Hello my lovelies, I hope you're all well. I feel like it has been quite a while since I did a Coffee Chats post where we just sit down together with a coffee of course, or if you don't like coffee a beverage of your choice, and just have a chat and an update on our lives. So that's what were gonna do today. Make sure you've got your beverage and maybe a snack as I dunno how long this post is gonna be.
Speaking of coffee I just wanna say a massive thank you for all of the views on my last post which was all about Visiting Bean & Cole Coffee House. It currently has over 1,000 views and honestly I'm gob smacked. It's my second most popular post behind my review of Primark's My Perfect Colour Foundation. Honestly you guys don't know how much this means to me and how grateful I am, just thank you so much.
If you guys haven't seen that post and would like to then just click here.
So let's start with general life. I have officially finished university and that is crazy to say. I don't know where the last three years have gone but honestly these have been the best three years of my life, no doubt about it. I'm not gonna get too into it now as I'm gonna do a post later on this year (November) all about my uni experience over the whole three years, if I think uni is worth it, and my favourite memories. So you'll have to hang tight for that one but it'll be here before you know it. I finished on May 12th which is when I did my last ever performance as a drama student at Chester University and honestly it hasn't actually hit me yet. I think it's because it just feels like my pals and I are all going home for summer like we always do and then we're just gonna come back again in September when in reality were not. But my life in Chester isn't fully over yet as I've got graduation to come back for, drama society's shows, and just friends to come and visit throughout next year.
I am really going to miss living in this city, it has become a place that I truly call home. And I do hope I come back one day potentially to live here as I absolutely love it. But at this moment right now I'm just going to see where life takes me. But the reality of it all is I don't have the money to stay here right now as I don't have a job here and I don't have a place to live after July. So it's best for me to go home for a while and get myself on my feet.

As for what I'm gonna do next I really don't know. I've been applying for a whole range of jobs. Some more drama based, for example teacher-esk but not a school teacher, whilst others aren't directly drama but they're jobs where my creative and people skills that I've developed on my degree can benefit me, for example working in retail but creating window displays and making sure the overall look of a shop is appealing to customers etc. I've been applying since June and haven't had much major luck yet apart from one job where I did get the offer. However it wasn't what I'd hoped for and the timings weren't right so I decided to decline it. Which is totally okay. My main advice to all of you when job hunting would be don't put pressure on yourself to take a job just because you need one. Especially if you're not confident about it but don't forget to push yourself to be the best you can be. I'm trying not to contradict myself but what I mean is don't apply for a job where you have no skills in that area to work. You've gotta use all your top qualities about yourself to your advantages.
I'm currently still on the hunt and my main thing right now is to find a job at least for the summer because otherwise I'm gonna be so bored. And because my mum and dad are gonna be on my case everyday if I don't get one (the reality of not being a student anymore). I've never had a "proper job" and I bloody hate that phrase because what even makes a job a "proper job"?! (that's a rant for another day). But I'm confident that the experience I do have and my personality will shine through to employers. So my fingers are crossed. Are any of you in the same boat as me?
A job may not be a constant in my life right now but my blog very much is and will be for the future months and years to come (I hope). You guys know how I always get, whilst I'm at uni my blog has always taken a bit of a back seat because of all the workload and mainly all of the days out I've had with friends. And I always roll it back around in the summer months which I am definitely still doing. I've got a lot of interesting posts planned and quite a few of them I've been meaning to do since April but just haven't got round to it.
But I thought I'd let you guys in on some new blogging things I'm gonna be doing in the upcoming months. I've been sitting and planning things for the future of my blog for this year and I've been trying to think of things I haven't done before, whether that be styles of posts or a series of posts that all link etc. If you guys have been reading my blog since at least this time last year then you'll know that I did Blogust where I blogged every day of August. I thoroughly enjoyed that month and judging from the views so did you guys. I'm so glad I did that as it brought me so many more opportunities and just inspired me a lot more really. So I was debating on doing Blogust again but I wasn't really feeling doing a summer month of blogging again. So instead I've decided I'm going to be doing Blogtember! So I'm gonna blog every day in September. Now I know what you guys are thinking, surely there's not much difference as August and September are right next to each other in the monthly timeline. That is true but I've got some really interesting posts planned such as planning posts, how to utilise notebooks, some more fashion based posts, challenge posts, I'm also doing a week within Blogtember all about university as most universities go back in September which I'm so excited for, and just a lot more lifestyle based posts too. So I'm super excited for September, I hope you guys are as well, it's gonna be a lot of fun I think.
