisma and out going nature. So as an overall I'd say these definitions are pretty spot on.
Right I know that one was really long but the clear reason I am not going to be using this name on my children is obviously because it's my bloody name! I absolutely really hate when parents use their name in their child's name whether that is first or middle name. I don't know to me personally it seems really big headed of someone to do that. To me it feels like your child wouldn't have it's own identity if you had your own name in any part of theirs (obviously not including their last name). But yeah, it is another big pet peeve of mine when parents name their children after them.
But anyway, I'm not ashamed to say that I love my own name, I love how it looks when it's written, I've also always quite liked the meaning behind the name 'Katie'. One thing that annoys me a lot is when people shorten my name to 'Kate' because 'Katie' and 'Kate' are two completely separate names. But you know, it's just something I have to deal with sometimes, but luckily that doesn't happen very often. And if you're reading this and are called 'Katie' or 'Katy', then I love you my sister from another mister.
With just girls left to go now guys our next one is 'Ivy'. The origin of this name is English and simply means the name of a plant from the Old English ifig. 'Ivy' is a climbing plant and is usually used to decorate houses at Christmas time so if you had a baby girl born in December then this would be a nice name if you wanted it to be associated with the holidays. For all you nature and plant lovers out there this is a great one if you don't want to name your daughter a traditional floral name such as 'Daisy', 'Rose', or 'Lily'.
'Ivy' doesn't have a category for popularity which means it is a stunning name to use to be unique and you more than likely wouldn't find another 'Ivy' in your daughters class.
The numerology for 'Ivy' is number 2 which means she joins the club of 'Dylan' and 'Oscar'. Once again great gift of diplomacy and skills with avoiding conflict, and their flexible nature makes them great team players. We've discussed it twice now so I will not go into it again but clearly 'Ivy's' also have the art of managing and being in control in a tactful and sensitive manner to others around them. Clearly another "peace maker" in working and social groups.
I adore this name so much and I think that it is beautifully understated. One thing I do love is you can't shorten it. I don't mind abbreviations but sometimes it is nice to be called your actual name. I think it's gorgeous for a baby born in winter time and I genuinely would potentially use this. The more I think about it the more I like it but as of right now it is not quite on my 100% top names. But if your name is 'Ivy' you are a real rare name gem and I love you for your uniqueness and beauty.
This next name might be a bit controversial to some of you and strange considering the other names in this list, but hear me out.
The name 'Clover' originates from England and stands for the wild plant and flower. From the Old English clofre. I personally think this name is one of the most if not the most unique name on this list. I get very drawn to a lot of floral based names as I love flowers. Even though there is no popularity rating for this name I can imagine the name would be more popular in America. But one of the reasons I love this so much is because I love the abbreviation from 'Clover' to 'Clo'. I think that is the most adorable thing ever.
Number 3 is 'Clover's' numerology which means she joins the category of 'Sasha' and 'Charlotte'. They are enthusiastic, have a happy spirit, they're great fun to be around, cheerful, open-minded, and have a great sense of humour. Like I discussed earlier with 'Charlotte' and 'Sasha' number 3's are "overall happy souls" who love to live their lives to the fullest and what a wonderful set of qualities for 'Clover' to join.
The only reason I wouldn't use this name is simply just because although I love it and think it's cute it is a brand of butter of here in the UK and I wouldn't want my child to remind people of butter. But, it is not my favourite name of all time. But I like it enough for it to make this list and this might sound stupid but for me it is too American-esk as much as I think it's adorable.
A super rare name now which is 'Primrose', the origin is Latin and the meaning in Latin is prima rose and stands for "first rose". Which would be adorable if this was a name for your first ever child as it's like they're your "first rose" and I love that. 'Primrose' joins the category of number 5 for her numerology along with 'Amelia', 'Bertie', and 'Johnny'. And just to recap that means they are explorers who love to connect with others, they are curious and impulsive, they're free-spirited, enjoy travelling, and adapt easily to new situations. Which can be translated to "go getters" as they are not afraid to go out for what they want and explore everything the world has to offer them. There is also no popularity for this one which can already signifies how un-known this name is.
