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An updated selfie I took a few weeks ago |
So obviously you guys know a lot about what I like makeup wise, fashion wise, nail wise, and any other kind of beauty related things. But you don't know what I like doing as a performer or something I've always wanted to do or say a battle I've had to over come etc. So this post is for you guys to get to know me, Katie, at the core of who I am.
1. Ballroom Dancing
This is something I haven't told a lot of people just because it's something I want to do for me. I love to dance but contemporary I'm not very good at because my balance and body movement is a bit static and not at it's best. Also, I'm really used to musical dancing now because of doing musicals every year with YOBOS and it's getting a lot easier to learn how to do dancing at YOBOS because my body gets used to doing it every year now.
Ballroom dancing has been something I've wanted to do for about three/four years now and I've never done it because I've not found the right place to go and learn it. A lot of places just do it for fun - an evening out to go and enjoy themselves, but I really want to learn intensely how to do ballroom and do competitions etc. My favourite ballroom styles I am desperate to learn ASAP are the Waltz, the Viennese Waltz, the Jive, the Quickstep, the American Smooth, and the Charleston.
This is one thing I really want to accomplish whilst I am at University because I am in control of what I want to do and what skills I want to learn, improve, and develop. Not to mention it will definitely come in handy for my future performance career and my fitness.
I feel ballroom dancing is right up my street because it is classy, fun, and entertaining - definitely something I want to do during my next three years at University and throughout the rest of my life.
2. Northern Lights
This next thing is something most people would probably never think of going to as it seems like an impossible goal to achieve. But ever since I was little I've wanted to go on holiday to see The Northern Lights. The image above here is the ones in Iceland which look absolutely incredible, but they also happen in Canada, Greenland, Alaska, and along the northern coast of Siberia.
One of the reasons I've always wanted to go is because it'd be a once in a life time opportunity and I've always wanted to go on a winter holiday. I am a preferred fan of cold weather which is why going to somewhere like Iceland or Canada to see this amazing astronomical phenomena. I want to go with someone who would appreciate it as much as I do and would love to go on a winter holiday as much as I do.
3. Write a Book
One thing I am dying to do in the future guys is write a book. Now I know this may be a bit cliché as many bloggers and youtuber's are writing books. However, I want to write an advice book which would link into analysing (aka psychology). I want to write a life advice book because emotionally and physically I have been through a lot that I feel would be awesome to write about in a book to help anyone else going through similar things and wants real advice on how to deal with it and what to do to move forward.
I would lay it out starting at secondary school, going through college, then going through university, and finally going through life. Maybe I'd do more than one - so the first one could be through the teenage and student years. Then another one could be about working life and growing into an adult etc.
The main reason I want to do this is because I am constantly analysing people's choices and why people do certain things they do (and yes, I do this to myself also) and I feel like it helps me discover who I am. When I know why I do something the way I do it helps me to find out a way to change that or improve it etc. I feel this is something not a lot of teenagers realise as they are growing up because they don't truly know who they are; real life advice from someone who's been through it, I feel, would be really beneficial to people my age now when they are realising who they are and what they want in life.
4. Psychology
Now this next goal in life leads on from my advice book idea; I want to take either a full degree course or short course in psychology after my three year BA in Acting at University. Not only to gain a skill and learn even more, but to actually know why the brain does what it does. I am constantly analysing why people do things they do and breaking it down to the point of why they actually choose to do the actions they do. It will also help me in the long run for my acting career because of character intentions, characteristics, and different character personalities. It'll help me analyse my characters more in depth and it will help me think through every part of their life experiences that could affect who they are today etc.
I want to know why each side of the brain is different to each individual, and why people's brain's feel something more than other's do, and how someone's brain makes them think the way they do etc. Then, link this to every day life - e.g. why someone has a specific body language they do, why people dress a certain way they do, why they act differently towards certain people, and overall just what makes them want to do what ever decision they choose to do in their life.
I just find psychology fascinating.
There's so much more about the brain and why it tells us to do the things I don't know and I really want to know even more and that is why I wanna do psychology.