But let's rewind for a min. So going back to now, I've got a lot of posts still to do from ages ago as we know. But I have officially decided to start a new series on my blog *screams and claps with excitement.* I can't reveal too much now because I'm still working on the ins and outs of the series itself, and doing some research, and I'm still working on a name for it. But the only clue I'm gonna give you guys is it is a topic all over social media at the minute especially Instagram. And it's a more positive outlook on something that many people, including myself, get anxious about or have been anxious about. And that is all I'm gonna say. If I can eventually find a name for the series it could potentially start next week but I can't be certain on that right now. The series itself will at least go all throughout summer and if it goes well and you guys like it and take something positive away from it I may continue it through to the cooler months after Blogtember. But yeah I'm really excited, let me know in the comments what you guys think the series might be about.
Now that we've got all that out the way let's talk about the important stuff...
If you guys follow me on Twitter (@katielouj0hnson) then you will know how opinionated I get about this show. I became obsessed last year and I have now become even more obsessed this year which I didn't think was possible. Now I know that some of the show is not all real and there are definitely moments that the islanders do obviously to create drama because if they didn't the show wouldn't be as popular and it wouldn't be as talked about. But am I still way too invested in these peoples lives on this reality show? 100% yes. Obviously a lot has happened over the last three weeks on the show and if you haven't been watching it well honestly I don't think there's a way I can actually catch you up. But if you have been watching let's discuss the latest events of the last week.
I'm gonna start with the whole Wes, Megan, and Laura situation. When Wes decided he was done with Laura after three weeks and after that one day connection with Megan he was like right bye Laura. Honestly this pissed me off so much, you guys don't even know, well you will know if you follow my Twitter. But I just cannot believe how disrespectful this was to Laura. Just the whole way he went about it and his reasons for wanting to leave Laura for Megan really were ridiculous. For example, both Wes and Megan admitted that they hadn't spoken until that day when Megan said she fancied him and Wes immediately wanted to break off everything he had developed with Laura. He might as well of just straight up said to her I don't think this is working and I'm not feeling it anymore. I would've had more respect for him because he would've actually been honest with Laura about how he felt. I would've been unbiased if Wes hadn't of said to Laura "I'm falling for you" because you can't go from that level of feelings for someone and then five minutes later after you've had a chat with the lads go actually nah. In the long run I think Wes and Laura would've broken up anyway because they are clearly at very different points in their lives, you know Laura wants to find a serious relationship with a future together whereas Wes clearly doesn't really know what he wants and I don't think he truly knows what he's gone in the villa to look for. But overall ever since that moment I lost all respect for Wes and I have a massive disliking for him now.
The main thing I loved about this situation though is the boys went off to Casa Amor which is the second villa and the boys had six new girls come in whilst in the original villa the girls had six new boys come in. And it couldn't of come at a better time, especially for Laura. So whilst most of the boys were cracking on in Casa Amor (which I'll get to in a minute) Wes decided not to because of his "strong feelings for Megan" which I don't know how you can have that amount of strong feelings after just one day together. If that's actually possible let me know. But yeah so Wes didn't crack on but of course our Megan did. Why am I not surprised? So yeah she cracked on with another guy called Alex and Laura cracked on with another guy called Jack. And when it came to the recoupling they both recoupled up with the new guys they'd met whilst Wes was left single. I don't like Megan but I loved this situation because this is true karma for the way Wes treated Laura and I was living for this. Honestly one of the best things that could've happened.