This is a really recent favourite for me, I thought of it the other day and fell in love with it. I think it is just a beautiful name and to me it feels really delicate as primrose flowers are super dainty and delicate. I think it's really nice when written out and I have never, ever, ever met a 'Primrose'. I just think it's really unique and again another understated one. I would absolutely love to use this in my daughters name in the future. Although I adore it I just don't know if it is a first name for me, I could imagine using this as a middle name in the future.
'Danielle' originates from Hebrew and is a female version of 'Daniel'. This is from the Hebrew name Daniyyel, meaning "God is my judge". The popularity for this name doesn't have a rating but is said to be most popular in the US but is definitely still a classic favourite over here in the UK. The numerology for 'Danielle' is the number 8 which means they have lots of drive and determination and they can do almost anything they set their minds to. Their energy and confidence makes them a force to be reckoned with. These qualities literally mean a career for 'Danielle' could be anything. Which could potentially signify that they could have multiple skills and potential careers because of their determination towards their goals being so high. These qualities would definitely be portrayed as being strong in a career field as well as personal relationships. 'Danielle' seems like a strong female who is fighter for what is right and is definitely the kind of girl you want to be friends with.
I think this name is so beautiful, I love how it looks written and how it sounds when you say it and I even think the abbreviation to 'Dani' is really cute and looks nice. And although it is again one of the strongest names on the list, it's just one of those names I've loved for a really long time and to me seems absolutely timeless as it is so neutral to every generation. But, it is not the name I want to call my child. It is just a name I really like a lot.
'Dana' is originally English and is actually a shorter version from 'Danielle' which is the female form of 'Daniel'. This is from the Hebrew name Daniyyel, meaning "God is my judge". The numerology for 'Dana' funnily enough isnt number 8 like 'Daniellie' but is actually number 11 just like 'Aurora' and 'Charlie' which means she is of one the two "masters numbers". As we hammered into earlier about the spirituality of number 11 therefore I'm not going to go on about it again. But all we need to know about 'Dana' is she joins the category of being rare by letting "kindness be her guiding light" for herself as well as others around her as well as the animals and the planet. There is no mention of popularity once again but I have personally never met a Dana other than a Bratz Doll I once had.
I really like this name, it is so different to some of the names on this list. I actually didn't know it was used as a shorter version of Danielle. The pronunciation of this name could be used two ways it could either be "Dane" and "A" so focused on the front of the name which is how I prefer to say the name. Or, "D" and "Ana" so focusing on the end of the name due to the way it is written. But I personally think the first one is better and it sounds nicer and less harsh. Once again, another really unique name and really understated. I seem to be drawn to understated names a lot. I would love it if I wanted to call my daughter this but I don't. I love the name and I think it's beautiful but it doesn't pull me enough to call my child this name.
This is another very rare name to find these days; 'Connie's origin is Latin due to the name 'Constantia' which is a form of constans which means "constant". Which could be identified as 'Connie' is a constant in peoples lives or is a really efficient person. Once again, the popularity of this name is not know but I have never met a Connie. Her numerology is within the number 6 just like 'Claudia' - two Latin names that both start with a C. Which mean's 'Connie' is mature and sensible, they enjoy creature comforts, have an artistic flair, and dedicate themselves to the common good. Perhaps that goes back to why 'Connie' means "constant" because being mature and sensible means she could easily give you advice if you're having trouble making a decision or she will always be there looking out for you. She is a classy lady who enjoys the finer things in life like good food and a nicely decorated home like her sister 'Claudia'. And once again a career for these guys would be something creative as they have a keen eye for colour due to their artistic flair. And would make a great parent due to their good and caring nature.
One of the main reasons I love this name is actually because when I was in Grease the name of my character I came up with was 'Connie' and ever since that name has stuck with me. I feel like it would've been really popular in the 1950s and has a state of elegance and class about it and I love how simply old fashioned it is. The only reason I wouldn't name my child this is simply because it is very old fashioned and there is just other names that once again, call me more than this one. But if I was having a baby in the 1950s this would've have definitely been at the top of my list.
