Hello my lovelies, I hope you're all well and welcome back to a post that isn't blogust! Haha, it feels so strange not saying "welcome back to blogust day twenty..." etc. But anyway, welcome back though to another Mindful Mondays. I know I haven't done one of these for a couple of weeks and I apologise for that but sometimes I just don't have anything I really want to talk about in posts like these. I have to have a spark of inspiration from something I've read or watched or something my mind has been thinking about a lot recently etc. I also know I mentioned in my last Mind Mondays post about us writing a letter to our past and future selves which I will come back around to, as I'm gonna be honest even I haven't written mine yet. So I promise we'll pop back to the letters next week but this week I actually want to talk about something I watched last night.
We gotta back up a bit first; recently I've been trying out ASMR which stands for autonomous sensory meridian response and is characterised by the sensation of "tingling" usually starting from the back of the scalp and down your neck. The main reason I wanted to try it out was just to see what it was all about as I'd heard a lot of different things and opinions on it. The main channel I have been trying out is ASMR Darling, click here to check her channel out. I've watched quite a lot of her videos now and she offers many different types of ASMR videos to suit different people, such as role play, treatments (getting your hair or nails done), and just relaxing words to help you sleep. I know a lot of people find ASMR weird and creepy and some people even think it's a sexual thing but I can say after trying it out I don't think it's any of those things personally. I think it's actually a really nice technique to relax, especially when you're stressed. To me it also feels quite comforting because of the way the videos are set up - the creator making the video physically talks to you and even though it's mainly generalisations of things in the video to appeal to a wide audience. The sensations and reactions you as an individual will get from an experience like ASMR will be so different to anyone else's. To me ASMR is another type of meditation which is probably the reason I don't think it's weird. I'm a very open minded person and I believe you can't fully have a strong opinion on something until you've tried it yourself or until you've experienced something similar. If you're open minded or you're into meditation I'd really recommend you guys all try out ASMR and tell me what you think of it.
Anyway, I was up late last night (what's new?) because we all know by now I don't sleep early. But anyway, so I was chilling and I don't really know how I found this video and this channel, I just did. So I came across a video titled 'Stargazing ASMR' from a channel called Goodnight Moon ASMR. I love being out late a night and looking up at the stars, so I clicked on it and all I'm going to say is click here to watch it because you need to watch it before you carry on reading the rest of this post. So seriously, click it, watch it, and then come back.
Now if you've scrolled to this next section I am assuming you've watched the video. If you haven't and have just scrolled anyway, what are you doing here? I mean it watch the video!
Anyway, trusting that you have watched the video. I don't know what it is about this video that made feel so drawn in and connected to it. I think it's just because of the way she talks about life and like the psychology behind certain people. And we all know late night conversations are the best; it just really got me thinking about life on the scale of the universe. I've spoken about this before but this video just re-surfaced those thoughts in my mind of:
'Why are we here?'
'Why does the universe want me here on this earth in this present time period?'
'Why am I doing the things I'm doing?'
'How have I become the person I am now?'
'What makes my brain look at things a certain way and have opinions on a certain thing?'
I know we always say "this is your life, you do whatever you want to do" etc but sometimes I do sit and I wonder what if the universe has it all planned out for me already? Like what if the universe already knows where I'm going to end up in the future and what if the universe already chooses your destiny before you're even born and have a chance to think about it for yourself. What if we're all just souls that float in the atmosphere and are eventually chosen to come into this life at a certain point in time. And we may never know the reason why and perhaps we're never meant to. But I just find comfort in just letting my mind wander to the questions that most people wouldn't bother to think about,
Have any of you also noticed how our eyes look like certain galaxies and nebula's in space? If not go and have look at your eyes in the mirror; it sometimes makes me think that maybe deep down in our souls we're all from space or we all have an association to space and the universe more than we actually realise. I just find that fascinating. Once again, it's a question we'll never know the answer to.
Another question that stems off from all that is 'What is my purpose in life?' and we all know we've asked ourselves this at one point or another. It's again one of those questions that we may never get the answer to. And maybe some of us don't always have a purpose, perhaps the reason some of us are put here is to enjoy the ride and experience life for what it can be. And maybe others of us are put here to remind others how hard life can be and how not everything is meant to be good or meant to be perfect all the time. And maybe we are here for a purpose and some of you might know what your purpose is and some of you might not and that's okay. Personally for me, I believe I am here for the purpose of making other people happy and inspiring other people because I find great joy in doing that. I love doing something for someone else that makes them smile or doing these types of posts for you guys that hopefully inspire you some way or open your mind to something new. And who knows, maybe our purposes in life change as we get older because of all of the learning, growing, and the experiences we do across our lifetime.
Also in the video at around 9 minutes and onward's she talks about all of our different perceptions on life and how not one of us is right and not one of us is wrong. It's just based on our perceptions which develop from this period of time we've been born in and how that affects how we are, as well as what we've been brought up to learn and how society has impacted our opinions, and then of course our own minds. You know what we really want to believe. And what I find really interesting is when she talks about how all of our life situations are so different and really picturing ourselves in someone else's shoes. How certain circumstances affect who we are beyond other people's understanding. And it just really made me think about other peoples lives in relation to our lives and how we're all supposed to be in one another's lives for reasons that once again we may not understand or may never really know why. And maybe it's never about finding the "why", the answer to the question. Maybe it's just about finding the "thankfulness", for being able to just live our lives for how long we are supposed to be here for and enjoying the happiness of each day as it comes. Maybe our purpose isn't to have a purpose.
I am a strong believer in the universe and that it directs you where you are supposed to go and maybe that is because the universe already knows the paths you need to go down in order to get where you need to go. I find people always spend so much time worrying about what they're going to do, for example after uni. Whereas for me, I'm a strong believer that the universe will direct me to the right path because the universe has a funny way of putting things for you into perspective and putting things into place for you without you even noticing.
I just find thinking about our lives in relation to the universe really interesting and it's really comforting for me. I don't really know why. I always find that my mind is most awake at night which is when all of these types of thoughts enter my mind.
This has been quite a short Mindful Mondays post which is rare. But let me know in the comments your thoughts and feelings on these things I've touched upon in this post. Also, don't forget to write your letters to your past selves and future selves. I'd love to hear some of them from you guys in the comments or feel free to drop me an email @ katiejohnson10@hotmail.com.
Don't forget to follow me on my Twitter @katielouj0hnson, my Instagram @katiej0hnson, my Pinterest @katielouj0hnson, and my Bloglovin' @ Katie Johnson. Just so you can all keep up to date with me and what I'm doing as I'm always on my social media.
As always I hope you guys enjoyed and took something from this post. Thank you so much for reading and I shall see you back here again on Wednesday.

ReplyDeleteI have nominated you for The Blogger Recognition Award because I really love your blog! The link to my post is here- https://molliewesthead.wordpress.com/2017/09/07/blogger-recognition-award/
Hello Mollie, awh thank you so much! That means the world. I will check out the most all about it as soon as I've got a minute!