So speaking of Casa Amor, the boys went there for a few days and mostly they started cracking on which for the majority of them it was fine as a lot of them are more towards open to still getting to know people and connect with people as their couples haven't worked out up to this point. Except for Jack (not Laura's Jack) and Josh. Jack and Dani are officially in a relationship so obviously they stayed loyal to one another (thank god) and Josh has been coupled up with Georgia for two weeks or maybe a bit more. Now her and Josh were in a really good place, they were in the stage where they were kind of just having a laugh and getting to know each other whilst still being all about each other. I will admit when they first became a couple I wasn't 100% certain because Georgia was previously coupled up with Niall who she seemed really suited to but then he had to make an emergency exit from the show. Which meant Josh and Georgia were kind of the only two left that were fully single whereas everyone else in the villa was coupled up with someone. So at first it did feel kind of forced and like they were together just because of convenience. But as time went on, new islanders came in and neither of them seemed to turn their heads or really get to know anyone else which is when I was like oh okay, I can kinda see this working out. And then that all came crashing down didn't it.
So the boys had to sneak off to Casa Amor early one morning and weren't allowed to let the girls in on anything. And as I've already said they got there and six new girls came in and they started cracking on apart from Jack. And I'd love to say apart from Josh but I can't because he decided to crack on with another girl. Whilst Georgia decided to stay loyal to Josh because she realised when he was gone that she actually did like him a lot more than she'd let herself believe. As you can imagine, myself and all of the other Love Island fans on Twitter were going insane on the hashtag. So to keep a long story short Josh was completely unfaithful to Georgia during those three days in Casa Amor; there was a recoupling at the end of the week and the girls and guys had to decided whether or not they were going to recouple with one of the new islanders or if they were going to stay loyal. Unfortunately for Georgia, Josh decided to recouple with another girl which as you can imagine absolutely broke her.
Now on Twitter most people are team Georgia in this situation which I 100% am. That feeling of being second best to someone is never nice and I can totally relate to what she is going through right now. Some people have commented that they don't feel like Josh has done anything wrong because they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend and also it is Love Island, they're all there to find a connection with someone and you know win £50,000. Which I do get where those people are coming from but what he has done wrong is handled the whole situation wrong. For the weeks Josh and Georgia were seeing each other Josh never made it clear that he was open to seeing other girls. Whilst in Casa Amor, Josh had no way of speaking to Georgia until the night of the recoupling, but whilst he was in Casa Amor he had no respect for Georgia's feelings in the process of him cracking on with Kaz. He also claims that he felt a stronger connection to a girl he'd know for one day than a girl he'd been seeing for two weeks. I'm sorry what? Again if this is actually a thing that really happens then please enlighten me but I just don't get how you can throw something all away and be done with it for someone else you've know for five minutes. Are people honestly that heartless?
The best thing to ever happen though on the night of recoupling was how Georgia handled the situation. She saw Josh came back in with another girl and was obviously upset, annoyed, heartbroken etc. She turned away when she was about to cry, took a breath, composed herself, and turned back and got on with it. HONESTLY ICONIC. The way she handled the whole situation is honestly inspiring for our society. She is honestly a true queen and I will always love her for how she dealt with this situation. I absolutely adore Georgia as a person and I truly believe she deserves the best.
Obviously after the drama and high emotions of it all she's dealt with it the best she can and the only people who really seem to care about her in that villa are Dani and Laura. Which is an absolute piss take because Georgia cares about absolutely everyone in there and is always there for them when they need her and now they can't even be there for her. Another thing that has also fucked me off about this situation is how none of the boys at any stage said to Josh don't you think you should be thinking about Georgia. Fair enough it's not their situation to deal with but if any of the boys had any respect for Georgia or even cared about how she might've felt they would've pulled Josh aside and called him out on it. As if I was in there, I'd've done that because the way he was going about it weren't right.
The main thing this year that is frustrating me in Love Island is the fact that all of the lads apart from Jack keep saying this phrase "Am I happy? Yes. But could I be happier? Absolutely" and honestly I have never felt more hostile towards a group of boys ever. This is how you definitely know they're boys and not men. Honestly what the hell?! I am actually sick of our generation's views on relationships. It's like I swear to god people just don't appreciate what they already have and also don't have respect for other peoples feelings let alone their own feelings. Why are so many people so selfish and spiteful; honestly I have never felt more pissed off about a conversation than this one. This is just a point for everyone, guy or girl, if this is how you view people you're seeing or just people in your life. Then you've gotta take a hard look in the mirror because with an attitude like this you don't deserve to be happy let alone be "happier."
