Hello my lovelies. It has been a very long time since I wrote to you all and now you're probably wondering Katie what on earth is going on? What do you mean by the title of this post? What is ending?
Well the answer to that is in the title. This is the end, my blogging journey. Six solid years on this platform, you guys have experienced so much with me from age 16 to 21. What a journey we've all been on. I've grown up documenting parts of my existence on this website and I've created content that I feel so proud of and I am still so passionate about. Which I will definitely continue into my future life and career whatever that may become. I've discovered more about who I am and where I want to grow and the woman I want to become as I continue my twenties. I feel very grateful for this platform to express a version of myself that I never knew I would actually become and I feel very bitter sweet that this is ending with a positive outcome.
I can't express how much every single one of you readers mean to me. Whether you've been here since 2013 or just within the last year.
I've always had such a struggle with regular posting just because of general life and motivation, which I felt a lot more in 2019 because of having a job and I kind of lost motivation for a lot of things I used to adore. Sadly blogging was also in that list. I didn't plan for that to happen I just kind of fell into it and before I knew it I didn't know how to pick myself back up and get back to being me. As an adult it's so easy to just work and wait for the weekends or whenever your days off are but I've realised more than ever that you can't wait for anything. If you want to do something or go out and get something you have to motivate yourself and believe in yourself otherwise you'll consume yourself with doubt. Like the famous Pinterest quote states, 'Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.' I don't want that to be me. Since leaving uni I've barely blogged, I've not done any performance based work, barely done any creative work, and I sort of just lost elements that used to make up me. I don't want to be the one who didn't go for it and I don't want to be someone who lives in the same town for the rest of her life and works at the same job for the next 10+ years and suddenly finds herself sitting at home one day in her 40's or 50's thinking 'Why didn't I go for it when I was young and had the whole world in front of me?'
You can't focus on everything at once and it's okay to not know what you want to do. But don't let yourself believe you can't do this because of that and you can't do that because of this. If you're in that boat like I was stop yourself. We are all capable of more as long as we believe we are. Dreams and goals don't happen overnight, you have to work every day and strive to be better and no matter how many knock backs you have. Remember it's not to put thoughts in your head it's to redirect your approach to what you want. Keep going, keep growing, keep striving. No one is you and that is your superpower.
However with all of that said you're probably wondering why I'm ending our blogging journey here together. I don't blame you for questioning it. I just feel for myself right now this is the right decision for me. I do love blogger, I always will. I've made some incredible break through's with content on here and I've created elements that I feel work really well together through series and styles of content I love expressing myself through. I've also made great connections with people through the blogging community. So many wonderfully inspiring and infectious individuals who are all so important in the grand scheme of bloggers and what bloggers represent. It just shows anyone has the chance to do whatever they want. If you feel you have a voice to inspire others or that you can give people something that will benefit that persons life in ways you don't even know then what are you waiting for?
Blogger will always hold a special place in my heart because it's where I discovered how to become a blogger. I know that sounds ridiculous but if you guys have been here since 2013 then you know how much I've grown and changed with content and in who I am as a person. I hope in these six years I've given you something that has made you think, inspired you, changed your thought process, made you want to make a change, entertained you, given you the confidence to be yourself, spread positivity, helped you start loving yourself, that you learned kindness is key, and that being you is more than enough.
Thank you so much for your support, your encouragement, your comments, your feedback, your kindness. You will never know how much you all mean to me and how much I've loved these six years of creating, learning, and growing. It makes my heart feel so full which will be how I'll always feel when I look back on these years.

However, I haven't been entirely honest with you guys. Everything I said above is still very much true but do you really think I'm going any where?
Is this the end of my blogging journey? On Blogger yes. Forever, of course not.
I have a special announcement guys. I've been thinking of doing this for a while but I kept going back and forth and I wasn't sure but I finally took the plunge. We're officially starting a fresh on Wordpress.
I adore Blogger. It's where I started this blogging journey and I have learned, changed, grown, and started to develop into the woman I always knew I could be. Which I'm going to continue to strive towards as I carry on learning, changing, growing, and creating the life I want to live. Which I hope you all continue to experience with me over on my brand new blog. Right, I think I've kept you waiting long enough so if you want to check out my brand new blog, click the website link below.
I adore Blogger. It's where I started this blogging journey and I have learned, changed, grown, and started to develop into the woman I always knew I could be. Which I'm going to continue to strive towards as I carry on learning, changing, growing, and creating the life I want to live. Which I hope you all continue to experience with me over on my brand new blog. Right, I think I've kept you waiting long enough so if you want to check out my brand new blog, click the website link below.