Thursday 21 June 2018

LIFESTYLE | Things I'm Glad to be Alive For

Hello my lovelies, I hope you're all well and have been having a fab start to summer. I know it's been a while since I last blogged but the last term of uni was so hectic and busy that I'm only just getting back into the swing of blogging and doing things that aren't uni work. I'll do an update post about uni and life etc if that's what you guys want? Just let me in the comments. 

This post I am sharing with you guys today was actually inspired by a new blogger who I met on Twitter a couple of months ago. She did a post titled '50 things that I'm glad to be alive for' and after I read through that blog post I got really inspired and wanted to do my own version, so that is what I'm sharing with you today.

Please go and check out her version because it is absolutely lovely! And I really enjoy her posts in general, so definitely check them out, click here

♡ when a hot drink goes from scorching to warm
♡ exploring
♡ spontaneous plans 
♡ making people happy/ smile/ laugh
♡ car rides with music blaring out
♡ photographing moments
♡ the tap of my nails on my phone screen 
♡ that first coffee in the morning 
♡ quality time with people you love
♡ that moment you see someone you haven't seen for a long time 
♡ laughing until you cry
♡ reading a book where you get fully invested in the story 
♡ that feeling of cosy jumpers 
♡ the crunch of fresh snow beneath your feet
♡ when cold air hits your face
♡ seeing your makeup all come together 
♡ an unexpected compliment 
♡ late night walks 
♡ seeing your friends achieve their goals
♡ freshly painted nails
♡ freshly shaved legs
♡ wearing a dress
♡ inspiring quotes 
♡ that moment at a concert when everyone puts their phone lights on 
♡ wondering about the universe 
♡ watching fireworks burst
♡ breathing in sea air
♡ the Costa playlist 
♡ singing for hours and hours 
♡ my mum and dad's happiness
♡ the nervous adrenaline before a performance 
♡ when the sea waves hit your toes 
♡ sunsets
♡ coffee dates with friends 
♡ working on projects
♡ giving gifts to someone else and seeing their face light up when they open it 
♡ the relief you feel after checking an important email or a grade 
♡ the excitement you feel to eat your favourite foods 
♡ expanding your mind to the different possibilities that may or may not exist 
♡ receiving a letter or a package in the post
♡ the thrill of going on a roller coaster
♡ watching lightning flash across the sky
♡ proving to yourself that you can do it
♡ singing musical songs
♡ receiving praise when you really deserve it 
♡ the sound of clinking glasses
♡ the satisfaction of checking something off your to do list 
♡ when you stretch your whole body out and feel tired for a few seconds after
♡ having a creative mind
♡ the ambience of sitting with just fairy lights on 
♡ the smell after you blow out a candle
♡ the excitement for your favourite show to come on 
♡ falling asleep on the sofa
♡ when a song you and your friends love comes on on a night out 
♡ harmonising songs 
♡ really feeling yourself in a certain type of outfit with a certain style of hair and a certain style of makeup
♡ the smell of freshly cut roses 
♡ the excitement of putting on a new outfit
♡ catching a sweet in your mouth with people watching 
♡ that feeling of being absolutely amazed by something you're watching or experiencing 
♡ late night phone calls
♡ long hugs 
♡ coffee art 
♡ singing your heart out with your friends 
♡ starting a fresh notebook 
♡ doing well in something you worked really hard for 
♡ inspiring others 
♡ sitting in a coffee shop all afternoon
♡ when you and your friend say the exact same thing at the exact same time 

What are some of the things you guys are glad to be alive for? Let me know in the comments down below. 

As always lovelies don't forget to follow me on all of my social media as more than likely when I'm not posting as much on my blog, I'm posting on my social media and you can keep up to date with everything I am doing! You can follow me on Twitter @katielouj0hnson, Instagram @katiej0hnson, Pinterest @katielouj0hnson, and Bloglovin' @ Katie Johnson

Over on my Twitter I'm running a poll right now where you guys can vote for what you want to see on my blog in terms of summer posts. So if you could all go and vote I'd really appreciate it, click here to have your say!

Stay tuned for a new few posts in the next couple of weeks.




  1. omg i love this post, it is inspiring taking a look at the little things that make up the bigger picture of our life. It makes us learn to appreciate what we have in this world. Girl i feel you with uni, luckily i've just graduated. Love your blog xx

  2. Awh thank you lovely, I'm glad you enjoyed! Exactly, these days more than ever I cherish and appreciate every single day regardless of what I'm doing. My god it's so hard to balance everything! I'm graduating later this year as well. xxx