An episode or two ago Georgia was crying to Dani and Laura and she said two things that I think everyone can relate to in some way. The first was 'He's happy with her' and the second was 'What has she got that I haven't got?' this honestly made me feel so sad for Georgia. I can relate to these two questions a lot and I'm assuming most of you who are reading this can as well. There has got to be no worse feeling than feeling second best to someone. It's been a few days now since everything and Georgia has had some time to cool off and think and she had a chat with Kaz. She said it how it was on her end of things and how she feels as technically Kaz hasn't done anything fully wrong as it was Josh who was disloyal to Georgia. And Kaz was the same, explained to Georgia her way of seeing things and how it feels on her end etc. So essentially they were just finding common ground. Georgia said that she is happy that they've both found someone and she hopes they work out. Kaz had the audacity to go back to Josh and say that Georgia was patronising. And in that one second exchange I lost all respect for Kaz as well. Georgia wasn't being patronising at all, Georgia could've ignored her for the whole time they're both there which would obviously make things awkward in the long run. I say fair play to Georgia for clearing the air when she is evidently still such a mess and broken up about Josh.
Someone did a tweet saying it's not about the fact that Josh recoupled with another girl. It's the fact that he sold Georgia a dream and told her all the things she wanted to hear when he didn't really mean any of it. And that resonated with me so much, honestly so much because being lead on is the worst thing ever. It goes to show that you should always always always be wary of peoples intentions with you. I really do hope Georgia gets what she deserves because she honestly deserves all the love in the world for being so kind, honest, genuine, positive. I love you queen G!
If you thought I was done talking about Love Island after all that, well you're wrong. I have one more person I wanna talk about and that is Megan. As I've said many times already if you guys follow my Twitter you will know how opinionated I get about this show and you will also know how much Megan drives me round the bend. This girl is honestly something else, she is a different breed to the human race I swear to god. I have never witnessed the amount of snaky behaviour from anyone that I have with this girl. She is literally the female equivalent of Adam and we're not gonna get into my opinions on Adam because we'll be here all night and this post is already so long. I can't even put into words how vile she is as a person. She's messed with peoples emotions in that villa, broken up a relationship for no reason, doesn't care for anyone else's feelings other than her own, can't ever say no and stay true to her own intentions, and each episode proves why I hate her more. For example, she's always had a vendetta against Georgia for no reason but some people on Twitter reckon it's because Georgia is everything Megan isn't as there's been a lot of opinions on Megan's plastic surgery. And if you guys wanna know more about that just check the Love Island hashtag. Which I personally wouldn't be surprised if that is the reason. But anyway, during the whole saga of Georgia, Josh, and Kaz, Megan had the audacity to say to Josh what he's done is right and she would've done the same in his situation and for me that is just the cherry on top of the cake of why she infuriates me. That girl doesn't know the meaning of empathy or respect for other people and I really do hope karma comes and bites her in the arse massively. But, I will never like the girl, however the game she is playing in that villa is very clever and I'm waiting for when the other islanders fully clock onto it.
Honestly the more that goes on in Love Island the more opinionated I get and the more annoyed I get at certain people. Now obviously, the media and the filming of things can make people be portrayed in different ways in certain situations and I am fully aware of that. Also because with Love Island especially we only see one hour of a twenty four hour day, so we never one hundred percent get the full picture. I love sharing my opinions and tweeting about it all night on twitter as much as the next person but I do take it with a pinch of salt as I'm fully aware things aren't always what they seem especially on reality shows. But it's all for the fun, all for the fun isn't it.
If you guys watch Love Island let me know down below and share your thoughts and opinions on the current goings on.
I will speak to you all very soon.
But I thought I'd let you guys in on some new blogging things I'm gonna be doing in the upcoming months. I've been sitting and planning things for the future of my blog for this year and I've been trying to think of things I haven't done before, whether that be styles of posts or a series of posts that all link etc. If you guys have been reading my blog since at least this time last year then you'll know that I did Blogust where I blogged every day of August. I thoroughly enjoyed that month and judging from the views so did you guys. I'm so glad I did that as it brought me so many more opportunities and just inspired me a lot more really. So I was debating on doing Blogust again but I wasn't really feeling doing a summer month of blogging again. So instead I've decided I'm going to be doing Blogtember! So I'm gonna blog every day in September. Now I know what you guys are thinking, surely there's not much difference as August and September are right next to each other in the monthly timeline. That is true but I've got some really interesting posts planned such as planning posts, how to utilise notebooks, some more fashion based posts, challenge posts, I'm also doing a week within Blogtember all about university as most universities go back in September which I'm so excited for, and just a lot more lifestyle based posts too. So I'm super excited for September, I hope you guys are as well, it's gonna be a lot of fun I think.