A slightly more well know name now, 'Rosie'. Originates from Latin and is a pet form of 'Rose'. From Latin rosa meaning 'Rose'. This name is mainly popular in the UK however doesn't have a ranking. I've never met a 'Rosie' actually but it is a really pretty modernised version of the name 'Rose'. Her numerology is also number 3 with 'Charlotte; 'Sasha', and 'Clover'. And we already know this numerology well by now as we've had a lot of our ladies in this category. But all we need to know is that 'Rosie' is another happy, cheerful, and free-spirited individual. This sounds quite strange but I see this because the name is quite "bright" and what I mean by that is when you the name out loud it naturally goes up at the end because of the I and the E. Which to me makes it more appealing.
To me this name is really lovely and pretty and can easily be shortened to 'Rose' if that is more appropriate as she grows up. Once again it's a name I love but I don't love enough to name my child it. And also because the name 'Rose' goes so well for a middle name with a lot of baby names I've been thinking of using in the future potentially but who knows. And you can't have 'Rosie Rose' - it's just a bit over the top.
The penultimate name on our list is 'Willa'. This is originally from England and is from the old German name 'Willahelm' from wil, meaning "will" as well as "desire". It also means helm which stands for "helmet protector". But overall the name means "resolute protector" which means admirable, purposeful, determined, unwavering, faithful, loyal, constant, and firm. I am unsure on what the potential career or interests would be more for a 'Willa' but with what her name is telling me it's very open and gives off the vibe that she can do anything as long as it's for a purpose and she is determined and I love that.
Once again there is no popularity for this name. But the only 'Willa' I know is Willa Fitzgerald from the MTV show Scream. Her numerology category belongs to number 3, joining 'Charlotte', 'Sasha', 'Clover', and 'Rosie'. So she exudes that happy, cheerful, and free-spirited nature along with these other ladies listed.
I am absolutely so in love with this name and it is slowly creeping up to my list of names I want to call my children. It is so beautiful and different and I haven't ever met anyone in real life called 'Willa'. I just once again think it is really understated, looks gorgeous written out, is an eye-catching name, more than likely will not meet another 'Willa', and I love all of the qualities associated behind this one. It grows on me more and more every day but I absolutely love it.
And finally (at last) is 'Gabriella'. This name originates from England as well as Greece and is actually a short version for Helen, which is a from the Greek Helene meaning "torch" or "light" or selene meaning "moon". Which could potentially mean that 'Gabriella' is a guiding light or a light in someones life. The popularity for her name is mainly in the US but in recent years I feel like it has grown in popularity over here in the UK. The numerology for 'Gabriella' is a new one and that is number 4. Number 4's appreciate rules and routines and are good at paying attention to detail. A career as a scientist, a manager, an artist, a jewellery maker, a fashion designer, or an illustrator would be good for them.
I absolutely adore this name and I've loved it for a long time. I think it is beautiful to say and beautiful to write out but I just know everyone would shorten it to either 'Gabby', 'Gabs', 'Gab' or potentially 'Ella' (but not likely) which isn't a problem but I love it as a full name and I know people would just automatically shorten it.
Right guys that is officially it for this post. This has taken me so long to type out, it has honestly taken me over 24 hours to do this post, how crazy is that? I know it was long and I know there was a lot of names on the list but I hope you enjoyed learning about the names I absolutely love but will more than likely not use in the future for my children. I found it quite fun to share with you guys all the origins and meanings and what different names can be said to potentially mean and be interpreted as.
I really enjoyed this post and I hope you did to, it was something really different. If you are pregnant and expecting a little bundle of joy soon I hope the pregnancy has been going really well and I hope maybe this has potentially inspired you on what you could call your child. Let me know in the comments down below guys what your favourite names are and also for anyone interested in finding out more about their own name or potential other names check out Baby Centre, I'll leave a link here if you guys are interested.
Don't forget to follow me on all my social medias linked above in my header and to follow me on Google+ which is linked in the side bar as well as Bloglovin' in the link at the bottom of this post.
If you guys read all the way to the end, thank you so much. I really appreciate it so much and I really hope you enjoyed. And the next time I will talk to you is Tuesday, 1st of August, for the first day of Blogust! How exciting.