5. Watching ''Let's Plays''
Now obviously I watch a lot of beauty and fashion related YouTuber's on YouTube, but sometimes I do just like to relax. I go away from all of the beauty related channel's and watch a load of Let's Plays - mainy Little Big Planet 1, 2, and 3 and The Sims 4 or The Sims 3. I really want to play the Little Big Planet's for myself because it looks like so much fun and entertaining, the only trouble is I don't have a Play Station 2/3. And, The Sims has always been one of my favourite games to play and watch people play. To this day I still don't really know why I love it so much, but I know when I get it I am going to be on it for hours.
6. Performance Company
This is something you guys definitely do not know and not many people know to be honest. As you know I am a performing arts student and I love entertaining people more than anything. However, I also want to work in a creator, writer, and director mode. My girl Heather and I have been planning to do this for ages now, we don't know when it will be an official thing but we want to become a professional performance company at some point in our life. We have a lot of cool ideas we feel that haven't been done or been made popular; we didn't want to be called a theatre company because we don't just want to do things for theatre. We want to write musicals, TV series, films, write books, straight acting shows, dance shows, variety shows etc - the list is endless.
We are already working on things right now as we like the idea of doing our own ideas as well as doing our own versions of acting pieces and musicals already written etc. We still do not have a name for our company but we've got our whole young life to figure that out. But this is something I am really excited for as I'm an extremely creative person more than people realise. I'm so passionate about what I do and I just love doing every aspect of the performing arts world and I really do hope I get to do every little bit of it in my career.
7. Makeup
As we all know from being on blogger for the last year, makeup is a huge hobby of mine that I love doing. But recently I've been thinking about getting my own makeup line at some point. I'm in no rush to do this because I don't know how on earth I am going to go about it creating this. But if I did have a makeup shop it could be linked through my blog; the main reason why I want to do one is because there's so many colours of products that I want to find and sometimes they don't even exist. I'd like to make good quality products with a good affordable price to go along with them. Linking with colour problems, there's always a colour problem with drug store foundation. The problem is even when they say 'Ivory' they have orange tones in. Um, excuse me? Why would pale people want a super warm tone colour like orange? I think most pale people have cool toned skin which is what I have.
As well as creating a makeup line, I'd also like to take a course at some point linking to theatrical makeup as it would really benefit me as a performer. Most likely, I will be doing backstage work at some point in my performing career. Therefore to have something extra for potential jobs would be fantastic and also I love doing dramatic makeup anyway as you guys have seen from some of my past looks which would be beneficial for different types of stage shows.
But yes, I just really want to make my own good quality affordable makeup line at some point in my life.
8. Ombre Hair
Recently I've started using this Casting Sunkiss Jelly by L'Oreal which is white jelly you run through your hair to gradually make it lighter. It is a permanent effect that lasts all through summer because the product counteracts with the sunlight to keep your hair lighter. The more you use it the lighter your hair becomes. So I decided I wanted a change with my hair but I didn't want to dye it with proper hair dye and damage my hair, so I found this at the right time. I'm gonna do a proper review etc on this product so I'm not going into too much detail, but, after the first time I used my hair already looked lighter. So I'm gonna continue you using this and showing you guys progress; but this was worth £6.99.
So yeah, guys I just wanted a change and as my hair is growing out now it could do with something different and lighter for summer - new start next year so fancied a change.
9. Tattoos
A few of you may know, but I'm guessing most of you don't. I am a big sucker for tattoos, I just love them. I think they are a freedom of speech about yourself to tell to the world that you might find hard to talk about, such as a family member passing away. I know many parents aren't really into tattoos but I feel they are becoming really popular in our society also to show to parents that young people want to make their own decisions about their life. I feel like getting a tattoo is something many young people do when they turn 18 years old (which I'm turning 18 in 7 days time! EEEKK!) because it's finally something you can do yourself and it's something small in your now big world of decisions.