But let's rewind for a min. So going back to now, I've got a lot of posts still to do from ages ago as we know. But I have officially decided to start a new series on my blog *screams and claps with excitement.* I can't reveal too much now because I'm still working on the ins and outs of the series itself, and doing some research, and I'm still working on a name for it. But the only clue I'm gonna give you guys is it is a topic all over social media at the minute especially Instagram. And it's a more positive outlook on something that many people, including myself, get anxious about or have been anxious about. And that is all I'm gonna say. If I can eventually find a name for the series it could potentially start next week but I can't be certain on that right now. The series itself will at least go all throughout summer and if it goes well and you guys like it and take something positive away from it I may continue it through to the cooler months after Blogtember. But yeah I'm really excited, let me know in the comments what you guys think the series might be about.
Now that we've got all that out the way let's talk about the important stuff...
If you guys follow me on Twitter (@katielouj0hnson) then you will know how opinionated I get about this show. I became obsessed last year and I have now become even more obsessed this year which I didn't think was possible. Now I know that some of the show is not all real and there are definitely moments that the islanders do obviously to create drama because if they didn't the show wouldn't be as popular and it wouldn't be as talked about. But am I still way too invested in these peoples lives on this reality show? 100% yes. Obviously a lot has happened over the last three weeks on the show and if you haven't been watching it well honestly I don't think there's a way I can actually catch you up. But if you have been watching let's discuss the latest events of the last week.
I'm gonna start with the whole Wes, Megan, and Laura situation. When Wes decided he was done with Laura after three weeks and after that one day connection with Megan he was like right bye Laura. Honestly this pissed me off so much, you guys don't even know, well you will know if you follow my Twitter. But I just cannot believe how disrespectful this was to Laura. Just the whole way he went about it and his reasons for wanting to leave Laura for Megan really were ridiculous. For example, both Wes and Megan admitted that they hadn't spoken until that day when Megan said she fancied him and Wes immediately wanted to break off everything he had developed with Laura. He might as well of just straight up said to her I don't think this is working and I'm not feeling it anymore. I would've had more respect for him because he would've actually been honest with Laura about how he felt. I would've been unbiased if Wes hadn't of said to Laura "I'm falling for you" because you can't go from that level of feelings for someone and then five minutes later after you've had a chat with the lads go actually nah. In the long run I think Wes and Laura would've broken up anyway because they are clearly at very different points in their lives, you know Laura wants to find a serious relationship with a future together whereas Wes clearly doesn't really know what he wants and I don't think he truly knows what he's gone in the villa to look for. But overall ever since that moment I lost all respect for Wes and I have a massive disliking for him now.
The main thing I loved about this situation though is the boys went off to Casa Amor which is the second villa and the boys had six new girls come in whilst in the original villa the girls had six new boys come in. And it couldn't of come at a better time, especially for Laura. So whilst most of the boys were cracking on in Casa Amor (which I'll get to in a minute) Wes decided not to because of his "strong feelings for Megan" which I don't know how you can have that amount of strong feelings after just one day together. If that's actually possible let me know. But yeah so Wes didn't crack on but of course our Megan did. Why am I not surprised? So yeah she cracked on with another guy called Alex and Laura cracked on with another guy called Jack. And when it came to the recoupling they both recoupled up with the new guys they'd met whilst Wes was left single. I don't like Megan but I loved this situation because this is true karma for the way Wes treated Laura and I was living for this. Honestly one of the best things that could've happened.
