Hello my lovelies and at last welcome back to another blog post! It has almost been a full two months since I posted last and let's be honest, it's not very surprising anymore considering this always happens in the term that leads up to Easter.
This term has been quite crazy to be honest. There's been all kinds of different assessments, deadlines, rehearsals, performances, nights out, minor hiccups throughout our friendship group, drama society dramas. So in summary it's been quite an eventful term but I've definitely made memories I will remember forever.
First of all let's start with uni. Ever since the second week back for the term from January on-wards I've had an assessment of some kind, so I've had 5 weeks of solid assessments. And even though it was a lot of work to keep on top of some how it was manageable. And now, I'm getting those grades back for those assessments I've done. What I've had back so far has been pretty good, I've been doing pretty well and the grades are reflecting that. I get my Actors Workshop result back this Friday, so I'm praying I've done well! When I go back after Easter I only have four assessments left and only one of them is a physical performance. The other three consist of two essays and a website which means for the end of the term I'm mainly working on my own apart from final drama production. I've been really enjoying everything I'm currently doing for the end of third year which makes me feel more motivated.
But as third year comes to an end it means thinking about what to do in the "real world" is majorly creeping up on me. Time is going by so quickly and it's going to be here sooner than I realise and I know that time is gonna get here and I'm probably gonna be stuck as I'll have no idea what I'm doing. I know a lot of people who get panicked about not knowing what to do or where they're going next etc. However, my overall aura is quite calm and I'm trying not to let it worry me as we can't predict the future and as I've said to you guys many times before, I'm a great believer in the universe and it pushes and pulls you to certain paths in life, and I know eventually I'll find that calling but I just haven't had it yet.
And now the time has come where I talk about Drama Society. If you guys have been reading my blog for the last two/three years then you'll know an awful lot about this society and the journey I've been on with it and how dearly I hold it in my heart. This year was my last year being in this society and over the whole three years it has been a crazy roller-coaster ride of smiles, laughs, tears, and dramas. But with all of that said, I honestly wouldn't change a thing. Quoting myself here but,
'I can't believe I'm officially saying this but my time at drama society has sadly come to an end. What an incredible 3 years this has been, I honestly don't know where the time has gone. From playing a crazy queen in Saviour Lad
🍹to Regina in Rock of Ages
🎸 to being President in second year and directing A Night At The Movicals
🎬 and Made in Dagenham
💼 and coming back for third year to star in Drama Does Disney as a Muse from Hercules and the wardrobe from Beauty and The Beast
✨ and finally playing the sassy Michelle
💁🏼 in Sister Act as well as a nun
⛪️ thank you to every single one of these beautiful and talented people in these photos for all of the laughs, tears, and memories over the course of these 3 years. I will honestly treasure the memories we've made for the rest of my life and no one on this earth can change that fact. I've been part of one terrific Drama Soc

I could include so many more photos but we'd be here all night. All of these photos are of in order of what I've been apart of in Drama Society. All the way from Savior Lad in 2015 to Sister Act in 2018 (just two weeks ago). The past three years have been a whirlwind of a ride, the smiles, the laughs, the tears, the dramas; looking back, it was all so worth it now. This experience as committee as well as cast will be one I cherish for the rest of my life. I have had the privilege to meet and direct and perform with so many incredibly talented and kind-hearted people. I consider all of these guys to be my second family who I am going to miss so very much.
On the last night of the show, myself and the rest of my third year family (the photo before the final cast one) got very emotional. The majority of us in that photo have experienced this journey together all the way from first year to now. We've watched each other grow as performers, creators, directors, as well as people and I'm so lucky to be able to call them some of my best friends. Something else that really touched me; last year when I was president, although it was hard right near the end and I struggled a lot to hold it together. I still value the experience and the things I learnt from doing it for my future as a performer, creator, and a director etc. But I really felt like a lot of the people in the cast at the time didn't like me that much because of the choices I made but at the end of the day you can't please everyone. But a lot of those people came back this year, so myself and the rest of the committee from last year must've done something right to make them want to come back again.
But the point is, although us third years got emotional, which is understandable as we're leaving the society. The majority of the other members got emotional too and were very upset that we're not going to be in the society next year. And after last year, that actually gave me a really warm feeling in my heart to know that myself as well as the rest of the third years have made such an impression on the members in the society now and to know that they're really going to miss us means a great deal to me. I had some really lovely compliments said to me as I was bawling my eyes out which made me bawl my eyes out even more. I probably should've thought ahead and wore waterproof mascara as I was a mess.
But, one thing that was said to me by George, who I absolutely love to bits. He's such a wonderful and lovely guy who I'm really going to miss seeing every week next year. He said to me "Absolutely phenomenal in everything you've done." Honestly, that means so much to me to hear and it still gets me a bit emotional now. When I get compliments or words of encouragement for the way I perform or do something performance based. That sticks with me because it reminds me that I am doing a good job which then pushes me to keep on going. Even though I do drama and I obviously do it because I enjoy it and I fully believe I am fab at what I do or else why would I do it. But once in a while it is really nice to be given compliments or be reminded what you're doing is good and that it's working. People don't realise how much it really does mean to me.
As an overall Drama Society is honestly one of the best things I ever decided to do with my life. Even all of the hard times within the society will never be able to outweigh all of the good times I've had. The memories I've made, the friendships I've made, and the enjoyment I've had with all of these guys in these pictures is what I will cherish for the rest of my life. I don't think it's fully hit me yet of how much I am going to miss it next year as well as the people. Here's to three of the best years of my life *cheers*.
It's not completely over yet though. There's a chance we may be doing a talent show after Easter to carry on raising money for charity. We're also doing our own Drama Socoscars awards night which I'm so excited for! I'm so ecstatic to get together again and dress up and just have fun. We've also got the Student Union's society awards which is when myself and the rest of the third years are going to get our colours. Which is essentially a commitment award you receive if you're part of a society for three years during your time at uni. And as a society and friends in general we will probably meet up and go on nights out together still. Gotta make as many memories as we can with the time we've got left for the year!
So after all of the emotions and celebrations it was time to come home for Easter. I am home now, I came back on Sunday and for the last couple of days I've just been relaxing and taking my time and doing a bit of work every day/ every other day. But as I am home it means (hopefully) I can now get back into my blog for at least the next two/three weeks. I don't know how hectic next term is going to be because although there's not many assessments or lessons left, I know I'm gonna be in doing lots of rehearsals for final drama production. But also, I know all of my friends and I are gonna want to hang out as often as possible because we really don't have a lot of time left to do that as easily as we do now. So I'll just have to take it day by day once I am back.
But as of right now, I'm hoping I can get some good posts out for you guys to enjoy over the next couple of weeks. If you guys have any suggestions then please let me know in the comments or on my social media. Preferably anything spring related would be ideal but if you guys have got any other suggestions don't hesitate to let me know.
That is it for this post lovelies, I hope you enjoyed this couple of months update. Don't forget to let me know down below what you guys have been up to lately. And let me know if you're excited for spring!
As always lovelies don't forget to follow me on all of my social media so you can keep up to date with everything I am doing! You can follow me on Twitter @katielouj0hnson, Instagram @katiej0hnson, Pinterest @katielouj0hnson, and Bloglovin' @ Katie Johnson.
Until then, I shall see you in my next post.