Personally, my parents aren't really into them. My mum thinks they're really unattractive (mainly sleeve tattoos though) and she just doesn't like them. However, I am going to be getting a few myself as I grow up. I definitely have 2 planned for definite; I know what they're going to be and where they're going to go etc. I'm not going to tell you guys what the actual tattoos are as I'm designing one of them because it's for Jeffrey (my cat) who passed away as he meant loads to me and I always said I want something to represent him. It isn't one of those clique dates when he passed away or a paw print etc. It's something that is definitely what I would have and memorable for me. When I get it done in the next few years I will obviously show you all and take you a long on the journey as it's going to take a few times to get it all just how I want it to be.
The second one is a quote I found on a horoscope I took as the way they used language to make it your clique quote but made it sound better was really clever. Again, I'm not gonna tell you because no one has this quote I don't think and I want it to be just for me until after I get it done. I can't wait to get both done!!! The quote will most likely be done before the one for Jeffrey as it will take less time and cost less money.
As I'm 18 in seven days time, I don't know whether to get a tattoo soon or not because I know most people do the minute they turn 18. I do kind of want to but if I got anything it would have to be on my foot. I just want to experience what it's like before I get my main ones done. I might start browsing for some foot or ankle tattoos. If you guys have any suggestions, leave me a comment below!
10. Singing, Acting, and Dancing
As you guys know, I am a performing arts student but none of you actually know why I do performing arts - why I love it so much, what makes me want to put all my time and energy into it, and why it means so much to me. Well to start, being a performer maybe the hardest job to get into (work wise) but is one of the most fun jobs you could ever have. I love performing, I've loved it ever since I started singing in primary school. It started out as choir which then lead me into wanting to explore acting and dancing during secondary school. I did this through taking the subject from year seven through till year eleven. Along the way I also did a few years doing the dance extravaganza - anyone could sign up to do this show and create whatever dance they wanted. The extravaganza was just a show case of dancing talents which back in school I didn't have many.
After exploring all three disciplines I love everything which is why joining YOBOS which is a theatre company. Which many of you know is one of my favourite places ever because of how good the shows always are and how you get to perform and it feels so professional. Doing musicals is probably one of the best parts about being a performer as you're having fun whilst doing what you do best. Even though musicals is probably what I am best at, it is not the main area of performance I want to go into.
When I joined college (Extended Diploma in Performing Arts at Level 3) I knew I made the best choice instead of staying at Sixth Form because I got more out of what I really wanted to do. I've really learned how to make theatre which is becoming evident in my years final major project, which is going to be amazing for your information because we're such amazing actors now. Just bringing a story to life and a character is the best part about being a performer - putting your own twist on things because not one person acts the same as one another even if you're playing the same part or emotion etc. I've learned so much from college and still learning how to be a good actress as the big aim is to be an amazing performer at the end of it all. I cannot wait to go to university (which is also something else you don't know but you'll find out more of this later on) and carry on my favourite thing in the world to do - sing, act, and dance.
As a little extra, I will share with you some dream shows I want to be in, (with some potential roles if I know them) in both theatre and maybe films (if there is anything)
Mrs. Lovett - Sweeney Todd
Little Red Riding Hood - Into The Woods
Mamma Mia
Made in Dagenham
High School Musical
Teen Beach Movie
(but obviously the on-stage version of the musical)
West Side Story
The Commitments
Anna - Frozen
(when it is a musical)
(even though I'm doing that this year with YOBOS)
Stags and Hens
(this one is not a musical for a change)
There are probably loads of other theatre shows that are just acting but I cannot think of any others.
Film & TV:
(not these specific shows though as by the time I'll be old enough to do them they probably wont exist anymore - just something similar)
The Vampire Diaries
The Tomorrow People
Murder Mysteries
Disney Princesses
There is probably so many more than this but these are all I can think of at this point in time.
So that's it for this post you guys, I hope you enjoyed it and I've been working on this for about a week and half which is why there hasn't been a post since the Tangerine Dreams tutorial. I hope now you feel you know me a little better as I'm not all about beauty blogging even though I do love it very much.
Talk to you all soon,
Bye for now,