So speaking of Casa Amor, the boys went there for a few days and mostly they started cracking on which for the majority of them it was fine as a lot of them are more towards open to still getting to know people and connect with people as their couples haven't worked out up to this point. Except for Jack (not Laura's Jack) and Josh. Jack and Dani are officially in a relationship so obviously they stayed loyal to one another (thank god) and Josh has been coupled up with Georgia for two weeks or maybe a bit more. Now her and Josh were in a really good place, they were in the stage where they were kind of just having a laugh and getting to know each other whilst still being all about each other. I will admit when they first became a couple I wasn't 100% certain because Georgia was previously coupled up with Niall who she seemed really suited to but then he had to make an emergency exit from the show. Which meant Josh and Georgia were kind of the only two left that were fully single whereas everyone else in the villa was coupled up with someone. So at first it did feel kind of forced and like they were together just because of convenience. But as time went on, new islanders came in and neither of them seemed to turn their heads or really get to know anyone else which is when I was like oh okay, I can kinda see this working out. And then that all came crashing down didn't it.
So the boys had to sneak off to Casa Amor early one morning and weren't allowed to let the girls in on anything. And as I've already said they got there and six new girls came in and they started cracking on apart from Jack. And I'd love to say apart from Josh but I can't because he decided to crack on with another girl. Whilst Georgia decided to stay loyal to Josh because she realised when he was gone that she actually did like him a lot more than she'd let herself believe. As you can imagine, myself and all of the other Love Island fans on Twitter were going insane on the hashtag. So to keep a long story short Josh was completely unfaithful to Georgia during those three days in Casa Amor; there was a recoupling at the end of the week and the girls and guys had to decided whether or not they were going to recouple with one of the new islanders or if they were going to stay loyal. Unfortunately for Georgia, Josh decided to recouple with another girl which as you can imagine absolutely broke her.
Now on Twitter most people are team Georgia in this situation which I 100% am. That feeling of being second best to someone is never nice and I can totally relate to what she is going through right now. Some people have commented that they don't feel like Josh has done anything wrong because they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend and also it is Love Island, they're all there to find a connection with someone and you know win £50,000. Which I do get where those people are coming from but what he has done wrong is handled the whole situation wrong. For the weeks Josh and Georgia were seeing each other Josh never made it clear that he was open to seeing other girls. Whilst in Casa Amor, Josh had no way of speaking to Georgia until the night of the recoupling, but whilst he was in Casa Amor he had no respect for Georgia's feelings in the process of him cracking on with Kaz. He also claims that he felt a stronger connection to a girl he'd know for one day than a girl he'd been seeing for two weeks. I'm sorry what? Again if this is actually a thing that really happens then please enlighten me but I just don't get how you can throw something all away and be done with it for someone else you've know for five minutes. Are people honestly that heartless?
The best thing to ever happen though on the night of recoupling was how Georgia handled the situation. She saw Josh came back in with another girl and was obviously upset, annoyed, heartbroken etc. She turned away when she was about to cry, took a breath, composed herself, and turned back and got on with it. HONESTLY ICONIC. The way she handled the whole situation is honestly inspiring for our society. She is honestly a true queen and I will always love her for how she dealt with this situation. I absolutely adore Georgia as a person and I truly believe she deserves the best.
Obviously after the drama and high emotions of it all she's dealt with it the best she can and the only people who really seem to care about her in that villa are Dani and Laura. Which is an absolute piss take because Georgia cares about absolutely everyone in there and is always there for them when they need her and now they can't even be there for her. Another thing that has also fucked me off about this situation is how none of the boys at any stage said to Josh don't you think you should be thinking about Georgia. Fair enough it's not their situation to deal with but if any of the boys had any respect for Georgia or even cared about how she might've felt they would've pulled Josh aside and called him out on it. As if I was in there, I'd've done that because the way he was going about it weren't right.
The main thing this year that is frustrating me in Love Island is the fact that all of the lads apart from Jack keep saying this phrase "Am I happy? Yes. But could I be happier? Absolutely" and honestly I have never felt more hostile towards a group of boys ever. This is how you definitely know they're boys and not men. Honestly what the hell?! I am actually sick of our generation's views on relationships. It's like I swear to god people just don't appreciate what they already have and also don't have respect for other peoples feelings let alone their own feelings. Why are so many people so selfish and spiteful; honestly I have never felt more pissed off about a conversation than this one. This is just a point for everyone, guy or girl, if this is how you view people you're seeing or just people in your life. Then you've gotta take a hard look in the mirror because with an attitude like this you don't deserve to be happy let alone be "happier."
