Hello my lovelies, I hope you're all doing well and are having a good start to summer. Fiirstly I just want to say a massive apology to all of you as I haven't uploaded a blog post in two months. The end of the year at uni has kept me pretty busy with assessments, essays, and of course stll getting drunk every weekend with my friends. Which means I haven't found the time to fit blogging into my schedule.
So, what's been happening? Well, I've turned 19 now! It's been exactly a month since my birthday when I'm writing this today you guys and I had one of the best birthday's ever, spent with the people that mean the most to me. We had a pyjama party the day before in order to start the birthday celebrations from 12am, woooooo! I was given a massive card, a big bag of presents, and an amazing homemade cake. Not to mention my best girl, Heather from home came up for the weekend! It was so lovely of them all to do that for me as I really didn't expect it. I've never felt more loved, special, and appreciated by a group of people in my whole life. i love them all to pieces and will miss them millions over the summer.
Devised assessments happened two days afer my birthday and my groups' went incredibly well. I couldn't have been more happier with what we achieved. Our performance was based on video games and the potential life threatening onsequences whilst still making it funny and entertaining. We constantly changed into different characters from real life to video game characters such as Mario. It was certainly the most challenging devised show I have ever worked on and put together but all that work, time, and energy was worth it as we were grade 65% which is a 2:1! It was an absolute pleasure to be apart of something so inventive and creative in terms of technology and getting to explore what I can do as an actress. The comments made from our lectures; "It is definitely the most challenging and creative devised piece we've seen from a group of first years" and it's different performances like this that I get to be apart of that makes me want to do this for the rest of my life. Our lecturers have even said we'll be performing it again in September/October for the new first years to watch to see the kind of performance you can create and the limits you can go to. Which is a phenominal achievement for us as a group! Can't wait to perform it again as I will never forget how awesome this show was!
Devised was definitely the biggest performance of the year, however, we also completed our performance histories performances and I received 69%, 1 mark off a first! (damn, haha) but I was absolutely over the moon as it was my highest performance mark this year in regards to an ensemble piece. We also received our vocal marks back and my group achieved 74% which is a first! Couldn't actually believe it. We're still waiting for a load of essay marks, which will probably be the downfall as I'm not the greatest at essay's but we shall soon see!
Now it is not long until I leave Chester for nearly four months (omg, le cry) and it's needless to say I'm going to miss living here immensely. I feel like since moving here I've been able to blossom and really become who I've wanted to be. Moving away from home really was the best choice I made for me personally. But, it will be nice to go home and spend time with family and my other friends from home as I haven't seen them in quite a while now. Which will be lovely.
In regards to blog posts I am definitely going to be getting back into it now as I have more time on my hands. I've got a few I want to do in the next couple weeks and plans for future ones but there's a few bits and bobs I need to get for those in order to actually do those posts. So bare with me guys, I will get around to it. But I think that's all I need to update you on for now.
So thank you for reading this update and I will talk to you again soon!

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