An episode or two ago Georgia was crying to Dani and Laura and she said two things that I think everyone can relate to in some way. The first was 'He's happy with her' and the second was 'What has she got that I haven't got?' this honestly made me feel so sad for Georgia. I can relate to these two questions a lot and I'm assuming most of you who are reading this can as well. There has got to be no worse feeling than feeling second best to someone. It's been a few days now since everything and Georgia has had some time to cool off and think and she had a chat with Kaz. She said it how it was on her end of things and how she feels as technically Kaz hasn't done anything fully wrong as it was Josh who was disloyal to Georgia. And Kaz was the same, explained to Georgia her way of seeing things and how it feels on her end etc. So essentially they were just finding common ground. Georgia said that she is happy that they've both found someone and she hopes they work out. Kaz had the audacity to go back to Josh and say that Georgia was patronising. And in that one second exchange I lost all respect for Kaz as well. Georgia wasn't being patronising at all, Georgia could've ignored her for the whole time they're both there which would obviously make things awkward in the long run. I say fair play to Georgia for clearing the air when she is evidently still such a mess and broken up about Josh.
Someone did a tweet saying it's not about the fact that Josh recoupled with another girl. It's the fact that he sold Georgia a dream and told her all the things she wanted to hear when he didn't really mean any of it. And that resonated with me so much, honestly so much because being lead on is the worst thing ever. It goes to show that you should always always always be wary of peoples intentions with you. I really do hope Georgia gets what she deserves because she honestly deserves all the love in the world for being so kind, honest, genuine, positive. I love you queen G!
If you thought I was done talking about Love Island after all that, well you're wrong. I have one more person I wanna talk about and that is Megan. As I've said many times already if you guys follow my Twitter you will know how opinionated I get about this show and you will also know how much Megan drives me round the bend. This girl is honestly something else, she is a different breed to the human race I swear to god. I have never witnessed the amount of snaky behaviour from anyone that I have with this girl. She is literally the female equivalent of Adam and we're not gonna get into my opinions on Adam because we'll be here all night and this post is already so long. I can't even put into words how vile she is as a person. She's messed with peoples emotions in that villa, broken up a relationship for no reason, doesn't care for anyone else's feelings other than her own, can't ever say no and stay true to her own intentions, and each episode proves why I hate her more. For example, she's always had a vendetta against Georgia for no reason but some people on Twitter reckon it's because Georgia is everything Megan isn't as there's been a lot of opinions on Megan's plastic surgery. And if you guys wanna know more about that just check the Love Island hashtag. Which I personally wouldn't be surprised if that is the reason. But anyway, during the whole saga of Georgia, Josh, and Kaz, Megan had the audacity to say to Josh what he's done is right and she would've done the same in his situation and for me that is just the cherry on top of the cake of why she infuriates me. That girl doesn't know the meaning of empathy or respect for other people and I really do hope karma comes and bites her in the arse massively. But, I will never like the girl, however the game she is playing in that villa is very clever and I'm waiting for when the other islanders fully clock onto it.
Honestly the more that goes on in Love Island the more opinionated I get and the more annoyed I get at certain people. Now obviously, the media and the filming of things can make people be portrayed in different ways in certain situations and I am fully aware of that. Also because with Love Island especially we only see one hour of a twenty four hour day, so we never one hundred percent get the full picture. I love sharing my opinions and tweeting about it all night on twitter as much as the next person but I do take it with a pinch of salt as I'm fully aware things aren't always what they seem especially on reality shows. But it's all for the fun, all for the fun isn't it.
If you guys watch Love Island let me know down below and share your thoughts and opinions on the current goings on.
And that is it for this post my lovelies. I think we're all caught up now. Let me know down below how all of you are and catch me up on what is going on in your life right now.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Follow me on all of my social media so you can keep up to date with everything I am doing! You can follow me on Twitter @katielouj0hnson, Instagram @katiej0hnson, Pinterest @katielouj0hnson, and Bloglovin' @ Katie Johnson.
This is a massive post and took my awhile to read but It was lovely to hear your thoughts, I imagined you was telling me this 😂
ReplyDeleteI know! Haha, the Coffee Chats ones are always long, but I enjoy writing them. Haha 😂😂 - glad you enjoyed my love!xxx